How do you determine the format for crystal date parameters? - crystal-reports

So I'm using a windows script to use Visual Cut to run a report. That report takes in two date parameters (along with additional params). The script was working when I first tested it, but when I went to demonstrate it to a co-worker it stopped. It turns out that Crystal/Visual Cut needed the date parameter in a different format (initially dd/mm/yyyy worked, but now it requires yyyy/mm/dd). How does Crystal decide what format it needs, and how can I make sure my input adapts to that format?
EDIT: Current workaround is to require 'yyyy/mm/dd' format, and I changed the type on the parameters in the report from dates to strings, and then I explicitly call cdate on the values. I just want to know
a) Where the datemask used for date parameters comes from and
b) If passing 'yyyy/mm/dd' to cdate will ever fail (assuming a valid date).

Passing string values and converting them to date, time , number etc might be a problem because you have no control over the user settings. Check what is the difference between the default date format on both computers.


Importing Dates/Time from Excel to a Sharepoint list using Power Automate

I'm hoping somebody can shed some light on this issue. I am trying to build a flow that adds new entries/updates existing entries in a SP list based on an Excel Spreadsheet stored on OneDrive. The spreadsheet contains both columns with dates and date & time.
I've researched this extensively, trying to get the dates properly transferred into SP. The common solution is to use an expression AddDays (for dates) and AddSeconds (for time), as per tutorials here and here.
However, these methods require the dates and time to be passed as numerical values (integers and float respectively) from Excel. It appears that the Excel Online connector only passes those values as string. As discussed in this thread, this used to work with the standard Excel connector, but this connector got deprecated. I'm hoping somebody has a workaround or solution. Thank you!
Update: As the SP list expects the date time as string, I've also tried to convert the dates & time columns to text in Excel, using the Text function. It worked for transferring the dates, but the time values are inconsistent.
Declare two variables
StringDate Type: String
StrToInt Type: Integer
Now set "StringDate" to your Excel value. (Please keep in mind I am using an Apply to Each to get the Excel value)
Now convert "StringDate" to an integer with "
StrToInt" and Decrement "StrToInt" by 1.
Now add the integer to SharePoint and convert it to a date.

Tableau String to Date Time Format Issues

I am pulling in date information via MySQL and the date is in the string format of "MM/dd/YY hh:mm:ss"
Using the built in conversion to date isnt working; so I tried using DATEPARSE and also using DATE and manually parsing it. I have had no luck and I have no idea why I keep getting "null" as the answer or it is putting the month as year, day as month, and year as day.
See screenshots below for the different formulas I have used:
Original date format
DATE with manual parsing
This worked for me using your example original data
DATEPARSE('mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss',[Time] )
I used tableau's documentation of custom date formats to find the right formula for the format.
If this doesn't solve the problem then it is most likely due to a Locale issue. The Dateparse function relies on the locale specified by your computer settings to interpret and then display the strings you want to convert and can affect whether a certain format can be specified. This means that if a certain format is not recognised it will return a null. This will often occur is the windows region and language format is changed to another language other than the original language the workbook was created it.
So check your locale and if required execute the following workaround (documented by tableau here):
Open Windows control panel > region and language > format
Click format dropdown and change to original language of workbook creation
click ok or apply and reopen tableau work book

Crystal Reports default value for parameter

I'm attempting to make the parameters for a Crystal Report more user-friendly for a client, who has requested that they be able to have the default values for a Start and End date parameter be the first and last day of the previous month.
I know how to use either a formula in CR or a stored procedure to produce these values, but I want to know if a variable can be used in the 'Default Value' setting for a parameter, or if it only allows for static entries. Does anyone know? Right now the user can set the date parameters to null and the stored procedure generates the data for the previous month on its own, but I thought it'd be nice if the date parameters actually displayed the dates that were being used as defaults. Thanks in advance!
You can do it, Try below process:
Create a parameter ?date with String datatype and take static and write two default strings as below:
First day of previous month
Last day of Previous month
Now go to record selection formula and write below code:
if ({?date}="First day of previous month") then,Month(Currentdate)-1,1)
else if ({?date}="Last day of previous month")

