How to extract substring in Fish shell? - substring

I got the following variable:
set location "America/New_York"
and want to display only the part before the / (slash) using fish shell syntax.
Expected result
Bash equivalent
Using bash, I was simply using a parameter expansion:
echo ${location##*/}"
How do I do that in a fish-way?

Since fish 2.3.0, there's a builtin called string that has several subcommands including replace, so you'll be able to do
string replace -r "/.*" "" -- $location
set location (string split "/" -- $location)[1]
Alternatively, external tools like cut, sed or awk all work as well.

A possible solution is to use cut but, that look hackish:
set location "America/New_York"
echo $location|cut -d '/' -f1

Use the field selector -f of string split
> string split / "America/New_York" -f1
and accordingly:
set location (string split / "America/New_York" -f1)
Sidenote: For the latter string involving multiple slashes, I don't know anything better than the cumbersome -r -m1 -f2:
> string split / "foo/bar/America/New_York" -r -m1 -f2


fish shell: Is it possible to conveniently strip extensions?

Is there any convenient way to strip an arbitrary extension from a file name, something à la bash ${i%%.*}? Do I stick to my friend sed?
If you know the extension (eg _bak, a common usecase) this is possibly more convenient:
for f in (ls *_bak)
mv $f (basename $f _bak)
Nope. fish has a much smaller feature set than bash, relying on external commands:
$ set filename
$ set rootname (echo $filename | sed 's/\.[^.]*$//')
$ echo $rootname
You can strip off the extension from a filename using the string command:
echo (string split -r -m1 . $filename)[1]
This will split filename at the right-most dot and print the first element of the resulting list. If there is no dot, that list will contain a single element with filename.
If you also need to strip off leading directories, combine it with basename:
echo (basename $filename | string split -r -m1 .)[1]
In this example, string reads its input from stdin rather than being passed the filename as a command line argument.
--- Update 2022-08-02 ---
As of fish 3.5+, there is a path command (docs) which was designed to handle stripping extensions:
$ touch test.txt.bak
$ path change-extension '' ./test.txt.bak
You can also strip a set number of extensions:
set --local file ./test.txt.1.2.3
for i in (seq 3)
set file (path change-extension '' $file)
echo $file
# ./test.txt
Or strip all extensions:
set --local file ./test.txt.1.2.3
while path extension $file
set file (path change-extension '' $file)
echo $file
# ./test
--- Original answer ---
The fish string command is still the canonical way to handle this. It has some really nice sub commands that haven't been shown in other answers yet.
split lets you split from the right with a max of 1, so that you just get the last extension.
for f in *
echo (string split -m1 -r '.' "$f")[1]
replace lets you use a regex to lop off the extension, defined as the final dot to the end of the string
for f in *
string replace -r '\.[^\.]*$' '' "$f"
man string for more info and some great examples.
If your system has proper basename and dirname utilities, you can use something like this:
function stripext \
--description "strip file extension"
for arg in $argv
echo (dirname $arg)/(string replace -r '\.[^\.]+$' '' (basename $arg))
With the string match function built into fish you can do
set rootname (string match -r "(.*)\.[^\.]*\$" $filename)[2]
The string match returns a list of 2 items. The first is the whole string, and the second one is the first regexp match (the stuff inside the parentheses in the regex). So, we grab the second one with the [2].
I too need a function to split random files root and extension. Rather than re-implementing naively the feature at the risk of meeting caveats (ex: dot before separator), I am forwarding the task to Python's built-in POSIX path libraries and inherit from their expertise.
Here is an humble example of what one may prefer:
function splitext --description "Print filepath(s) root, stem or extension"
argparse 'e/ext' 's/stem' -- $argv
for arg in $argv
if set -q _flag_ext
set cmd 'import os' \
"_, ext = os.path.splitext('$arg')" \
else if set -q _flag_stem
set cmd 'from pathlib import Path' \
"p = Path('$arg')" \
set cmd 'import os' \
"root, _ = os.path.splitext('$arg')" \
python3 -c (string join ';' $cmd)
$ splitext /this/is.a/test.path
$ splitext --ext /this/is.a/test.path
$ splitext --stem /this/is.a/test.path
$ splitext /this/is.another/test

Finding a date from string using shell script?

