problem running eclipse on ubuntu? - eclipse

I downloaded eclipse on ubuntu. But when I run it it show following error.
A Java Runtime Environment (JRE) or Java Development Kit (JDK)
must be available in order to run Eclipse. No Java virtual machine
was found after searching the following locations:
java in your current PATH
Can someone help me to solve this. I don't have experience about this on ubuntu.

You need to install either the openjdk-7-jre or oracle-java7-jre package.
sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jre
Note that openjdk-7-jre is easier to install, because it's available via the standard Ubuntu repository, whereas you have to build oracle-java7-jre yourself using java-package.

If you allready installed java** you need to add the Java-Path to your eclipse.ini
in my case it's located at:
there you need to add direct under the "openFile" statement, where you replace the path with your java path:
/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk/bin/java //!replace with your path to java!
** check wether java is installed by typing the commands
java -version
javac -version
If you are sure that java is installed, but it's not found you may have multiple versions installed, check that by:
sudo update-alternatives --config java
and select installation first

I solved it by created a symbolic link java in /usr/bin that points to the VM.
Steps :
Downloaded the appropriate version of Oracle's JDK from
extract it to any folder. For example :
tar zxvf ~/Downloads/jdk-8u5-linux-x64.tar.gz ~/DEV
create symbolic link with name java :
cd /usr/bin
ln -s ~/DEV/jdk1.8.0_05/bin/java java

You need to add the JDK to your PATH.
This link should help you get started.

You need to install the JDK or OpenJDK (Eclipse only officially supports the former, but the latter mostly works).

I solved this error message by adding jre path in to eclipse.ini.To solve the error like this,your machine should have java installed.
In my setup eclipse.ini is in
eclipse-jee-mars-linux-gtk-x86_64-5.0.0/eclipse folder.
-vm /home/user/Documents/Softwares/jdk-8u202-linux-x64/jdk1.8.0_202/jre/bin
at the top of the file.
In here /home/user/Documents/Softwares/jdk-8u202-linux-x64/jdk1.8.0_202 is my JAVA_HOME
For me, directing JDK path to -vm didn't work.I had to put the jre/bin path which is inside jdk folder.

You need to have a Java environment that can execute the Java instructions in Eclipse for it to run.
Install a suitable Java package in the package manager, and try again. Note that Eclipse does not require a JDK, a JRE is enough.

I tried editing .profile, .bashrc, to no avail. (I'm trying to use eclipse by clicking an icon, NOT by executing it from a bash shell).
SOLUTION: I copied my /home/denise/jdk1.7.0_25/jre to
which is a stupid solution because it defeats the purpose of having a .profile or .bashrc.
and no, there was no .pam_environment file

I had similar problem. It solved after, I have download JRE from
and put it in the path of eclipse as shown below -
abc#ubuntu:~/Downloads/eclipse$ ls
I hope it helps.

First of all you need to set your JAVA path in .bashrc file.
goto cd ~
open .bashrc,vi .bashrc
add a line at the end export path="path/to dir:$path"
do source .bashrc for changes to take effect.
Then open your eclipse.ini file(if you want to locate eclipse.ini do whereis eclipse).
open eclipse.ini,then add a line

Just copy jre and paste in eclipse folder that's it. After this just click on eclipse icon to launch eclipse. Thanks.


version 1.7 of the jvm is not suitable for this product. version 1.8 greater is required for eclipse nano in window

