Use CloudKit to return users records and deny accounts - swift

instead of code, have more of a best practice/functionality question regarding CloudKit. Can't seem to find answers, or maybe just don't understand.
When I save the record, cloud kit creates a unique record id, i was thinking of getting that id and storing in core data to allow specific query's on that at a later time vs entire database searches. However, once I save a record, how do i get the record id that was created? Is this possible?
What if I allow a user to report another user for some reason and thereby want to block that user from posting to the cloud until a review can be done. Is there a user access database in the cloud? if not, thoughts on how to?
Thanks all.

By default when you create a CKRecord it will generate a guid as it's ID. You can also specify your own id the moment you create the CKRecord. The it does not need to be a guid. As long as it's unique. Your save action will have a callback where you will get the ID.
Every user has it's own unique id which you can easily get. You could create a table with your blocking information. You only have to query for that yourself to implement the blocking mechanism.


How to Implement "Your contact just joined app" feature

I am building a mobile app (in flutter firebase, but the answer does not have to be firebase specific). And I would like to implement a feature that notifies users whenever anyone from their contact list joins the app. This seems like a very EXPENSIVE feature.
At the top of my head, I see a lambda/cloud function that is triggered everytime a user joins and then searches a database of users and their respective contacts for the existence of the new user's phone number. To me, this solution does not scale well for two reasons: if the number of total users is in the millions and the number of users joining simultaneously is a lot.
My better solution is to get the user's contacts upon joining and then searching a database of current users contacts for any of the phone numbers of the newly joined user.
Is there a solution better than the second one? If so, what is it? If the second solution is standard, what kind of backend storage mechanism provides the best search and retrieval time for a database of users and their respective contacts?
In the case of large users ill not do first solution because that may slow the sign up process instead i will creat a cron job that runs at a specific time or periodically it will get the list of the latest users signed up that day or that hour whatever you prefer then that cron will check the new user if related to any user in the databases and send a notification right away, or a better solution create a temporary table in a database in another server insert the notification informations into the other server, creat another cron job in the second server it will run at a specific time to sendthe notification

Where should I keep data to continuously use in server?

Currently, I'm trying to build a dating app(server part).
I'm going to store each user's profile data like videos, photos, profile messages to AWS S3.
And I have user info including location(longitude, latitude) in my database server.
If you've ever used this kind of app, you might easily understand how it works.
First, whenever a user opens this app, the user gets to see the profile of other users one at a time based on the current location.
Second, the user gives like or dislike to the current profile and gets to the next profile.
So, in order to implement the first step, I'm going to search other users in a certain distance from the user's current location in the database, but here I'm only going to get unique user ID values from database. This only happens once when a user opens the app.
Now that I have other users' id values like [id1, id2, id3, id4...] I can load each user's profile data from AWS S3 with each unique id value one by one whenever the user needs to see the next profile.
Here my question comes. To build the recommendation logic like that, where should I keep the id values??
Thanks in advance.
Use a in memory cache like Redis/memcache (both provided by AWS). Also your cahce should get updated as and when data in AWS S3 profile updates because only then you will have latest data.

Firebase cloud functions chess game Swift

I am making a chess app which has a Firebase backend, i am using cloud firestore and cloud functions. basically i am using node 8 to avoid billing issues on cloud functions, i can call and trigger, but i can't wrap my head about how to make an action happen on another device instead of on my own.
After authenticating and logging in, the user gets into a lobby which is a tableViewController and there are shown only the users that are currently logged in.
What i want to achieve is by tapping on a certain row the user that got the tap on it gets an alert shown for him which states whether he accepts the challenge or he declines it. Based on that i proceed to the game or do something else.
The question is though how to make this alert trigger on the other user's device?
Also i've seen some posts that it can be done with snapshotListener on a document, but again i run into the problem of understanding how to trigger the alert on another device. If you've got some other good ideas please share!
Thank you for any feedback!
I think snapshot listeners are really the only way to go. You could use other Firebase services but those aren’t the right tools for the job. Consider creating a collection, maybe call it requests:
<userId-userId> (recipientUserId-initiatorUserId)
initiator: string
recipient: string
date: date
Each user has a snapshot listener that listens to this collection where their own userId is equal to recipient. You can add a date field to sort the list by most recent, for example. When a user wants to challenge another user, all they need to do is create a document in this collection:
<userId-userId> (recipientUserId-initiatorUserId)
initiator: myUserId
recipient: theirUserId
date: now
And the recipient's client will instantly see this document.
You could include dressing data in this document, like the initiator's display name or a path to their avatar. But this data may be stale by the time it's rendered so the alternative is to fetch the dressing data from the database using the userId. You could also auto-gen the document ID but if you configure it (like this), it can make operations like deleting simpler. You could also configure the userIds to be alphanumerical so only one request can exist between two users; but if they requested each other at the same time, one would overwrite the other and you'd have to handle that potential edge case. There are lots of things to consider but this is the starting point.

Implementing visitor counter in flutter for web

I'm trying to implement a visitor-counter on a website built entirely with flutter-web and I'm trying to accomplish this with nothing but plain dart code and some packages from
But the problem which has been bugging me is that I need to find a way to uniquely identify users based on their browsers or their devices so that I don't end up incrementing the counter for the same person again and again upon a revisit.
So far what I've thought is that I could use firestore for keeping track of the total number of visitors and display the same on the webpage upon startup and use some caching package like dcache or localstorage (like described here) to keep track of users who are re-visiting the same webpage.
Is there any better approach to this problem? Any help would be appreciated 😁
(ps: I have no prior web dev experience)
Since you talk about users, I immediately think of using Firebase Authentication.
There are two ways you could use that here:
With anonymous authentication, you could create a unique ID for each user without requiring them to enter credentials.
If you want to be able to identify the same user on different browsers/devices, they will have to sign in with one of the supported providers (email/password, phone number, email link, facebook, google, etc).
No matter which one you choose, each user will now have a unique ID (called UID in Firebase terms), which you can use to identify them in the database. For example, you could create a document for each user in the database with their UID as the ID of that document. That way you're guaranteed that each user will have no more than a single document.
You'll still need to count the documents, for which I recommend checking out the distributed counter extension.
Also consider if you want to use the Firebase Realtime Database instead of Firestore here, as it might give you a simpler pricing model, and has a built-in presence system. You'd still use Firebase Authentication as before, but just swap the database.
There is a short way instead if you just want to capture number of visitors on your webapp.
I created a collection called "Visits" in firestore and generated auto id inside which I added a field called "count". That's it!
Now you just have to call this method in your first screen's init method :
updateCounter() async {
final cRef = FirebaseFirestore.instance.collection('VISITS');
await cRef
.doc("mS9fCXjvkpREt8LvanSb") //Paste the id which was generated automatically
.set({"count": FieldValue.increment(1)}, SetOptions(merge: true));

Delete all transactions from sandbox account

Here's my problem. When I create my transaction with the classic api, I find myself giving them a unique tracking id ( that match the one I store in my DB.
But after 8 months of devellopement, I have some problem. I reset my DB, so on my end, the tracking id can be used, but on Paypal end, it can't.
So I was wondering if there's any way to delete the transactions I've made so far? That way I could re-use theses tracking ID and make sure that this time I don't delete the one I've used, but instead store them in another collection.
Thanks a lot guys!
What I finally did was to make a simple function that generate another ID if the id was refuse by paypal, and add the refused one in my DB. That way, at some point, I caught up with the paypal transactions ids and was good to go!
What we did was to just create another app in our Paypal developer dashboard.