I try to make a script as to output all the foos that are used by only one user, if a foo is used by more than one user, it shouldn't be outputed.
here's my tables
foos (id, value)
users (id, name)
used (foo_id, user_id)
and my not working script
FUNCTION output_unshared_foos ()
foocounts RECORD;
SELECT u.foo_id, count(*)
INTO foocounts -- store in the local variable
FROM used u
GROUP BY u.foo_id;
IF (SELECT fc.count < 2 FROM foocounts fc WHERE fc.foo_id = f.id) THEN
$a$ language plpgsql;
doesn't seem to work, every rows are returned and the conditional control seems to be always true.
Your first problem is that you can't store the result of a query that returns more than one row into a single variable (the SELECT u.foo_id, count(*) INTO ... part). I'm surprised you don't get a runtime error when you call your function.
Your function also doesn't compile because the record f is not declared and a functioned defined as returns foos can't use return next
But your approach is wrong (even if it worked). Doing row-by-row processing is almost always the wrong choice in SQL. SQL and relational databases are meant to handle sets, not single rows.
Your problem can be solved with a single query:
select foo_id
from used
group by foo_id
having count(distinct user_id) = 1
will return all foo ids that are used by exactly one user.
If you need the additional information from the foos table, you can join the above query to the foos table:
select f.*
from foos f
join (
select foo_id
from used
group by foo_id
having count(distinct user_id) = 1
) u on f.id = u.foo_id
This is a simple example of what I need, for any given table, I need to get all the instances of the primary keys, this is a little example, but I need a generic way to do it.
create table foo
a numeric
,b text
,c numeric
constraint pk_foo primary key (a,b)
insert into foo(a,b,c) values (1,'a',1),(2,'b',2),(3,'c',3);
select <the magical thing>
1 |1|a|
2 |2|b|
3 |3|c|
.. ...
I need to control if the instances of the primary keys are changed by the user, but I don't want to repeat code in too many tables! I need a generic way to do it, I will put <the magical thing>
in a function to put it on a trigger before update and blah blah blah...
In PostgreSQL you must always provide a resulting type for a query. However, you can obtain the code of the query you need, and then execute the query from the client:
create or replace function get_key_only_sql(regclass) returns string as $$
select 'select '|| (
select string_agg(quote_ident(att.attname), ', ' order by col)
from pg_index i
join lateral unnest(indkey) col on (true)
join pg_attribute att on (att.attrelid = i.indrelid and att.attnum = col)
where i.indrelid = $1 and i.indisprimary
group by i.indexrelid
limit 1) || ' from '||$1::text
$$ language sql;
Here's some client pseudocode using the function above:
sql = pgexecscalar("select get_key_only_sql('mytable'::regclass)");
rs = pgopen(sql);
The end result of what I am after is a query that calls a function and that function returns a set of records that are in their own separate fields. I can do this but the results of the function are all in one field.
ie: http://i.stack.imgur.com/ETLCL.png and the results I am after are: http://i.stack.imgur.com/wqRQ9.png
Here's the code to create the table
tbl_1_hm_id bigserial NOT NULL,
tbl_1_hm_f1 VARCHAR (250),
tbl_1_hm_f2 INTEGER,
CONSTRAINT tbl_1_hm PRIMARY KEY (tbl_1_hm_id)
-- do that for a few times to get some data
INSERT INTO tbl_1_hm (tbl_1_hm_f1, tbl_1_hm_f2)
VALUES ('hello', 1);
RETURNS TABLE(tbl_1_hm_f1 VARCHAR (250), tbl_1_hm_f2 int AS $$
SELECT tbl_1_hm_f1, tbl_1_hm_f2
FROM tbl_1_hm
WHERE tbl_1_hm_id = id
--And here is the current query I am running for my results:
SELECT t1.tbl_1_hm_id, proc_1_hm(t1.tbl_1_hm_id) AS t3
FROM tbl_1_hm AS t1
Thanks for having a read. Please if you want to haggle about the semantics of what I am doing by hitting the same table twice or my naming convention --> this is a simplified test.
