mvn command not found mac terminal - eclipse

I am trying to follow this guide to set up hadoop on my eclipse however, when I am at this part:
$ mvn install -DskipTests
my terminal returns
-bash: mvn: command not found
what am I doing wrong here?

Install homebrew the missing package manager for macos
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
Then install maven
brew install maven

You need to either install eclipse with maven plugin or use eclipse itself to run the maven commands or set environment variable to the location where maven exists or install maven and configure env variable to the location of maven installation.
You can find instructions to install in this link for windows.

try command:source ~/.bash_profile in you terminal

One method, you can try, is to use the login command from inside the eclipse terminal. It will ask for your system username and password. On successful login, you'll get the fully working eclipse terminal (just like the normal mac terminal).
One heads-up though, after login eclipse terminal will start from the home directory (~/), so it would be better to do a pwd before using the login command in order to copy the directory path and do a cd to the exact directory you intended. Also, you have to redo it for each new terminal you open.
An EASY way is to use a plugin called EasyShell (search it in the marketplace). It makes life easier.


the eclipse launcher does not exist

I downloaded the eclipse from the official site then i ruining the command sudo ./eclipse-inst i choose the installation folder in /user then the installation is completed with success and i tested a hello example and it's work . But i didn't find th launch icon on my application.
i created a file eclipe.desktop sudo nano /usr/share/applications/eclipse.desktop and add this config . but i still have the same problem
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Eclipse IDE
Comment=Eclipse IDE
how can i launch eclipse and solve this problem
if you want you have a easier way to install eclipse on GNU/Linux with the Eclispe Installer, you will can also update it in a easier way.
Eclipse installer on Linux
i used this command and it's work sudo chmod 775 -R/root/

Failing at NetBeans Java Native Packaging for Linux

Doing Linux Native Package builds I'm running into problems with both RPM and DEB. In the case of RPMs, it's saying that rpmbuild cannot be found. Then for DEBs it reports the dpkg cannot be found.
Both dpkg and rpmbuild are installed and are in /usr/bin. Both are in my path and execute fine from CLI. Failure is the same whether I start NetBeans from GUI or CLI. I've even symlinked rpmbuild and dpkg into my NetBeans bin directory. No luck.
How does one go about getting NetBeans to find dpkg and rpmbuild so that it can complete native builds from the GUI? Currently working with SuSE LEAP 15.
For whatever reason, the "Package All Artifacts" option is currently generating .deb and .rpms, but I can't generate them individually. I'm OK with this. I think the most likely change to make that option work was symlinking the binaries from user bin into my netbeans bin.

How to correctly setup PyDev in NVIDIA Nsight Eclipse version?

In Ubuntu 16.04(64 bit), I've installed the cuda 7.5 and it has an internal NVIDIA Nsight Eclipse. Now I want to install the PyDev plugin into it. But it seems not working. The PyDev is not shown in the IDE.
So I searched in Google, it returns one solution in here, it can be worked. But in that way I have to using the sudo command.
Is there any more convenient way to successfully install the PyDev into Nsight?
Finally, I found one solution.
Download and decompress it into the corresponding directories of /usr/local/cuda-7.5/libnsight/.
sudo chmod 777 /usr/local/cuda-7.5 -R
Then, when you rerun the nsight, the PyDev will be loaded and it works OK.

problem running eclipse on ubuntu?

I downloaded eclipse on ubuntu. But when I run it it show following error.
A Java Runtime Environment (JRE) or Java Development Kit (JDK)
must be available in order to run Eclipse. No Java virtual machine
was found after searching the following locations:
java in your current PATH
Can someone help me to solve this. I don't have experience about this on ubuntu.
You need to install either the openjdk-7-jre or oracle-java7-jre package.
sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jre
Note that openjdk-7-jre is easier to install, because it's available via the standard Ubuntu repository, whereas you have to build oracle-java7-jre yourself using java-package.
If you allready installed java** you need to add the Java-Path to your eclipse.ini
in my case it's located at:
there you need to add direct under the "openFile" statement, where you replace the path with your java path:
/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk/bin/java //!replace with your path to java!
** check wether java is installed by typing the commands
java -version
javac -version
If you are sure that java is installed, but it's not found you may have multiple versions installed, check that by:
sudo update-alternatives --config java
and select installation first
I solved it by created a symbolic link java in /usr/bin that points to the VM.
Steps :
Downloaded the appropriate version of Oracle's JDK from
extract it to any folder. For example :
tar zxvf ~/Downloads/jdk-8u5-linux-x64.tar.gz ~/DEV
create symbolic link with name java :
cd /usr/bin
ln -s ~/DEV/jdk1.8.0_05/bin/java java
You need to add the JDK to your PATH.
This link should help you get started.
You need to install the JDK or OpenJDK (Eclipse only officially supports the former, but the latter mostly works).
I solved this error message by adding jre path in to eclipse.ini.To solve the error like this,your machine should have java installed.
In my setup eclipse.ini is in
eclipse-jee-mars-linux-gtk-x86_64-5.0.0/eclipse folder.
-vm /home/user/Documents/Softwares/jdk-8u202-linux-x64/jdk1.8.0_202/jre/bin
at the top of the file.
In here /home/user/Documents/Softwares/jdk-8u202-linux-x64/jdk1.8.0_202 is my JAVA_HOME
For me, directing JDK path to -vm didn't work.I had to put the jre/bin path which is inside jdk folder.
You need to have a Java environment that can execute the Java instructions in Eclipse for it to run.
Install a suitable Java package in the package manager, and try again. Note that Eclipse does not require a JDK, a JRE is enough.
I tried editing .profile, .bashrc, to no avail. (I'm trying to use eclipse by clicking an icon, NOT by executing it from a bash shell).
SOLUTION: I copied my /home/denise/jdk1.7.0_25/jre to
which is a stupid solution because it defeats the purpose of having a .profile or .bashrc.
and no, there was no .pam_environment file
I had similar problem. It solved after, I have download JRE from
and put it in the path of eclipse as shown below -
abc#ubuntu:~/Downloads/eclipse$ ls
I hope it helps.
First of all you need to set your JAVA path in .bashrc file.
goto cd ~
open .bashrc,vi .bashrc
add a line at the end export path="path/to dir:$path"
do source .bashrc for changes to take effect.
Then open your eclipse.ini file(if you want to locate eclipse.ini do whereis eclipse).
open eclipse.ini,then add a line
Just copy jre and paste in eclipse folder that's it. After this just click on eclipse icon to launch eclipse. Thanks.

How can I compile gVim under Ubuntu?

I am trying to install the codecheck plugin for gVim, but to do so I must compile gVim with the plugin.
On apt, every apt-get source to a gVim package downloads the normal Vim source, so I guess compiling the GUI must be a configure option. However, I can install the plugin on Vim but I can't compile gVim (since when I make there appears no gVim executable).
Any help compiling gVim?
I'm pretty sure you can just add --enable-gui=gtk2 when configureing. At least, that's how I remember doing it.
apt-get build-dep vim to install the build dependencies for Vim.
Read src/INSTALL, as explained in the README.txt in the top-level directory of the source, to see how to configure and compile it.
After you've got your dependencies installed and you can't find the gvim executable, then try vim -g from the terminal - that's the flag for starting in GUI mode. It's always worth a shot.
It seems this is a more updated version: