How to programatically choose level in indoor maps via Android Maps SDK - google-maps-android-api-2

Is there a way to programatically select a level in indoor maps using Google Maps Android SDK
Here is what we are trying to achieve:
Android app lists different stores in a particular premises (for which indoor maps are available)
Android app has a feature to locate a particular store on the MAP
Android app to use Maps SDK to put a marker on that particular store and if that store happens to be on level 2 (non default level) choose level 2 programatically
Any help regarding this is appreciated !! Happy to provide any further information that may be required.

You can't get a list of stores but you can programmatically select a floor of the building. Therefore first you have to zoom in to the position LatLgn pos where the building is.
map.moveCamera(pos, 18));
Afterwards you retrieve the focused building and select the level you want
IndoorBuilding building = map.getFocusedBuilding();
if(building != null) {
List<IndoorLevel> levels = building.getLevels();
//active the level you want to display on the map

Chec this links for more information
or this


Get indoor position with bluetooth beacons with HERE SDK

Hey I am using the HERE SDK and we are trying to make it possible to track the position indoor. We have the indoor map set up on the here map inside the app (made in Flutter). Now we want the user to be able to move around and show the position on the map by using beacons. We receive the following information from the beacons
(using flutter-beacon for this
// Example Output: {"region":{"identifier":"Minew Tech"},"beacons":[{"proximityUUID":"74278BDA-B644-4520-8F0C-720EAF059935","major":256,"minor":30313,"rssi":-99,"accuracy":12.77,"proximity":"far","txPower":-59,"macAddress":"84:EE:03:53:95:D0"},
// {"proximityUUID":"E2C56DB5-DFFB-48D2-B060-D0F5A71096E0","major":0,"minor":0,"rssi":-75,"accuracy":0.28,"proximity":"immediate","txPower":-59,"macAddress":"AC:23:3F:A9:2E:7F"}]}
How can we use this information to update the position of the user on the map ?
Do we need to use this API: ?
The Indoor Positioning service is not part of the HERE SDK but delivered through a separate SDK that can easily be used together with the HERE SDK. The Indoor Positioning service is not available for self-serve yet but requires the involvement of a HERE representative at this point in time.

How to use default system map in flutter?

I am building an app that has a map. However, in a different region, there are different map services providers. I want to know is there a way to use the default system map in flutter?
There is a library provide a method that you can use/show native map based on the platform, for ios, apple map is used, for android, google map is used, platform_maps_flutter

What is the different between Mobile Native Dynamic Maps and Dynamic Maps

Google just announced a new pricing plan for Google Maps APIs which will go into effect on 11 June 2018, however, What is the different between Mobile Native Dynamic Maps and Dynamic Maps. How do I know which maps I am using ? Thanks a lot
A Dynamic map is a map where you can place markers and infowindows that dynamically change, like for instance when you pan, zoom in, zoom out, etc.
The only difference is that Mobile Native Dynamic Map they mean for Android and IOS (SDKs) and the normal Dynamic Map for Javascript API.

how to get nearest places around my present location?

I'm using google maps sdk for ios to diplay present location in my iPhone to get nearest places around my present location(just like whats app show location nearest places).
Google maps SDK does not provide you with the places Data. Instead you will have to use the google places API. Check this out :

iPhone SDK: Get GPS coordinates from Google Maps

In an iPhone application I'm developing I need to get GPS coordinates to perform some actions based on the values received. Users should have two possibilities of giving the location:
automatically from iPhone build-in GPS
by finding a specific point on a map (Google Maps)
I know how to user CLLocationManager to get current position coordinates and I know how to add Google Maps using JS API. What I would like to know if how can I get coordinates for a specific point on a map that user clicks. Is that possible with UIWebView or is there any other way of getting the values I need?
I'd suggest using MapKit framework (introduced in SDK 3.0) that uses google maps services. MKMapView and other classes will provide all functionality you want without the need to mess with java-script:
Displaying google maps
Showing and tracking user location
Easy converting between view coordinates and geo coordinates (see convertPoint:toCoordinateFromView: and convertCoordinate:toPointToView: functions)
Creating and showing custom map markers
Reverse geocoding
etc. :)