When a function returns a set of records, you should treat it as a table source:
SELECT t1.tbl_1_hm_id, t3.*
FROM tbl_1_hm AS t1, proc_1_hm(t1.tbl_1_hm_id) AS t3;
Note that functions are implicitly using a LATERAL join (scroll down to sub-sections 4 and 5) so you can use fields from tables listed previously without having to specify an explicit JOIN condition.
I have a table company with 60 columns. The goal is to create a tool to find, compare and eliminate duplicates in this table.
Example: I find 2 companies that potentially are the same, but I need to know which values (columns) differ between these 2 rows in order to continue.
I think it is possible to compare column by column x 60, but I search for a simpler and more generic solution.
Something like:
SELECT * FROM company where co_id=22
SELECT * FROM company where co_id=33
The result should be the column names that differ.
For this you may use an intermediate key/value representation of the rows, with JSON functions or alternatively with the hstore extension (now only of historical interest). JSON comes built-in with every reasonably recent version of PostgreSQL, whereas hstore must be installed in the database with CREATE EXTENSION.
CREATE TABLE table1 (id int primary key, t1 text, t2 text, t3 text);
Let's insert two rows that differ by the primary key and one other column (t3).
Solution with json
First with get a key/value representation of the rows with the original row number, then we pair the rows based on their original row number and
filter out those with the same "value" column
WITH rowcols AS (
select rn, key, value
from (select row_number() over () as rn,
row_to_json(table1.*) as r from table1) AS s
cross join lateral json_each_text(s.r)
select r1.key from rowcols r1 join rowcols r2
on (r1.rn=r2.rn-1 and r1.key = r2.key)
where r1.value <> r2.value;
Sample result:
Solution with hstore
SELECT skeys(h1-h2) from
(select hstore(t.*) as h1 from table1 t where id=1) h1
(select hstore(t.*) as h2 from table1 t where id=2) h2;
h1-h2 computes the difference key by key and skeys() outputs the result as a set.
The select-list might be refined with skeys((h1-h2)-'id'::text) to always remove id which, as the primary key, will obviously always differ between rows.
Here's a stored procedure that should get you most of the way...
While this should work "as is", it has no error checking, which you should add.
It gets all the columns in the table, and loops over them. A difference is when the count of the distinct items is more than one.
Also, the output is:
The count of the number of differences
Messages for each column where there is a difference
It might be more useful to return a rowset of the columns with the differences. Anyway, good luck!
SELECT showdifference('public','company','co_id',22,33)
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION showdifference(p_schema text, p_tablename text,p_idcolumn text,p_firstid integer, p_secondid integer)
l_diffcount INTEGER;
l_column text;
l_dupcount integer;
column_cursor CURSOR FOR select column_name from information_schema.columns where table_name = p_tablename and table_schema = p_schema and column_name <> p_idcolumn;
-- need error checking here, to ensure the table and schema exist and the columns exist
-- Should also check that the records ids exist.
-- Should also check that the column type of the id field is integer
-- Set the number of differences to zero.
l_diffcount := 0;
-- use a cursor to iterate over the columns found in information_schema.columns
-- open the cursor
OPEN column_cursor;
FETCH column_cursor INTO l_column;
-- build a query to see if there is a difference between the columns. If there is raise a notice
EXECUTE 'select count(distinct ' || quote_ident(l_column) || ' ) from ' || quote_ident(p_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(p_tablename) || ' where ' || quote_ident(p_idcolumn) || ' in ('|| p_firstid || ',' || p_secondid ||')'
INTO l_dupcount;
IF l_dupcount > 1 THEN
-- increment the counter
l_diffcount := l_diffcount +1;
RAISE NOTICE '% has % differences', l_column, l_dupcount ; -- for "real" you might want to return a rowset and could do something here
-- close the cursor
CLOSE column_cursor;
RETURN l_diffcount;
COST 100;
How do I join 2 sets of records solely based on the default order?
