INSERT INTO not working in IF block - T-SQL - tsql

im working on procedure which should transfer number of items (value #p_count) from old store to new store
SET #countOnOldStore = (SELECT "count" FROM ProductStore WHERE StoreId = #p_oldStoreId AND ProductId = #p_productID)
SET #countOnNewStore = (SELECT "count" FROM ProductStore WHERE StoreId = #p_newStoreID AND ProductId = #p_productID)
SET #ShiftedCount = #countOnOldStore - #p_count
SET #newStoreAfterShift = #countOnNewStore + #p_count
IF #ShiftedCount > 0
DELETE FROM ProductStore WHERE storeId = #p_oldStoreId and productID = #p_productID
INSERT INTO ProductStore (storeId,productId,"count") VALUES (#p_oldStoreId,#p_productID,#ShiftedCount)
DELETE FROM ProductStore WHERE storeId = #p_newStoreID and productID = #p_productID
INSERT INTO ProductStore (storeId,productId,"count") VALUES (#p_newStoreID,#p_productID,#newStoreAfterShift)
well ... second insert is not working. I cant figure it out. It says
Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'count', table 'dbo.ProductStore'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.
Can anyone see problem and explain it to me ? Its school project

It looks like your entire query should just be:
UPDATE ProductStore
SET [count] = [count] + CASE
WHEN storeId = #p_NewStoreID THEN #p_Count
ELSE -#p_Count END
productID = #p_ProductID and
storeID in (#p_NewStoreID,#p_OldStoreID)

If either value in the following is NULL, the total will be NULL:
SET #newStoreAfterShift = #countOnNewStore + #p_count
Check both values (#countOnNewStore, #p_count) for NULL.

Looks like you are not assigning any value to #p_count, so it is NULL and so are #ShiftedCount and #newStoreAfterShift.


Postgresql Update & Inner Join

I am trying to update data in Table: local.import_payments from Table: local.payments based on update and Inner Join queries. The query I used:
Update local.import_payments
Set local.import_payments.client_id = local.payments.payment_for_client__record_id,
local.import_payments.client_name = local.payments.payment_for_client__company_name,
local.import_payments.customer_id = local.payments.customer__record_id,
local.import_payments.customer_name = local.payment_from_customer,
local.import_payments.payment_id = local.payments.payment_id
From local.import_payments
Inner Join local.payments
Where local.payments.copy_to_imported_payments = 'true'
The client_id, client_name, customer_id, customer_name in the local.import_payments need to get updated with the values from the table local.payments based on the condition that the field copy_to_imported_payments is checked.
I am getting a syntax error while executing the query. I tried a couple of things, but they did not work. Can anyone look over the queries and let me know where the issue is
Try the following
UPDATE local.import_payments
Set local.import_payments.client_id =
local.import_payments.client_name =
local.import_payments.customer_id = local.payments.customer__record_id,
local.import_payments.customer_name = local.payment_from_customer,
local.import_payments.payment_id = local.payments.payment_id
FROM local.payments as lpay
WHERE lpay.<<field>> = local.import_payments.<<field>>
AND local.payments.copy_to_imported_payments = 'true'
You shouldn't to specify the schema/table for updated columns, only column names:
Do not include the table's name in the specification of a target column — for example, UPDATE table_name SET table_name.col = 1 is invalid.
from the doc
You shouldn't to use the updating table in the from clause except of the case of self-join.
You can to make your query shorter using "column-list syntax".
update local.import_payments as target
set (
payment_id) = (
from local.payments as source
<join condition> and
source.copy_to_imported_payments = 'true'

Cannot insert NULL value into column error

I have a issue where I want to update a column in a table and with a trigger to update same column but in another table. It says I cannot insert NULL but I can't seem to understand from where it gets that NULL value. This is the trigger:
CREATE TRIGGER Custom_WF_Update_WF_DefinitionSteps_DefinitionId ON WF.Definition
IF UPDATE(DefinitionId)
UPDATE WF.DefinitionSteps
SET DefinitionId =
(SELECT i.DefinitionId
FROM inserted i,
deleted d
WHERE WF.DefinitionSteps.DefinitionId = d.DefinitionId
AND i.oldPkCol = d.DefinitionId)
WHERE WF.DefinitionSteps.DefinitionId IN
(SELECT DefinitionId FROM deleted)
This update statement works just fine:
UPDATE [CCHMergeIntermediate].[WF].[Definition]
SET DefinitionId = source.DefinitionId + 445
FROM [CCHMergeIntermediate].[WF].[Definition] source
But this one fails:
UPDATE [CCHMergeIntermediate].[WF].[Definition]
SET DefinitionId = target.DefinitionId
FROM [CCHMergeIntermediate].[WF].[Definition] source
INNER JOIN [centralq3].[WF].[Definition] target
ON (((source.Name = target.Name) OR (source.Name IS NULL AND target.Name IS NULL)))
I get the following error:
Msg 515, Level 16, State 2, Procedure Custom_WF_Update_WF_DefinitionSteps_DefinitionId, Line 7
Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'DefinitionId', table 'CCHMergeIntermediate.WF.DefinitionSteps'; column does not allow nulls. UPDATE fails.
If I do a select instead of the update statement, like this:
SELECT source.DefinitionId, target.DefinitionId
FROM [CCHMergeIntermediate].[WF].[Definition] source
INNER JOIN [centralq3].[WF].[Definition] target
ON (((source.Name = target.Name) OR (source.Name IS NULL AND target.Name IS NULL)))
I get this result: (sorry for external link, I don't have enaugh reputation to post image here )
What am I doing wrong? What I don't see? What am I missing..?
The problem was in the trigger at the condition. I modified the second where from i.oldPkCol = d.DefinitionId to i.oldPkCol = **d.oldPkCol** and it worked.
UPDATE WF.DefinitionSteps
SET DefinitionId =
(SELECT i.DefinitionId
FROM inserted i,
deleted d
WHERE WF.DefinitionSteps.DefinitionId = d.DefinitionId
AND i.oldPkCol = **d.oldPkCol**)
WHERE WF.DefinitionSteps.DefinitionId IN
(SELECT DefinitionId FROM deleted)

