Implementing visitor counter in flutter for web - flutter

I'm trying to implement a visitor-counter on a website built entirely with flutter-web and I'm trying to accomplish this with nothing but plain dart code and some packages from
But the problem which has been bugging me is that I need to find a way to uniquely identify users based on their browsers or their devices so that I don't end up incrementing the counter for the same person again and again upon a revisit.
So far what I've thought is that I could use firestore for keeping track of the total number of visitors and display the same on the webpage upon startup and use some caching package like dcache or localstorage (like described here) to keep track of users who are re-visiting the same webpage.
Is there any better approach to this problem? Any help would be appreciated šŸ˜
(ps: I have no prior web dev experience)

Since you talk about users, I immediately think of using Firebase Authentication.
There are two ways you could use that here:
With anonymous authentication, you could create a unique ID for each user without requiring them to enter credentials.
If you want to be able to identify the same user on different browsers/devices, they will have to sign in with one of the supported providers (email/password, phone number, email link, facebook, google, etc).
No matter which one you choose, each user will now have a unique ID (called UID in Firebase terms), which you can use to identify them in the database. For example, you could create a document for each user in the database with their UID as the ID of that document. That way you're guaranteed that each user will have no more than a single document.
You'll still need to count the documents, for which I recommend checking out the distributed counter extension.
Also consider if you want to use the Firebase Realtime Database instead of Firestore here, as it might give you a simpler pricing model, and has a built-in presence system. You'd still use Firebase Authentication as before, but just swap the database.

There is a short way instead if you just want to capture number of visitors on your webapp.
I created a collection called "Visits" in firestore and generated auto id inside which I added a field called "count". That's it!
Now you just have to call this method in your first screen's init method :
updateCounter() async {
final cRef = FirebaseFirestore.instance.collection('VISITS');
await cRef
.doc("mS9fCXjvkpREt8LvanSb") //Paste the id which was generated automatically
.set({"count": FieldValue.increment(1)}, SetOptions(merge: true));


How to Allow only one user per referral code in flutter firestore?

I am builing a flutter firestore app in which I want to be able to send a referral code to a new user and per referral code only one new user should be able to join.
Please tell me how can I implement this in in flutter app.
You can generate them with function you like, store them as documents in separate collection (document name is referral code - this will give you uniqueness of codes) then when user uses it you write his auth id in special field. Then in security rules you make rules that field may be updated only if there is no id there already.

Firebase cloud functions chess game Swift

I am making a chess app which has a Firebase backend, i am using cloud firestore and cloud functions. basically i am using node 8 to avoid billing issues on cloud functions, i can call and trigger, but i can't wrap my head about how to make an action happen on another device instead of on my own.
After authenticating and logging in, the user gets into a lobby which is a tableViewController and there are shown only the users that are currently logged in.
What i want to achieve is by tapping on a certain row the user that got the tap on it gets an alert shown for him which states whether he accepts the challenge or he declines it. Based on that i proceed to the game or do something else.
The question is though how to make this alert trigger on the other user's device?
Also i've seen some posts that it can be done with snapshotListener on a document, but again i run into the problem of understanding how to trigger the alert on another device. If you've got some other good ideas please share!
Thank you for any feedback!
I think snapshot listeners are really the only way to go. You could use other Firebase services but those arenā€™t the right tools for the job. Consider creating a collection, maybe call it requests:
<userId-userId> (recipientUserId-initiatorUserId)
initiator: string
recipient: string
date: date
Each user has a snapshot listener that listens to this collection where their own userId is equal to recipient. You can add a date field to sort the list by most recent, for example. When a user wants to challenge another user, all they need to do is create a document in this collection:
<userId-userId> (recipientUserId-initiatorUserId)
initiator: myUserId
recipient: theirUserId
date: now
And the recipient's client will instantly see this document.
You could include dressing data in this document, like the initiator's display name or a path to their avatar. But this data may be stale by the time it's rendered so the alternative is to fetch the dressing data from the database using the userId. You could also auto-gen the document ID but if you configure it (like this), it can make operations like deleting simpler. You could also configure the userIds to be alphanumerical so only one request can exist between two users; but if they requested each other at the same time, one would overwrite the other and you'd have to handle that potential edge case. There are lots of things to consider but this is the starting point.