So if I have a table x(col(1,2,3,4,5,6,7)) and another table z(col(a,b,c,d,e,f,g))
it will return
c1 c2
-- --
1 a
2 b
3 c
4 d
5 e
6 f
7 g
Actually, I wanted to join a pair of one dimensional arrays from parameters and treat them like columns from a table.
Sample code:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "Test"(timestamp without time zone[],
timestamp without time zone[])
RETURNS refcursor AS
curr refcursor;
SELECT DISTINCT "Start" AS x, "End" AS y, COUNT("A"."id")
FROM UNNEST($1) "Start"
FROM UNNEST($2) "End" ORDER BY ("End")
) "End" ON ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY ("Start")) = "End".rn
LEFT JOIN "A" ON ("A"."date" BETWEEN x AND y)
ORDER BY "Start";
return curr;
Now, to answer the real question that was revealed in comments, which appears to be something like:
Given two arrays 'a' and 'b', how do I pair up their elements so I can get the element pairs as column aliases in a query?
There are a couple of ways to tackle this:
If and only if the arrays are of equal length, use multiple unnest functions in the SELECT clause (a deprecated approach that should only be used for backward compatibility);
Use generate_subscripts to loop over the arrays;
Use generate_series over subqueries against array_lower and array_upper to emulate generate_subscripts if you need to support versions too old to have generate_subscripts;
Relying on the order that unnest returns tuples in and hoping - like in my other answer and as shown below. It'll work, but it's not guaranteed to work in future versions.
Use the WITH ORDINALITY functionality added in PostgreSQL 9.4 (see also its first posting) to get a row number for unnest when 9.4 comes out.
Use multiple-array UNNEST, which is SQL-standard but which PostgreSQL doesn't support yet.
So, say we have function arraypair with array parameters a and b:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION arraypair (a integer[], b text[])
RETURNS TABLE (col_a integer, col_b text) AS $$
-- blah code here blah
and it's invoked as:
SELECT * FROM arraypair( ARRAY[1,2,3,4,5,6,7], ARRAY['a','b','c','d','e','f','g'] );
possible function definitions would be:
SRF-in-SELECT (deprecated)
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION arraypair (a integer[], b text[])
RETURNS TABLE (col_a integer, col_b text) AS $$
SELECT unnest(a), unnest(b);
Will produce bizarre and unexpected results if the arrays aren't equal in length; see the documentation on set returning functions and their non-standard use in the SELECT list to learn why, and what exactly happens.
This is likely the safest option:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION arraypair (a integer[], b text[])
RETURNS TABLE (col_a integer, col_b text) AS $$
a[i], b[i]
FROM generate_subscripts(CASE WHEN array_length(a,1) >= array_length(b,1) THEN a::text[] ELSE b::text[] END, 1) i;
If the arrays are of unequal length, as written it'll return null elements for the shorter, so it works like a full outer join. Reverse the sense of the case to get an inner-join like effect. The function assumes the arrays are one-dimensional and that they start at index 1. If an entire array argument is NULL then the function returns NULL.
A more generalized version would be written in PL/PgSQL and would check array_ndims(a) = 1, check array_lower(a, 1) = 1, test for null arrays, etc. I'll leave that to you.
Hoping for pair-wise returns:
This isn't guaranteed to work, but does with PostgreSQL's current query executor:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION arraypair (a integer[], b text[])
RETURNS TABLE (col_a integer, col_b text) AS $$
rn_c1(rn, col) AS (
SELECT row_number() OVER (), c1.col
FROM unnest(a) c1(col)
rn_c2(rn, col) AS (
SELECT row_number() OVER (), c2.col
FROM unnest(b) c2(col)
rn_c1.col AS c1,
rn_c2.col AS c2
FROM rn_c1
INNER JOIN rn_c2 ON (rn_c1.rn = rn_c2.rn);
I would consider using generate_subscripts much safer.