How can I find a date inside a string using shell script?
For example, I have this string "/foo/bar/mxm-20140908.txt"
and the out put should be 20140908, thanks!
You can use egrep with the -o option. One where it uses a - separator (as per the original question):
pax> echo /foo/bar/mxm-2014-09-08.txt | egrep -o '[0-9]{4}(-[0-9]{2}){2}'
Or, with no separator (as per the changes made):
pax> echo /foo/bar/mxm-20140908.txt | egrep -o '[0-9]{8}'
Just have to be careful in that latter case if the eight digits may show up somewhere in a non-date context.

How to insert strings containing slashes with sed? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Using different delimiters in sed commands and range addresses
(3 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
I have a Visual Studio project, which is developed locally. Code files have to be deployed to a remote server. The only problem is the URLs they contain, which are hard-coded.
The project contains URLs such as ?page=one. For the link to be valid on the server, it must be /page/one .
I've decided to replace all URLs in my code files with sed before deployment, but I'm stuck on slashes.
I know this is not a pretty solution, but it's simple and would save me a lot of time. The total number of strings I have to replace is fewer than 10. A total number of files which have to be checked is ~30.
An example describing my situation is below:
The command I'm using:
sed -f replace.txt < a.txt > b.txt
replace.txt which contains all the strings:
Content of b.txt after I run my sed command:
What I want b.txt to contain:
The easiest way would be to use a different delimiter in your search/replace lines, e.g.:
You can use any character as a delimiter that's not part of either string. Or, you could escape it with a backslash:
Which would replace / with foo. You'd want to use the escaped backslash in cases where you don't know what characters might occur in the replacement strings (if they are shell variables, for example).
The s command can use any character as a delimiter; whatever character comes after the s is used. I was brought up to use a #. Like so:
A very useful but lesser-known fact about sed is that the familiar s/foo/bar/ command can use any punctuation, not only slashes. A common alternative is s#foo#bar#, from which it becomes obvious how to solve your problem.
add \ before special characters:
In a system I am developing, the string to be replaced by sed is input text from a user which is stored in a variable and passed to sed.
As noted earlier on this post, if the string contained within the sed command block contains the actual delimiter used by sed - then sed terminates on syntax error. Consider the following example:
This works:
$ VALUE=12345
$ echo "MyVar=%DEF_VALUE%" | sed -e s/%DEF_VALUE%/${VALUE}/g
This breaks:
$ VALUE=12345/6
$ echo "MyVar=%DEF_VALUE%" | sed -e s/%DEF_VALUE%/${VALUE}/g
sed: -e expression #1, char 21: unknown option to `s'
Replacing the default delimiter is not a robust solution in my case as I did not want to limit the user from entering specific characters used by sed as the delimiter (e.g. "/").
However, escaping any occurrences of the delimiter in the input string would solve the problem.
Consider the below solution of systematically escaping the delimiter character in the input string before having it parsed by sed.
Such escaping can be implemented as a replacement using sed itself, this replacement is safe even if the input string contains the delimiter - this is since the input string is not part of the sed command block:
$ VALUE=$(echo ${VALUE} | sed -e "s#/#\\\/#g")
$ echo "MyVar=%DEF_VALUE%" | sed -e s/%DEF_VALUE%/${VALUE}/g
I have converted this to a function to be used by various scripts:
escapeForwardSlashes() {
# Validate parameters
if [ -z "$1" ]
echo -e "Error - no parameter specified!"
return 1
# Perform replacement
echo ${1} | sed -e "s#/#\\\/#g"
return 0
this line should work for your 3 examples:
sed -r 's#\?(page)=([^&]*)&#/\1/\2#g' a.txt
I used -r to save some escaping .
the line should be generic for your one, two three case. you don't have to do the sub 3 times
test with your example (a.txt):
kent$ echo "?page=one&
?page=three&"|sed -r 's#\?(page)=([^&]*)&#/\1/\2#g'
replace.txt should be
please see this article
Just using | instead of /
Great answer from Anonymous. \ solved my problem when I tried to escape quotes in HTML strings.
So if you use sed to return some HTML templates (on a server), use double backslash instead of single:
var htmlTemplate = "<div style=\\"color:green;\\"></div>";
A simplier alternative is using AWK as on this answer:
awk '$0="prefix"$0' file > new_file
You may use an alternative regex delimiter as a search pattern by backs lashing it:
sed '\,{some_path},d'
For the s command:
sed 's,{some_path},{other_path},'

Replacing the last word of a path using sed

I have the following: param="/var/tmp/test"
I need to replace the word test with another word such as new_test
need a smart way to replace the last word after "/" with sed
echo 'param="/var/tmp/test"' | sed 's/\/[^\/]*"/\/REPLACEMENT"/'
echo '/var/tmp/test' | sed 's/\/[^\/]*$/\/REPLACEMENT/'
Extracting bits and pieces with sed is a bit messy (as Jim Lewis says, use basename and dirname if you can) but at least you don't need a plethora of backslashes to do it if you are going the sed route since you can use the fact that the delimiter character is selectable (I like to use ! when / is too awkward, but it's arbitrary):
$ echo 'param="/var/tmp/test"' | sed ' s!/[^/"]*"!/new_test"! '
We can also extract just the part that was substituted, though this is easier with two substitutions in the sed control script:
$ echo 'param="/var/tmp/test"' | sed ' s!.*/!! ; s/"$// '
You don't need sed for this...basename and dirname are a better choice for assembling or disassembling pathnames. All those escape characters give me a headache....
param_repl=`dirname $param`/newtest
It's not clear whether param is part of the string that you need processed or it's the variable that holds the string. Assuming the latter, you can do this using only Bash (you don't say which shell you're using):
shopt -s extglob
If param= is part of the string:
shopt -s extglob
This might work for you:
echo 'param="/var/tmp/test"' | sed -r 's#(/(([^/]*/)*))[^"]*#\1newtest#'

Using Sed to expand environment variables inside files

I'd like to use Sed to expand variables inside a file.
Suppose I exported a variable VARIABLE=something, and have a "test" file with the following:
I'd like to expand this: "${VARIABLE}"
I've been trying commands like the following, but to no avail:
cat test | sed -e "s/\(\${[A-Z]*}\)/`eval "echo '\1'"`/" > outputfile
The result is the "outputfile" with the variable still not expanded:
I'd like to expand this: "${VARIABLE}"
Still, running eval "echo '${VARIABLE}' in bash console results in the value "something" being echoed. Also, I tested and that pattern is trully being matched.
The desired output would be
I'd like to expand this: "something"
Can anyone shed a light on this?
Consider your trial version:
cat test | sed -e "s/\(\${[A-Z]*}\)/`eval "echo '\1'"`/" > outputfile
The reason this doesn't work is because it requires prescience on the part of the shell. The sed script is generated before any pattern is matched by sed, so the shell cannot do that job for you.
I've done this a couple of ways in the past. Normally, I've had a list of known variables and their values, and I've done the substitution from that list:
echo 's%${'"$var"'}%'$(eval echo "\$$var")'%g'
done > sed.script
cat test | sed -f sed.script > outputfile
If you want to map variables arbitrarily, then you either need to deal with the whole environment (instead of the fixed list of variable names, use the output from env, appropriately edited), or use Perl or Python instead.
Note that if the value of an environment variable contains a slash in your version, you'd run into problems using the slash as the field separator in the s/// notation. I used the '%' since relatively few environment variables use that - but there are some found on some machines that do contain '%' characters and so a complete solution is trickier. You also need to worry about backslashes in the value. You probably have to use something like '$(eval echo "\$$var" | sed 's/[\%]/\\&/g')' to escape the backslashes and percent symbols in the value of the environment variable. Final wrinkle: some versions of sed have (or had) a limited capacity for the script size - older versions of HP-UX had a limit of about 100. I'm not sure whether that is still an issue, but it was as recently as 5 years ago.
The simple-minded adaptation of the original script reads:
env |
sed 's/=.*//' |
while read var
echo 's%${'"$var"'}%'$(eval echo "\$$var" | sed 's/[\%]/\\&/g')'%g'
done > sed.script
cat test | sed -f sed.script > outputfile
However, a better solution uses the fact that you already have the values in the output from env, so we can write:
env |
sed 's/[\%]/\\&/g;s/\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)/s%${\1}%\2%/' > sed.script
cat test | sed -f sed.script > outputfile
This is altogether safer because the shell never evaluates anything that should not be evaluated - you have to be so careful with shell metacharacters in variable values. This version can only possibly run into any trouble if some output from env is malformed, I think.
Beware - writing sed scripts with sed is an esoteric occupation, but one that illustrates the power of good tools.
All these examples are remiss in not cleaning up the temporary file(s).
Maybe you can get by without using sed:
$ echo $VARIABLE
$ cat test
I'd like to expand this: ${VARIABLE}
$ eval "echo \"`cat test`\"" > outputfile
$ cat outputfile
I'd like to expand this: something
Let shell variable interpolation do the work.