Is there a way to use Shopify MetaFields to tag customers with data?

I've been trying to find a way to store a piece of data relative to a customer in my store. Ideally I was hoping to be able to create a Metafield that would store a single numerical value and be retrievable by the customer's id or email.
Any thoughts or suggestions would be really appreciated. Ideally I'd like to be able to handle everything in the liquid layer by editing the html and css of the store directly. A custom app with API integration is another option but less desirable as it doesn't seem necessary and would appear to be a lot more work.
EDIT: Tried piggybacking the order (thinking orders are unique to users) but it doesn't appear that the order object is created until the checkout is complete so that isn't really useful since I want to be able to attribute the user to a session click that led them to the store.
You will want to use an App. First, off, that is the only way for you to alter any objects in Shopify. Secondly, you can easily store simple things like counter values on the Customer resource using metafields. Third, anything you do with metafields on the Customer would be easily visible to the customer, since you can expose those metafields using Liquid. Fourth, if you choose to use JS you must use the App Proxy pattern. Shopify will then send your JS XHR payload to your App endpoint in a secure fashion.
So your needs and how to do are not new, they are old skool in Shopify terms and very straightforward to implement.

rails beta request signup with social media sharing reward

I would like to build a simple beta request signup page where the user is rewarded with an earlier reward when he is sharing the link to the application as much as possible.
A solution like this is seeable on
User enters email
User gets unique link with his unique code
User shares this link on every signup its a +1 count on him
An admin method throws out the users emails which have shared the link and brought the most people in. I want to use this email list to use in CampaignMonitor.
Anyone knows what could be a good way to achieve this? Or someone wrote such a thing or knows a git repo that has this feature implemented as is to take a look at and learn?
I have already coded a unique code generator for the app that makes unique codes of 10 chars.
Now only this social media sharing is a bit unclear to me on how to approach this in rails, any ideas on that? thx!
Something like this can be achieved pretty easily in any framework, so I think I'll provide a general answer first, and if any specific gems occur to me, I'll mention them:
1) The unique code part is easy, it's just a parameter in a controller that checks the validity of the codeĀ ā€”Ā this would be a unique code that's added to the user model for ease of verification and created when the user first enters his email address.
2) Every time the link is visited, it's parsed by the controller and saves an event (don't just increment a field if you want maximum data out of the interaction, you could save IP for country of origin, time of the page hit, etc), just count the click events for that user for his +1s
3) Just write a quick admin site (i used twitter bootstrap for this recently) that lets you see the user's who've interacted with the system and sort by shares, and you can use the createsend gem to add them to whatever list you like.
There are no specific gems I can think of that'll speed this process up, Devise is overkill, you don't really need an activity monitor gem since you're not storing much info, definitely twitter_bootstrap for speeding up building the admin interface. Heroku lets you add an Sendgrid as a plugin, so you're covered there for mail sending.
Am i missing anything in your requirements? Seriously though this should be a 2-4 day dev effort, nothing fancy here.

iOS identify user(s)

I am building app that will serve some content to the users via my private server. At the server-side I would like to identify user, so that I don't serve same content twice to the same user. How can I identify user(s)?
One way is DeviceID, but user can have multiple devices...?
Is the only way to have my own user IDs for my application (registration). I don't like this as it adds extra complexity to the app.
I know it's a hard task, but maybe facial recognition (from the webcam) could help in logging in users, since it doesn't imply any relation between user and device.
For example, offers a free web-based API for facial recognition.
Although, Ishu's answer (username/password) is the easiest and most standard way to do identify users.
Make an id for user's and also a login page in the app. save his id with in you content table for send that content for that user. if that content entry already having his id then don't send to him otherwise send to him.
I don't think there is another option. You must use user id nothing else.