Multi-argument unnest:
This should work, but doesn't because PostgreSQL's unnest doesn't accept multiple input arrays (yet):
SELECT * FROM unnest(a,b);
select x.c1, z.c2
inner join
row_number() over(order by c2) rn
from z
order by c2
) z on x.c1 = z.rn
order by x.c1
If x.c1 is not 1,2,3... you can do the same that was done with z
The middle order by is not necessary as pointed by Erwin. I tested it like this:
create table t (i integer);
insert into t
select ceil(random() * 100000)
from generate_series(1, 100000);
row_number() over(order by i) rn
from t
And i comes out ordered. Before this simple test which I never executed I though it would be possible that the rows would be numbered in any order.
By "default order" it sounds like you probably mean the order in which the rows are returned by select * from tablename without an ORDER BY.
If so, this ordering is undefined. The database can return rows in any order that it feels like. You'll find that if you UPDATE a row, it probably moves to a different position in the table.
If you're stuck in a situation where you assumed tables had an order and they don't, you can as a recovery option add a row number based on the on-disk ordering of the tuples within the table:
select row_number() OVER (), *
from the_table
order by ctid
If the output looks right, I recommend that you CREATE TABLE a new table with an extra field, then do an INSERT INTO ... SELECT to insert the data ordered by ctid, then ALTER TABLE ... RENAME the tables and finally fix any foreign key references so they point to the new table.
ctid can be changed by autovacuum, UPDATE, CLUSTER, etc, so it is not something you should ever be using in applications. I'm using it here only because it sounds like you don't have any real ordering or identifier key.
If you need to pair up rows based on their on-disk ordering (an unreliable and unsafe thing to do as noted above), you could per this SQLFiddle try:
rn_c1(rn, col) AS (
SELECT row_number() OVER (ORDER BY ctid), c1.col
rn_c2(rn, col) AS (
SELECT row_number() OVER (ORDER BY ctid), c2.col
rn_c1.col AS c1,
rn_c2.col AS c2
FROM rn_c1
INNER JOIN rn_c2 ON (rn_c1.rn = rn_c2.rn);
but never rely on this in a production app. If you're really stuck you can use this with CREATE TABLE AS to construct a new table that you can start with when you're working on recovering data from a DB that lacks a required key, but that's about it.
The same approach given above might work with an empty window clause () instead of (ORDER BY ctid) when using sets that lack a ctid, like interim results from functions. It's even less safe then though, and should be a matter of last resort only.
(See also this newer related answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/17762282/398670)
I'm trying to run a graph search to find all nodes accessible from a starting point, like so:
with recursive
nodes_traversed as (
union all
select ed.DST_NODE
from EDGES ed
join nodes_traversed NT
on (NT.ID = ed.START_NODE)
and (ed.DST_NODE not in (select ID from nodes_traversed))
select distinct * from nodes_traversed
Unfortunately, when I try to run that, I get an error:
Recursive CTE member (nodes_traversed) can refer itself only in FROM clause.
That "not in select" clause is important to the recursive expression, though, as it provides the ending point. (Without it, you get infinite recursion.) Using generation counting, like in the accepted answer to this question, would not help, since this is a highly cyclic graph.
Is there any way to work around this without having to create a stored proc that does it iteratively?
Here is my solution that use global temporary table, I have limited recursion by level and nodes from temporary table.
I am not sure how it will work on large set of data.
create procedure get_nodes (
START_NODE integer)
returns (
NODE_ID integer)
declare variable C1 integer;
declare variable C2 integer;
create global temporary table id_list(
id integer
create index id_list_idx1 ON id_list (id);
delete from id_list;
while ( 1 = 1 ) do
select count(distinct id) from id_list into :c1;
insert into id_list
select id from
with recursive nodes_traversed as (
select :START_NODE AS ID , 0 as Lv
union all
select ed.DST_NODE , Lv+1
from edges ed
join nodes_traversed NT
and nt.Lv < 5 -- Max recursion level
and nt.id not in (select id from id_list)
select distinct id from nodes_traversed);
select count(distinct id) from id_list into :c2;
if (c1 = c2) then break;
for select distinct id from id_list into :node_id do
suspend ;