Check the Column Is NULL or NOT in SQL SERVER

I have a procedure in SQL Server 2008 R2, I want to enter the data to vol_Hours column and check it before if it is not null then plus the entry with old data that it in the column, if it's NULL then add the entry to the column without plus the NULL value.
I cannot add 2+NULL because it's = NULL.
MY Code Is:
create procedure updateVolunteerHours
#vol_ID int, #vol_Hours int
if vol_Hours is NULL
-- vol_Hours it is the Column Name
Update Personal_Information set vol_Hours = #vol_Hours where vol_ID = #vol_ID
Update Personal_Information set vol_Hours = #vol_Hours + vol_Hours where vol_ID = #vol_ID
In this case, just update the adding expression to use COALESCE (or ISNULL or CASE) and remove the IF statement entirely.
Update Personal_Information
set vol_Hours = COALESCE(vol_Hours, 0) + #vol_Hours
where vol_ID = #vol_ID
If both branches did entirely different things, then the conditional would have to be altered to use the results of a query.
IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM Personal_Information
WHERE vol_ID = #vol_ID
AND vol_Hours IS NULL) ..
.. but that's just not needed here.

How to set a bit based on a value existing in a table

I have a table. I have 2 variables, one is a bit, the other is an int.
Table: WorkGroupCollectionDetail
Variables: #WorkgroupID int, #IsFSBP bit
The table has WorkGroupId int PK and WorkGroupCollectionCode varchar PK. That's it.
I can run a query like this:
SELECT WorkGroupId
FROM WorkGroupCollectionDetail
WHERE WorkGroupCollectionCode = 'FSBP'
and it gives me a list of WorkGroupID.
So what I need to do is if the value of #WorkgroupID is inside the results of that query, I need to set the bit variable to true.
select #IsFBSP = case
when exists (
select 42 from WorkGroupDetailCollection
where WorkGroupCollectionCode = 'FSBP' and WorkGroupId = #WorkGroupId ) then 1
else 0 end
which is logically equivalent to:
select #IsFBSP = case
when #WorkGroupId in (
select WorkGroupId from WorkGroupDetailCollection
where WorkGroupCollectionCode = 'FSBP' ) then 1
else 0 end
A query using EXISTS often performs better than a query using IN. You can check the execution plans to see how they compare in your particular case.
Note that these examples include setting the bit value to zero as well as one.
You could modify the SELECT to include the check for the WorkGroupId and update the #IsFSBP accordingly:
FROM WorkGroupCollectionDetail
WHERE WorkGroupCollectionCode = 'FSBP'
AND WorkGroupId = #WorkgroupID)
SQL Fiddle example
I'm guessing you're looking for
Set #BitVariable = count(*)
From TestTable
WHERE TestCode = 'TestValue' and TestID = #TestID

How to join the tables in linq to sql?

Table1 :
userid name address
1 venkat srinagr
2 venkatesh sainagar
id userid lat lon
1 1 14.000 15.000
2 2 14.3526 15.3698
by passing "venkat" as parameter then need to pull all matching records and his userid,name,lat,lon.
in above table1 "venkat" contains in both rows then need to pull 2 to get userid,name,lat,lon for all matching rows..
for sigle record i am able to get.but there are multiple rows how to get please tell me....
var result = from p in cxt.Table2
where p.Table1.Name.Contains(name)
select new
Im sure someone will say this is not the most effective way but this is how i would do it.
string InputString = "venkat";
var tab =(from a in db.tablea
from b in db.tableb
where a.userid == b.userid && == InputString
select new
UserID = a.userid,
Username =,
Latitude =,
Longditude = b.lon
FirstOrDefault() is only if you want to force only one output or null,
if you want a collection of some sort, then just remove it.