Does anyone know how to build dpdk on buildroot (generated system) - buildroot

trying to build an x86_64 dpdk on a buildroot generated file system ..
any guide ...
i searched thoughtlessly on the internet before asking for couple of days with no avail
Best Regards

You need to add the package to buildroot. Fortunately, a patch was posted recently that adds it. Just apply that patch to your buildroot source.


How to get the executable from Github

How to get the exe from in order to test in windows?
This says I could find the .exe in this link but I don't.
I am trying to load test the apis in windows, as a start.
I do no know Golang and this project is developed using Go.
I would appreciate any directions on how to go about this. Thank you
For this version they didn't provide an executable for windows. If you check one minor version lower you find a .zip with an executable in it. If you need v12.8.4 you could write the people of the repository or just compile the code by yourself.
It looks like they only have executables ready to download for MacOS and linux on the newest version.
Version 12.8.3 however has a windows download.

Raspberry Pi "tools" (raspistill, vcgencmd, ...) not included with buildroot

I've created a basic image with buildroot (buildroot-2021.02.1), containing some software and also selected the RPI firmware in order to use the camera and some Raspberry Pi tools: Target packages --> Hardware handling --> Firmware --> ([x] rpi-firmware) --> Firmware to boot as mentioned here.
But the tools raspistill, vcgencmd, ... are not included. The question is how to include them and why are they not included?
At some point in time it must have been working, see: RaspberryPi camera with buildroot
More details:
In the logs of buildroot the following lines show up:
>>> rpi-firmware d016a6eb01c8c7326a89cb42809fed2a21525de5 Installing to target
comm: /home/ich/br/buildroot/output/build/rpi-firmware-d016a6eb01c8c7326a89cb42809fed2a21525de5/.files-list.before: No such file or directory
comm: /home/ich/br/buildroot/output/build/rpi-firmware-d016a6eb01c8c7326a89cb42809fed2a21525de5/.files-list-staging.before: No such file or directory
comm: /home/ich/br/buildroot/output/build/rpi-firmware-d016a6eb01c8c7326a89cb42809fed2a21525de5/.files-list-host.before: No such file or directory
and inside this package the binaries are existing. They are downloaded from where the tars contain the actual tools. But they are not copied into the final image by buildroot but only downloaded. Maybe because some files-list.txt file(s) are missing, as pointed out by the error message. Maybe those files are whitelisting the files to copy. But I could not find documentation about this.
For 64-bit builds the binaries in the (then manually downloaded) tar file could not be executed, because they are 32-bit executables: firmware-d016a6eb01c8c7326a89cb42809fed2a21525de5/opt/vc/bin/vcgencmd: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, ARM, EABI5 version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, for GNU/Linux 3.1.9, not stripped; on a 32-bit build with buildroot it also does not work, because the shared libraries are missing, even though the full structure from the archive has been placed under /opt/vc/{bin|lib|...} like on a standard RPI image.
I'm unsure how to proceed with the problem, diagnose it and fix it.
EDIT: maybe this are two different problems; I read the linked SO question once again and compared the files fixup.dat and start.elf (which contain the RPI hardware stuff to make the tools work) in the boot.vfat of the built image with the images in buildroot/output/build/rpi-firmware-d016a6eb01c8c7326a89cb42809fed2a21525de5/boot and the files fixup_x.dat and start_x.elf are taken from there. So is in accordance to the mentioned SO question. And at no place it is indicated that the tools for the Raspberry Pi are compiled. They are only inside this tar archive. Maybe one needs to compile them extra and this package is not designed to integrate those tools.
I figured out the solution and this might be useful for future reference, so I put the solution here.
One have to differentiate between:
the "firmware" (that is the mentioned tar from the question), which is turned on with BR2_PACKAGE_RPI_FIRMWARE=y in buildroot. This causes then that the start.elf and fixup.dat contain the correct data from this tar. The fact that the tars also contain the desired binaries is only "coincidence"
the desired applications are packaged as "userland" (see here) and if one finds the # BR2_PACKAGE_RPI_USERLAND is not set line in .config in the buildroot project's root directory and replaces this line by BR2_PACKAGE_RPI_USERLAND=y the applications (vcgencmd, raspistill, ...) are being built and included into the final image (I could not find the location in make menuconfig however, but this is no problem, if you directly modify the vars)
Therefore, the question is answered. But: you might run into some issues ;-) :
Question 1: I get a "Segmentation fault" when running raspistill
For raspistill -o i.jpg you might get out:
mmal: mmal_vc_shm_init: could not initialize vc shared memory service
mmal: mmal_vc_component_create: failed to initialise shm for 'vc.camera_info' (7:EIO)
mmal: mmal_component_create_core: could not create component 'vc.camera_info' (7)
mmal: Failed to create camera_info component
Segmentation fault
(with an empty image file), see here for details.
Answer: this is related to /dev/vcsm (or /dev/vcsm-csa) missing which is used for camera control / video decoding "stuff". Symlinking to /dev/vc-mem as stated somewhere around the net does not help.
Solution: I was using the latest BR with Kernel 5.10.x (buildroot-2021.02.1 and simply "dowgraded" to buildroot-2020.02.1, rebuilt it and /dev/vcsm appears and everything works fine.
Question 2: I want to do it in docker containers
Answer: No problem. I used balenalib/rpi-raspbian:latest (as suggested here) and it worked flawlessly by running docker run --privileged --device=/dev/vchiq --rm -it balenalib/rpi-raspbian:latest. For this only the proper devices and the support is needed. So the package BR2_PACKAGE_RPI_USERLAND=y could be completely omitted.
Question 3: Does it work with 64-bit?
Answer: No. I tried out the recent version (raspberrypi3_64_defconfig) of buildroot and the version from Feb 2020 as mentioned and for both /dev/vcsm (or /dev/vcsm-csa) is missing. Linux cpi64 4.19.97-v8 #1 SMP PREEMPT Sat Apr 17 14:13:11 CEST 2021 aarch64 GNU/Linux

