Starting Where Query Left Off in PostgreSQL - postgresql

I have this code in groovy, and I am using PostgreSQL to access the database server.
If I execute this query, it will get logs from the starting point until the end. However, logs are continuously being added every week, is there a possible way to add into the code where I can start where I left off when the code runs again?
def logs = new Logs()
String query = "SELECT * from auditLog where created < (CURRENT_DATE)::date order by id ASC"
PreparedStatement statement = conn.prepareStatement(query)
ResultSet result = statement.executeQuery()
For example:
1st run: Logs from December 1 - December 20(not fixed)
2nd run: Logs from December 21 - December 31(not fixed)
3rd run: Logs from January 1 - January 15(not fixed)
and so on....
Important thing is to be able to start where I left off, which in this case is December 21
It should by Dynamic

select *
from auditLog
where '2015-12-21' < created < current_date
Since current_date is already a date, you don't have to cast it. Note that created < current_date will get you rows until the start of today.

Simply mark the log entries as read (add some status flag) and update each time you read
UPDATE auditLog set read = true where id in (<selected ids>)
NOTICE: when updating use ids, not "UPDATE where date > ..." to avoid a case where entries have been added while you're reading..


Report Today minus 1 day

need help with this query DB2 IBM
SDLITM AS Artikel,
SDDSC1 AS Beschreibung,
SDSOQS AS Menge, date(digits(decimal(SDIVD+1900000,7,0))) AS Invoice,
decimal(SDUPRC/10000,15,2) AS Einzelpreis,
decimal(SDAEXP/100,15,2) AS Gesamtpreis,
SDDOCO AS Dokument,
AIAC01 AS Region
Now my question is , how can I get the today date minus 1 day ?
Thank you so much
have test it with ADD_DAYS doesn´t work.
I do not see the point in your query where a date is referenced but your query seems incomlete anyways because join contions are missing.
In general you get todays date with current date and you get yesterday with current date - 1 day
Check out this query:
SELECT current date, current date - 1 day
FROM sysibm.sysdummy1
Per the DB2 documentation, ADD_DAYS is valid with negative numbers for previous days. See example 4 on that page. So usage like this should have worked:
ADD_DAYS(DATE(...), -1)
You should post your specific attempted usage of it and the error that is reported when you try it.

SQL - Getting day for the whole week

I want to get the whole day of the week depend on the date, my query is working and getting the result that I want but when the date value is Sunday, result changes.
I'm starting the result from Mon to Sunday.
Examples below:
My Code:
SELECT UserID,Scdl_TkIN as TimeIn, Scdl_TkOut as [TimeOut]
FROM EmployeeTimekeeping
WHERE CONVERT(DATE,Scdl_TkIN) >= dateadd(day, 2-datepart(dw, '2022-04-23'),CONVERT(date,'2022-04-23'))
AND CONVERT(DATE,Scdl_TkIN) < dateadd(day, 9-datepart(dw, '2022-04-23'), CONVERT(date,'2022-04-23'))AND UserID ='15020009'
1st display is correct, but when I change the value into '2022-04-24' , the result is now the second pic but I want the result still 1st pic.
If I got it right you want the whole week of data given a single date.
I'm not 100% sure about your date logic and I'd rather use the WEEK as a filter as it seems clearer, that said the issue you have is the value of SELECT ##DATEFIRST.
By default its value is 7, meaning that Sunday is considered the first day of the week, that's why you get that "unexpected" result.
here is my solution, but just setting SET DATEFIRST 1; should give you the expected result.
,Scdl_TkIN as TimeIn
,Scdl_TkOut as TimeOut
FROM EmployeeTimekeeping
AND YEAR(Scdl_TkIN) = YEAR('2022-04-23')
AND UserID ='15020009'
Note: if you decide to use WEEK for filtering you will have to choose between WEEK and ISO_WEEK
Edit: when using week you must also consider the year in the filter

How to get data according to a user defined date in Tableau?

I am creating a tableau dashboard and it should load data according to the date the user enters. This is the logic that I am trying.
select /*+ parallel (bill ,40 ) */ distinct account_num, sum(INVOICE_NET_mny + INVOICE_TAX_mny)/1000 SUM_BILL
from bill
where account_num in (Select account_num from MyTable)
and trunc(bill_dtm) > ('07-Aug-2021') –-Refmonth+1 month and 07 is a constant. Only month and year is changing
and cancellation_dtm is null
group by account_num
)xx , account a
where xx.ACCOUNT_NUM = A.account_num
Here is what I tried. First created a parameter called ref_Month. Then created a calculated field with this.
[Ref_Month]=MAKEDATE(DATETRUNC('year',(DATEADD('month', 1, [Ref_Month])), 07))
But I am getting an error. I am using a live connection. Is there any method to achive this?
I don't understand what this statement is trying to do:
[Ref_Month]=MAKEDATE(DATETRUNC('year',(DATEADD('month', 1, [Ref_Month])), 07))
If Ref_Month is a date, which it has to be for DATEADD to be a valid operation, why not make it the 7th of whatever starting month and year you are starting with? Then DATEADD('month',1, [Ref_Month]) will be a month later, still on the 7th. So you don't need DATETRUNC or MAKEDATE at all.
That said, how, when, and where are you trying to COMPUTE a PARAMETER,
let alone based on itself?

how to find number of days since 28th of last month till 27th of current month in db2

I need to generate a report on 28th of every month .
So for that I need to run an autosys job.
In that I have a query with the condition
validation_date >= (number of days since last run)
Could you please help me on this .How can I achieve this condition in DB2 ?
This is a monthly job.So I don't want to hard code my previous run date in the query .At the same time I need to get a condition which satisfies for all the months .
Note :
If the query is running on feb 28th ,then feb 28th is not included. I need to get data from january 28th(included) till feb 27th(included)
similarly for march 28th run ,I need to get data from feb 28th(included) till march 27th(included)...Thanks in advance.Please help
Consider putting your report generation in a procedure, and parameterizing the start and end dates. In other words, have something like this:
create procedure monthly_report(
start_date date,
end_date date
language sql
... report queries here ...
Now you potentially have something much more flexible (depending on the report requirements). If, in the future, you want to run a report on a different day, or for a different length of time, you will be able to do that.
Once you design it this way, it also may be easier to set the dates in your job scheduling script, rather than in SQL. If you did it in SQL, you could do something like this:
call monthly_report(
year(current timestamp - 2 months) ||'-'||
month(current timestamp - 2 months) ||'-'||
'28' from sysibm.sysdummy1
year(current timestamp - 1 month) ||'-'||
month(current timestamp - 1 month) ||'-'||
'27' from sysibm.sysdummy1
You may need to tweak it to handle some edge cases (I'm not exactly sure if you care what happens if it runs on the 29th of the month, and if so, how to handle it). But you get the basic approach.
You can use DAY() function that extracts day of month from date and you can use it for triggering job. for example where day(param)=28.
other two parameters can be calculated with date calculation , here is example for trigger , date_to value and date_from value
select day(timestamp_format(20170228,'yyyyMMdd') ),timestamp_format(20170228,'yyyyMMdd')- 1 DAY,timestamp_format(20170228,'yyyyMMdd') -1 month from sysibm.sysdummy1;
if your parameter/column is date/timestamp you can remove timestamp_format(20170228,'yyyyMMdd') function and just put your column/parameter

Change all dates in postgresql table to previous day

I need to go through every row in a table and set every date in a particular column to the date before its current value (minus 14 hours, previous day, etc).
I could write a script to do this but I was wondering if there was a better SQL method?
UPDATE yourtable SET thefield = thefield - interval '14 hour';
relevant docs here, which should have been your first place to check.