How do I know what NETCDF version I have? - redhat

I am currently on my research computer at my university. I don't have access to anyone til later in the week and need to know what version my NETCDF is. I am hoping it is NETCDF4 so I can recompile something easily.
I am using Red Hat.

Do ncdump -h <name of netcdf file>

$ nc-config --version


how can i find start and end date using spacy?

I want to use spacy (or any other program you know of) to extract the start and end date from the text of a contract. I am currently able to color and label all the DATES using displacy.render(doc, style="ent"). But again, I need to distinguish between start and end date. Any idea how I can do that? Maybe apply more training to a model? How can I do that? Thanks for your help!
My Environment
Operating System: windows 8.1
Python Version Used: 3.7.2
spaCy Version Used: 2.2.2
Environment Information: I prefer to use jupyter notebooks, so that i can see what i am doing. but py files i guess are ok too.

Run older version of MATLAB in batch file

There are two versions of MATLABs (2007a and 2019a) installed on my computer. The 2019a is installed after 2007a so if you use the following code in batch file:
start matlab -r "xxx.m"
The system will call 2019a instead of 2007a.
I searched online and found that most of people say you can call older version by:
start "C:\Program Files (x86)\MATLAB\2007a\bin\win32\MATLAB.exe" -r "xxx.m"
I tried but it give me this error:
if the batch file doesn't include any command ("-r" etc.), it works just fine. MATLAB can be opened without problems.
What's the mistake I made? How could I call older version and have it run some functions?
My OS: Win7
Thanks for all of guys who commented under my question. Turned out there are two ways to do this.
As one of comment said, you just need a pair of "" after start:
start "" "C:\path\MATLAB.exe" -r "xxx.m"
You actually don't need "start", just use directory is fine:
"C:\path\MATLAB.exe" -r "xxx.m"
Both ways solve the problem. A good lesson to learn for starters.
I know this post is old. But I was searching for a solution and found one by myself. The best way is to change the order of the windows environment variables. just put the older version over the newer one and you can use the old script.

Does anyone know how to build dpdk on buildroot (generated system)

trying to build an x86_64 dpdk on a buildroot generated file system ..
any guide ...
i searched thoughtlessly on the internet before asking for couple of days with no avail
Best Regards
You need to add the package to buildroot. Fortunately, a patch was posted recently that adds it. Just apply that patch to your buildroot source.

Deploytool for MATLAB R2013b doesn't work, what has changed?

For years I've been using the integrated deploytool to create easily distributable *.exe files for my colleagues.
I installed R2013b a couple of days ago and I can't use the deploytool anymore. The log file when trying to package gives this:
<mkdir dir="C:\Users\xxxx\Matlab\programxy\test\for_redistribution" />
<mkdir dir="C:\Users\xxxx\Matlab\programxy\test\for_testing" />
mcc -C -o test -W WinMain:test -T link:exe -d 'C:\Users\xxxx\Matlab\programxy\test\for_testing' -v 'C:\Users\xxxx\Matlab\programxy\test.m'
Test checkout of feature 'Compiler' failed.
mcc failed.
This looks like a license issue but out license does include the compiler.
license('test', 'compiler')
gives '1'.
Is there anything new with R2013b that I'm just missing? Do I have to install some addon for this to work again?
As mentioned in the comment: if the problem is a missing license matlab typically expresses this very clearly.
Judging from your description I would guess that you did not set up / select the compiler after installing the new version of matlab.
Though it is a bit hard to read, I believe this site contains some things to try.
It does not seem like a licensing issue. But contacting technical support would be the best option.
Also, check if you have licenses for all the products you are trying to deploy with.
It might be worthy to check out if the compiler you are using with is compatible with R2013b.

Installing Sphinx on Linux VPS

After hours of searching Google and StackOverflow, I haven't been able to resolve this issue...
I'm trying to install Sphinx Search on my VPS, but I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing. All I know is that this search feature is extremely important to my project.
I've tried the following commands in puTTy to unpack the Sphinx tarball:
tar xzvf sphinx-2.0.6-release.tar.gz
tar -xzvf sphinx-2.0.6-release.tar.gz
It says there's no such file or directory. I know the file is there because I put it there myself, so I'm assuming now that I've misunderstood what is going on here.
Can someone get me past this step so that I can get lost on the next one?
It says there's no such file or directory. I know the file is there because I put it there myself,
Probably not in the right folder - need to 'cd' into the folder containing the file.
But as you dont seem that familer with linux, would suggest using the RPM file instead - so dont have to compile from source.
get the RPM from
and then upload that. Then use "yum localinstall nameofrpmfile.rpm"
Check the output of uname -a to find if you have 64bit or 32bit system. If mentions x86_64 you have 64bit, and so want the x86_64 RPM file.