How to generate Doxygen Documentation with Travis-CI

I have a project supported in Travis-CI. I want to generate the documentation using Doxygen but Im not sure how to make it. I already have a Doxyfile in the root of the Github project. How can I do it?
Thanks in advance for your help.
I don't know whether or not you are on a commercial plan for Travis-CI or are using it for free for a OSS project. In the later case be aware of their new pricing policy.
You didn't mention the OS for which you want to run doxygen, for some distributions an installation package is available.
To run doxygen you have to install doxygen (or build it on Travis, but this would be a bit of an overkill). After installing it you should be able to run doxygen right out of the box.

"No package provides" during do_rootfs

I'm attempting to build an image with the phytec bsp 18.2 from here:
I require a newer version of systemd (> 234) and so am substituting the systemd recipe for version 234 from rocko, found here: by putting this in a custom layer. However, during the do_rootfs step, I receive an error that "No package provides I've tried a work-around recommended here: Smart can't package provides shared object file and it didn't solve the issue. I've tried echoing, LIBSYSTEMD_219, and to both ${rootfs}/etc/rpm/sysinfo/Providename and ${rootfs}/var/lib/rpm/Providename and had no luck. Does anyone have an idea on how to fix this? I'd appreciate any help that could be offered, and please let me know if I can offer any more information.
I don't know about the yocto wrapper, etc, but in standard RPM-land, this error:
Computing transaction...error: Can't install python3-systemd-234-r0.0#cortexa7hf_neon: no package provides
means that there is a .so or executable in the RPM named python3-systemd-234-r0.0 that was compiled with a specific version of that had the flag LIBSYSTEMD_219. That flag is the "ELF Symbol Versioning" and it's seen most with GLIBC_XX when you try to install an RPM that's too new for a target system (e.g. CentOS 7 RPM on CentOS 6).
The systemd on your target machine is too old, so it only defines the versions it is compatible with, e.g. or similar.
What you need to do is build your python3-systemd-234-r0.0 on a machine with the same version of systemd as the target (or cross-compile appropriately), or create a systemd RPM that includes the functionality you're attempting.
So you need to figure out how to apply one of these solutions to your build system; sorry I don't know enough about yocto to help there.

Missing CGAL/hierarchy_simplify_point_set.h file in ubuntu install

I am trying to build some source code on ubuntu 16.04 where one of the classes relies hierarchy_simplify_point_set.h header file, which is part of CGAL's point set package. After following instruction on the installation page, I have installed libcgal-dev and libcgal-qt5-dev via apt-get. The package manager has installed libcgal-dev 4.7 which should include the point set library. However, the particular header file seems to be missing (it seems to have some files from the point set library and not others - I am looking in /usr/include/CGAL). Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?
ps: For good measure, I have already tried uninstalling and reinstalling both the packages, but no luck.
This header has been introduced in CGAL 4.8 while it seems you are using CGAL 4.7.
You can get the latest version of CGAL here. Since the latest versions can be used as a header-only library, simply extract the release archive somewhere and set CGAL_DIR to that location when calling cmake to configure your example and it should work directly.