How to use default system map in flutter? - flutter

I am building an app that has a map. However, in a different region, there are different map services providers. I want to know is there a way to use the default system map in flutter?

There is a library provide a method that you can use/show native map based on the platform, for ios, apple map is used, for android, google map is used, platform_maps_flutter


Flutter || Alternative package for google maps

i want to use map but not google maps to get my location coordinate and take the data to use it for some purpose, is there any package that are same as google maps ?
for some reason i cannot use google maps bcs it's not my self project
Maybe you can use this package if you want to show a map. But if you only need to know the device coordinate, I recommend using this library

What is the different between Mobile Native Dynamic Maps and Dynamic Maps

Google just announced a new pricing plan for Google Maps APIs which will go into effect on 11 June 2018, however, What is the different between Mobile Native Dynamic Maps and Dynamic Maps. How do I know which maps I am using ? Thanks a lot
A Dynamic map is a map where you can place markers and infowindows that dynamically change, like for instance when you pan, zoom in, zoom out, etc.
The only difference is that Mobile Native Dynamic Map they mean for Android and IOS (SDKs) and the normal Dynamic Map for Javascript API.

Is there an alternative for showing a route for more that two placemarks using MKMapKit in iOS6?

Until iOS6, it was possible to use Google Maps API with optimize waypoints parameter for showing an optimized route between many locations. The route on map was shown on UIWebView or in Safari. With iOS6 everything has changed: Apple Map Kit now uses Apple maps, so its illegal to use Google Maps API in it. Currently, MKMapItem allows to call and pass MKLaunchOptionsDirectionsModeKey. However, currently it allows to use only two locations. Is there any workaround for that?
Their is a open source class files RegexkitLite that use to find path between two places
follow this documentation for implementation.
please go through this it solve your problem.

Customize MapĀ“s Layout

I'm developing an application that displays maps without using MapKit IOS.
Therefore I am using Route-Me. However need to create a few maps with colors according to the design of my application.
Is there any way to do this without being use the MapBox platform, which requires a payment at some point.
I am not sure if I completely get what you are asking for. You can generate map tiles from the OpenStreetMap data and configure their appearance, when generating the tiles. You can put these map tiles on a server and display them using route-me. You can as well generate a sqlite database from the tiles and put this database onto the phone together with your application.

What KML fields are supported in the native Google Maps application on the iPhone?

I have been doing some research on using maps in iPhone applications and it looks like most of my needs can be met passing KML data into the built-in google maps application, but I cannot seem to set the same values (phone, home page, address) that are available when performing a built-in search in the maps application. Does anyone know if there is any way to set those values, or what fields are available?
UPDATE: With the advent of the 3.0 OS and the Map API, applications no longer need to pass control to the built-in map application, so this question is no longer relevant.
KML is not officially supported by Apple as of now. It's specified in the URL schemes documentation. Any URL in the ?q= parameter will be ignored.
There are few options available for iPhone developers planning to use Google Maps in their software. I've seen sample code and implementations of WebKit that translates gestures to Google Maps loaded inside it, but performance is dismal at best. Doing a static map without a lot of zooming or scrolling is pretty much the only performance-preserving option until a native API is available.
Take a look at Developing Virtual Earth iPhone Applications with Objective-C