IBM i (AS400/ISeries) - Adding days to date field in WRKQRY

I have a decimal date field (TDDATR) that is in the YYYYMMDD format.
I would like to create a field that is TDDATR + 30 days but I am unable to.
Using 'Define Results Field' I have tried a few things;
Simply doing this;
But it returned this error: Labeled duration not used correctly.
I tried using the DIGITS and SUBSTR commands to create a field in the DDMMYYYY format and then +30 days but got the same error.
Same as above but in the DD/MM/YYYY format - same error.
Using DATE(TDDATR) but all I see is +'s in the field.
Using DATE( ) on the fields created in step 2 and 3 - still get +'s
I've ran out of ideas - any help would be greatly appreciated.
Query/400 lacks a lot of the features that an SQL based interface has.
I'd urge you to consider switching to Query Manager (STRQM) which is a fully SQL based product. You can even convert Query/400 queries to Query Manager queries with the RTVQMQRY command by having the ALWQRYDFN parm set to *YES.
The other option that IBM is pushing is Web Query. Again, fully SQL based and you can convert Query/400 queries into it.
Having said that, the problem is that FLD + 30 DAYS only works when FLD is a DATE data type. Query/400 includes a DATE() function to convert non-date types into date. But it's very limited in that it only works with character fields formatted according to your job defaults. Assuming you're in the US, it'd only work with a character value of '07/01/15'.
You could do a lot of manipulation in Query/400 and end up with a result field that meets DATE()'s requirements. But a better solution would be to create an SQL view over your table and have your numeric date converted into a date data type in the view.
You can find code examples that show how to convert a numeric YYYYMMDD to a actual date data type in the view. However, I'd recommend create a user defined function (UDF) that will do the conversion for you. That will make it much easier to use in the view and to reuse in other places.
If you'd like, there's an open source package called iDate, that includes all the code required for convert to/from date data types.
Download that, install/compile it and your SQL view becomes
select ... idate(TDDATR,'*CCYMD') as TD_DATE
from myfile
The use of days is as follow
Field Expression
CURDATE_30 days(current(date)) + 30
The solution to your problem is: given the field A dec(8,0)
Field Expression
YYYYMMDD_ date(substr(digits(a),5,2)||'/'||
Remember to check the date format in your job description. In the example the format is MDY or MM/DD/YY.
More info here
Based on the information here, I created the below 2 fields;
From here I was able to create a date field;
Which allowed me to perform the necessary calculations.
The format of TDDAT1 is based on your job description which can be found by;
Option 2
Page down
Date format..: X
Mine was *DMY, so TDDAT1 was formatted based on this.

SAS proc sql - Convert ddmmmyyyy to week-yr and month-yr

I have imported some data into SAS from some Excel spreadsheets sent to me. When I view the output from the imported table, the date appears as "01APR2014" and maintains chronological order. When I view the column properties the type is "Date" and the length is 8. Both the format and informat are DATE9.
I need to be able to convert this date to week-year and month-year, but no matter what I try I always get Jan, 1960.
Using proc sql, I used the below to get the week-year,
"(put(datepart(a.fnlz_date),weeku3.))|| "-" ||(put(datepart(a.fnlz_date),year.)) as FNLZD_WK_YR,"
but all I got was "W00-1960". I've used the formula above successfully many times before with SAS datetime values.
For month-yr, using proc sql, I tried
"datepart(a.fnlz_date) as DT_FNLZD format=monyy.,"
but the only value returned is "JAN60".
I also tried using SUBSTR, but got an error saying it requires a character argument, so SAS must see it as a number at least.
My question; does anyone know a way to get the week-yr and/or month-yr from this format? If so, how? I'm not opposed to using a data step, but I haven't been able to get that to work either.
Thanks in advance for any help or insight provided.
datepart converts datetimes to dates. Not helpful here.
If you're just displaying this, then you have a few options, particularly for month. You can just change the format of the variable (This changes what's displayed, but not the underlying value; consider this a value label).
When you use this like this (again, it looks like you got most of the way there):
proc sql;
select datevar format=monyy5. from table;
Just don't include that datepart function call as that's not appropriate unless you have a datetime. (Date=# of days since 1/1/1960, Datetime = # of seconds since 1/1/1960:00:00:00).
That will display it with MONYY5. format, which would be MAY10 for May, 2010. You have some other format options, see the documentation on formats by category for more details.
I can't think of a Week format that matches what you want (there are week formats, like WEEKW., as you clearly found, but I don't know that they do exactly what you want. So, if you want to build one yourself, you can either build a custom picture format, or you can make a string.
Building a custom picture format isn't too hard; see the documentation on Picture formats or google SAS Date Picture Format.
proc format;
picture weekyear (default=8)
low-high = 'W%0U-%Y' (datatype=date) ;
Now you can use that as a normal format.
To get at the week/etc. to build values, you can also use functions week(), month(), etc., if that's easier.
Since the data was already in a date format, I only needed to drop the DATEPART function that only works with datetime values. So, for month-yr,
"a.fnlz_date as fnlz_mnth format=monyy.,"
gives me the results I'm looking for.