How to debug a Jhipster/Gradle project on Eclipse - eclipse

On a Jhipster project, build with Gradle we have the "gradlew -Pdev" command to run the project on localhost.
But how to launch it since Eclipse (or other IDE), in order to get break points and debug it ?
Thank you


Run gradle Project in Eclipse

I am working with the Gradle build system in the Eclipse IDE. Whenever I create Gradle project in Java I always need to go to command prompt and then to specific project directory and build it first through command gradle build followed with the my corporate proxy settings. I am not able to build it directly from the IDE. can anyone suggest Where I can add my proxy setting to make it build and run my Gradle project from the Eclipse IDE directly rather than going to command prompt always.
Thanks in advance :-)
You can define the proxy settings in in your root project directory if it is the same for anyone using that repository, or in ~/.gradle/ to set it for any Gradle project on your machine but not affecting other users of the repository.
See here for further information about the proper syntax.

Debug Gradle application with instrumented files

I have Eclipse Neon 4.6.2 and Gradle 4.3 installed locally. My goal is to build and debug a desktop gradle application written in Java.
In command line, to execute the application I have to run gradle clean build --no-daemon to generate instrumented class files. After that, I successfully execute the application.
I've tried doing the same in Eclipse because I need to run it with the debugger, so I've installed the Gradle plugin for Eclipse and launched clean build task with --no-daemon in program arguments section, but I´m getting this error:
I have no idea why isn't being recognized --no-daemon option which is one of the arguments of gradle build task.
After doing that, I would have to debug it as normal Java application?
Thank you!
You cannot run Gradle inside IDE without using daemon.
The Gradle Tooling API (see Chapter 14, Embedding Gradle using the Tooling API), that is used by IDEs and other tools to integrate with Gradle, always use the Gradle Daemon to execute builds. If you are executing Gradle builds from within you're IDE you are using the Gradle Daemon and do not need to enable it for your environment.

Howto import Eclipse gradle projects and run / launch configurations from command line

I am provisioning a dev environment to a VM using Vagrant and Chef. It works great for provisioning Eclipse and all needed plugins but leaves the developer the tasks of importing the Gradle project, their run configurations as well as Jboss Server run configuration. Is there a way to import the gradle projects and the run configurations using the command line? If so, these steps could be automated as part of creating the VM. TIA for your help.
run configuration: if you store them in the project folder, they are picked up by eclipse automatically. See also:
eclipse project: you can generate eclipse files using the gradle eclipse plugin, yet I'm not aware of any means to have them automatically imported in eclipse..

Maven command prompt run tomcat debug mode (Eclipse)

I have got a Java web application project what use Maven, Spring, Tomcat, and so on.
I use Eclipse Mars and I can import the project but I cannot run it under Eclipse because there are some plug-ins which I cannot find. But I can compile the project with mvn compile command and I can run my project with mvn tomcat7:run command.
I want to run the project in debug mode but I don't know how to run the project in debug mode from command prompt. I know that there is an mvnDebug command but if I put a breakpoint anywhere in my source (naturally somewhere in Java file) code in Eclipse, it stops when the process reach the breakpoint.
If you have m2e eclipse, go to Debug Configuration > Goals : mvn tomcat7:run > Apply > Debug

Eclipse build all vs MVN install

Trying to build my application using using MVN Install cmd no build errors. Can one ahead and start the jboss server in eclipse ID? Will one be able to see all the changes getting affected with out ECLIPSE->Build ALL ?? Trying because my eclipse build takes lot of time and it validates the target folder as well as a result build is very slow. So to avoid this one can do MVN Install and run my server in debug will one be able to see my changes getting built?
If you are building project from Maven and starting server. It has no impact from eclipse changes.
If you are running server in debug mode and you are doing "Remote Debug" in eclipse then changes in eclipse will be effective as debug mode changes.