Maven command prompt run tomcat debug mode (Eclipse) - eclipse

I have got a Java web application project what use Maven, Spring, Tomcat, and so on.
I use Eclipse Mars and I can import the project but I cannot run it under Eclipse because there are some plug-ins which I cannot find. But I can compile the project with mvn compile command and I can run my project with mvn tomcat7:run command.
I want to run the project in debug mode but I don't know how to run the project in debug mode from command prompt. I know that there is an mvnDebug command but if I put a breakpoint anywhere in my source (naturally somewhere in Java file) code in Eclipse, it stops when the process reach the breakpoint.

If you have m2e eclipse, go to Debug Configuration > Goals : mvn tomcat7:run > Apply > Debug


run maven command from console same as eclipse

I want to run a maven command from the console, to perform a task automation in the project.
But I want to run the maven command the same way ecplipse does when I run maven
Eclipse in the log does not show anything it does to run the command.
But the IDE has configured a settings.xml file that points to a local repository.
I want the execution of the command to be the same as what the IDE does, with the same variables.
The execution will be carried out from an ant task
If you perform Right-Click → Run as → Maven build... on a Maven project in Eclipse you create a Run Configuration in which you can set all the things you can set on the command line for mvn ....

How to debug a Jhipster/Gradle project on Eclipse

On a Jhipster project, build with Gradle we have the "gradlew -Pdev" command to run the project on localhost.
But how to launch it since Eclipse (or other IDE), in order to get break points and debug it ?
Thank you

Maven run works in command line not in Eclipse

Created Maven project from Elcipse Orxygen 2.
Using jetty server and trying to display just the index jsp on localhost link.
Compiled from command prompt + run from command prompt -> works.
Compiled from Eclipse + run from command prompt -> works
Compiled from Eclipse + run from Eclipse -> doesn't work.
Console and Maven console does not display any warning and also does not display Info messages (this problems is for all other projects too).
I did not have all the m2e software. Installed me2 wtp and the issue has been resolved.

built and execute a maven-project in eclipse

I am trying to build and run a project using maven and under eclipse Kepler. I know that I shoud run (under linux using Terminal) the following commands to build and execute my project:
mvn clean install
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.example.App"
But I want to know, how to build and execute my project under eclipse.
In my eclipse, I have six commands at all: maven build, maven build..., maven clean, maven generate-sources, maven install and maven test.
How to built and execute my project on Eclipse?
well, the solution is as following:
right-click on -> you get many options-> you choose built->
enter in launch configuration: clean compile package -> click ok
After the build-process is finished, click on your and click run (green button). That´s all

How to get access to (embedded in) Maven console in Eclipse?

Is possible to access Maven (embedded) console in Eclipse like in shell (linux shell, windows cmd.exe) to run custom maven commands (mvn archetype:create.... etc) ? I'm using m2e, but can run Maven commands only by GUI.
You can run custom maven commands directly from Eclipse by doing:
Run -> Run Configurations... -> Maven Build
You'll need just some Maven plugin for Eclipse like m2e.
maybe you can use "external tools" function to do it.
In Eclipse, choose “Run -> External Tools -> External Tools Configurations
In "Program", click “New Launch Configuration”
Config your console name, location, working directory
sorry for no images, because my reputation is below 10.
I highly recommend shell plugin for Eclipse: Wicked shell (
Sadly I don't know about any Eclipse plugin to do that :(
A long time ago (in the Maven 1 era) there was a Maven goal called "console" that allowed you to execute goals in a pre-loaded maven instance. But that feature was discontinued in Maven 2.
For new versions of Maven (Maven 3), the folks at Sonatype made a Maven Shell which I think will do what you want: