How to transform SETOF into useful thing? - postgresql

SELECT GENERATE_SERIES(0, 2) and SELECT * FROM GENERATE_SERIES(0, 2) are useful, because returns columns and rows... Also SELECT id,GENERATE_SERIES(0, 2) AS s FROM t...
Now suppose a SETOF returning function like json_each_text()
SELECT * FROM json_each_text('{"a":"foo", "b":"bar"}'); -- OK, useful...
SELECT id,json_each_text('{"a":"foo", "b":"bar"}') FROM t; -- Ops, UGLY THING!
So, how to "cast" the de second query to a util thing, with rows and coluns?
PS: the second query works fine but is not what I need (not is cols and rows).
Ops... I am solving (it works fine!) a very specific problem with (pg9.3+ feature)
SELECT, key, value
FROM t, LATERAL json_each_text(;
but not understand how to solve the generic problem of "cast SETOF datatype" to rows and cols.

SELECT id, (json_each_text(* FROM t


Using perform with a WITH clause in case of multiple rows

I'm trying to use PERFORM with a WITH query that returns multiple rows.
WITH selection AS (
first_value(id) OVER w AS first_value,
nth_value(id, 5) OVER w AS last_value
FROM mytable
WINDOW w AS (PARTITION BY v.ability_id ORDER BY unit_id ASC)
create_question(id, 1, 1, 1)
FROM selection
WHERE ability_id IN (
SELECT ability_id
FROM selection
WHERE last_value > 0.5
ORDER BY first_value DESC
AND selection.r <= 5
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
and I get the error:
ERROR: more than one row returned by a subquery used as an expression
The postgres doc says it can't be done:
For WITH queries, use PERFORM and then place the query in parentheses. (In this case, the query can only return one row.)
What could be done to solve this problem, apart from writing the With query (called selection here) twice ?
Remark: Your query is missing a SELECT right before create_question(id, 1, 1, 1).
The trick is to modify the query so that it returns a single row.
You can do that by using an aggregate function, e.g. write:
count(create_question(id, 1, 1, 1))
FROM selection
Then the query only returns a single row and can be used as a subquery in the PERFORM statement.

SELECT clause in FOR LOOP control using plpgsql

I try to make a script as to output all the foos that are used by only one user, if a foo is used by more than one user, it shouldn't be outputed.
here's my tables
foos (id, value)
users (id, name)
used (foo_id, user_id)
and my not working script
FUNCTION output_unshared_foos ()
foocounts RECORD;
SELECT u.foo_id, count(*)
INTO foocounts -- store in the local variable
FROM used u
GROUP BY u.foo_id;
IF (SELECT fc.count < 2 FROM foocounts fc WHERE fc.foo_id = THEN
$a$ language plpgsql;
doesn't seem to work, every rows are returned and the conditional control seems to be always true.
Your first problem is that you can't store the result of a query that returns more than one row into a single variable (the SELECT u.foo_id, count(*) INTO ... part). I'm surprised you don't get a runtime error when you call your function.
Your function also doesn't compile because the record f is not declared and a functioned defined as returns foos can't use return next
But your approach is wrong (even if it worked). Doing row-by-row processing is almost always the wrong choice in SQL. SQL and relational databases are meant to handle sets, not single rows.
Your problem can be solved with a single query:
select foo_id
from used
group by foo_id
having count(distinct user_id) = 1
will return all foo ids that are used by exactly one user.
If you need the additional information from the foos table, you can join the above query to the foos table:
select f.*
from foos f
join (
select foo_id
from used
group by foo_id
having count(distinct user_id) = 1
) u on = u.foo_id

Join 2 sets based on default order

How do I join 2 sets of records solely based on the default order?
So if I have a table x(col(1,2,3,4,5,6,7)) and another table z(col(a,b,c,d,e,f,g))
it will return
c1 c2
-- --
1 a
2 b
3 c
4 d
5 e
6 f
7 g
Actually, I wanted to join a pair of one dimensional arrays from parameters and treat them like columns from a table.
Sample code:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "Test"(timestamp without time zone[],
timestamp without time zone[])
RETURNS refcursor AS
curr refcursor;
SELECT DISTINCT "Start" AS x, "End" AS y, COUNT("A"."id")
FROM UNNEST($1) "Start"
FROM UNNEST($2) "End" ORDER BY ("End")
) "End" ON ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY ("Start")) = "End".rn
LEFT JOIN "A" ON ("A"."date" BETWEEN x AND y)
ORDER BY "Start";
return curr;
Now, to answer the real question that was revealed in comments, which appears to be something like:
Given two arrays 'a' and 'b', how do I pair up their elements so I can get the element pairs as column aliases in a query?
There are a couple of ways to tackle this:
If and only if the arrays are of equal length, use multiple unnest functions in the SELECT clause (a deprecated approach that should only be used for backward compatibility);
Use generate_subscripts to loop over the arrays;
Use generate_series over subqueries against array_lower and array_upper to emulate generate_subscripts if you need to support versions too old to have generate_subscripts;
Relying on the order that unnest returns tuples in and hoping - like in my other answer and as shown below. It'll work, but it's not guaranteed to work in future versions.
Use the WITH ORDINALITY functionality added in PostgreSQL 9.4 (see also its first posting) to get a row number for unnest when 9.4 comes out.
Use multiple-array UNNEST, which is SQL-standard but which PostgreSQL doesn't support yet.
So, say we have function arraypair with array parameters a and b:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION arraypair (a integer[], b text[])
RETURNS TABLE (col_a integer, col_b text) AS $$
-- blah code here blah
and it's invoked as:
SELECT * FROM arraypair( ARRAY[1,2,3,4,5,6,7], ARRAY['a','b','c','d','e','f','g'] );
possible function definitions would be:
SRF-in-SELECT (deprecated)
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION arraypair (a integer[], b text[])
RETURNS TABLE (col_a integer, col_b text) AS $$
SELECT unnest(a), unnest(b);
Will produce bizarre and unexpected results if the arrays aren't equal in length; see the documentation on set returning functions and their non-standard use in the SELECT list to learn why, and what exactly happens.
This is likely the safest option:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION arraypair (a integer[], b text[])
RETURNS TABLE (col_a integer, col_b text) AS $$
a[i], b[i]
FROM generate_subscripts(CASE WHEN array_length(a,1) >= array_length(b,1) THEN a::text[] ELSE b::text[] END, 1) i;
If the arrays are of unequal length, as written it'll return null elements for the shorter, so it works like a full outer join. Reverse the sense of the case to get an inner-join like effect. The function assumes the arrays are one-dimensional and that they start at index 1. If an entire array argument is NULL then the function returns NULL.
A more generalized version would be written in PL/PgSQL and would check array_ndims(a) = 1, check array_lower(a, 1) = 1, test for null arrays, etc. I'll leave that to you.
Hoping for pair-wise returns:
This isn't guaranteed to work, but does with PostgreSQL's current query executor:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION arraypair (a integer[], b text[])
RETURNS TABLE (col_a integer, col_b text) AS $$
rn_c1(rn, col) AS (
SELECT row_number() OVER (), c1.col
FROM unnest(a) c1(col)
rn_c2(rn, col) AS (
SELECT row_number() OVER (), c2.col
FROM unnest(b) c2(col)
rn_c1.col AS c1,
rn_c2.col AS c2
FROM rn_c1
INNER JOIN rn_c2 ON (rn_c1.rn = rn_c2.rn);
I would consider using generate_subscripts much safer.
Multi-argument unnest:
This should work, but doesn't because PostgreSQL's unnest doesn't accept multiple input arrays (yet):
SELECT * FROM unnest(a,b);
select x.c1, z.c2
inner join
row_number() over(order by c2) rn
from z
order by c2
) z on x.c1 = z.rn
order by x.c1
If x.c1 is not 1,2,3... you can do the same that was done with z
The middle order by is not necessary as pointed by Erwin. I tested it like this:
create table t (i integer);
insert into t
select ceil(random() * 100000)
from generate_series(1, 100000);
row_number() over(order by i) rn
from t
And i comes out ordered. Before this simple test which I never executed I though it would be possible that the rows would be numbered in any order.
By "default order" it sounds like you probably mean the order in which the rows are returned by select * from tablename without an ORDER BY.
If so, this ordering is undefined. The database can return rows in any order that it feels like. You'll find that if you UPDATE a row, it probably moves to a different position in the table.
If you're stuck in a situation where you assumed tables had an order and they don't, you can as a recovery option add a row number based on the on-disk ordering of the tuples within the table:
select row_number() OVER (), *
from the_table
order by ctid
If the output looks right, I recommend that you CREATE TABLE a new table with an extra field, then do an INSERT INTO ... SELECT to insert the data ordered by ctid, then ALTER TABLE ... RENAME the tables and finally fix any foreign key references so they point to the new table.
ctid can be changed by autovacuum, UPDATE, CLUSTER, etc, so it is not something you should ever be using in applications. I'm using it here only because it sounds like you don't have any real ordering or identifier key.
If you need to pair up rows based on their on-disk ordering (an unreliable and unsafe thing to do as noted above), you could per this SQLFiddle try:
rn_c1(rn, col) AS (
SELECT row_number() OVER (ORDER BY ctid), c1.col
rn_c2(rn, col) AS (
SELECT row_number() OVER (ORDER BY ctid), c2.col
rn_c1.col AS c1,
rn_c2.col AS c2
FROM rn_c1
INNER JOIN rn_c2 ON (rn_c1.rn = rn_c2.rn);
but never rely on this in a production app. If you're really stuck you can use this with CREATE TABLE AS to construct a new table that you can start with when you're working on recovering data from a DB that lacks a required key, but that's about it.
The same approach given above might work with an empty window clause () instead of (ORDER BY ctid) when using sets that lack a ctid, like interim results from functions. It's even less safe then though, and should be a matter of last resort only.
(See also this newer related answer:

Calling a function on every row returned by a subquery

I need to run the following query to extract the values of my raster records in a specific point.
select st_value((select rast from mytable),
(select st_GeomFromText('POINT(30.424 -1.978)', 4326)))
But I encounter with the following error:
ERROR: more than one row returned by a subquery used as an expression
SQL state: 21000
It needs just one record for this function but I need to extract values of all of records.
If a subquery returns multiple rows, you must either use it in a common table expression (CTE / WITH query) and FROM alias, or use FROM (SELECT ...) alias. In this case, though, it looks like it's simpler than that:
select st_value(rast, st_GeomFromText('POINT(30.424 -1.978)', 4326))
FROM mytable;
Both subqueries appear to be unnecessary.
If you truly needed the subquery you'd write something syntactically like:
WITH sq(rast) AS ( SELECT rast FROM mytable )
SELECT st_value(rast, st_GeomFromText('POINT(30.424 -1.978)', 4326))
FROM sq;
SELECT st_value(rast, st_GeomFromText('POINT(30.424 -1.978)', 4326))
FROM (SELECT rast FROM mytable) sq(rast);
Select st_value(rast),
st_GeomFromText('POINT(30.424 -1.978)', 4326)
from mytable
If you have a function with multiple columns, you can do something like this
SELECT (info).column1, (info).column2, (info).column3
FROM (select st_value(rast, st_GeomFromText('POINT(30.424 -1.978)', 4326)) AS info
FROM mytable
) AS foo

Select query to find the unmatched records from selected values using in function in Oracle 10g

I am using IN clause for column "job_no". In this in clause i checking 1000 values, query retreiving the values but some of the job number are not existed, then how to find unmattched values in the in clause.
assuming you really are using Oracle:
create type table_of_integers is table of integer;
select * from table(table_of_integers(1, 2, 3))
where column_value not in (select job_no from my_table);
or you should be able to achieve the same thing using an outer join, such as this example for postgres:
select *
from (select unnest(array[1, 2, 3]) as job_no) j
left outer join my_table using(job_no)
where my_table.job_no is null;
Insert the values into a temporary table instead and do a LEFT OUTER JOIN to join with your data.