I am trying to launch Eclipse Nano in Windows 7, but getting the error:
Version 1.7 of the JVM is not suitable for this product. version 1.8 greater is required for Eclipse Nano in Windows
I already have Java 8 installed on the system
Simply download 1.8 JDK from Java SE Development Kit 8 Downloads install it, then copy the jre folder & paste it in:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\EclipseNeon\"
Then rename the folder to "jre", start the eclipse again it should work.
sudo /usr/sbin/update-alternatives --config java
and select the jvm 1.8
I faced the same issue (Windows 10). You need to set the "JAVA_HOME" system environment variable to point to JDK 8 folder and edit the "Path" system environment variable to have a new path to JRE 8's bin folder, this should be at the top of the list.
I too got the same error while installing
Possible reason for the error - The eclipse version, you are installing and the Java version should be of same bit, i.e. either 32 bit or 64 bit
Solution: I have downloaded both the java for 64 bit and 32 bit and installed, now my problem is gone.
Please let me know if it works for you.
When you download the latest eclipse, and extract it, you can find the folder named eclipse-installer with eclipse-inst file inside it. Instead of double-clicking it to start installation, just navigate to the folder in terminal and run ./eclipse-inst command. It does the entire installation for you. It worked for me and hope who also got the same problem(version 1.7 of the jvm is not suitable for this product. version 1.8 greater is required) gets solved. :)
On a Windows system I had the same problem.
Although I had only Java 1.8 installed, I found that I also had a 1.7 upgrade file installed too (which didn't get uninstalled automatically when I installed 1.8).
Uninstalling this upgrade file allowed me to install Eclipse IDE.
I had the same issue and I had a different solution to this problem.
Though I set the JAVA_HOME to 1.8 (Both through CMD and environment variables), the error was persisting.
So I opened CMD prompt, typed:
java - version
to find out 1.7 was the version my system was set to. Until then I had no clue from where it was fetching this version.
And then I changed it to 1.8 using this command:
set path=C:\.....eclipse\jdk1.8.0_141-b15\bin
Recheck if it is set to 1.8 with the same command:
java -version
You should be good to go now!
if it's a 64-bit Eclipse. You'll need to explicitly download and install the 64-bit Java 8 or later.
download it from here
tips for windows users
Version 1.7 of the JVM is not suitable for this product. version 1.8
greater is required
user get above error message because they had multiple jdk version or they do not have latest version of jdk installed , even if you install latest version of jdk and you if you have not removed old version of jdk like 1.7 you will get the above error message , so better to get rid of old version of jdk and jre etc.
-> ignore this step if you have insallted latest version of jdk already
download 32 or 64 bit latest jdk from :
-> go to C:\Program Files\Java and look for old version of jdk , let say if you have 1.7 versions of jdk delete them so that you are left only with latest version , you can remove old versions of jre too here just by deleting.
-> next run eclipse you will not get v1.7 message
Find the JVM
If a JVM is installed in the eclipse/jre directory, Eclipse will use it; otherwise the launcher will consult the eclipse.ini file and the system path variable. Eclipse DOES NOT consult the JAVA_HOME environment variable.
To explicitly specify a JVM of your choice, you can use the -vm command line argument:
eclipse -vm c:\jre\bin\javaw.exe ''start Java by executing the specified java executable
eclipse -vm c:\jre\bin\client\jvm.dll ''start Java by loading the jvm in the eclipse process
Go to Eclipse directory, find and open eclipse.ini configuration file then modify below parameter to your desired version, it will work.
It worked for me
Eclipse will consider the version that is mentioned in eclipse.ini file, this error
means that your installed java version (in environment variable) and the mentioned java
version in eclipse.ini file is not matching.
You may just change the java version there (it will be in eclipse-installation-dir).
Change the property as below:-
Updating below line in eclipse.ini worked for me
Two things:
Check this question here as it's similar and has some good pointers Eclipse - no Java (JRE) / (JDK) ... no virtual machine
Also, get the latest JRE and JDK from Oracle vs from
Today I meet the same question. I download the file that named "eclipse-inst-linux64.tar.gz". When I open the eclipse, it shows "Version 1.7.0_121 of the JVM is not suitable for this product. Version: 1.8".Then execute
cd /usr/bin/
sudo ln -s /Your_JAVA_PATH /usr/bin/java
Then you can install eclipse.
Make sure java and eclipse versions are same(32bit or 64bit)
Try running eclipse-installer as administrator(this worked for me)
If you need to skip this step just simply change Required Version number, ex:
open with any text editor instalation path/AptanaStudio3.ini
and change
-Dosgi.requiredJavaVersion=1.8 to -Dosgi.requiredJavaVersion=1.7
This is just for skipping this step.
I had both 1.7 and 1.8 in path and 1.7 was on top and 1.8 below in Pah, so i moved 1.7 below 1.8, thats it it worked.
Go to Oracle's website and download the newest version of Java JDK. (
Install the program on your computer.
Remove all old environment variables related to Oracle and Java.
Set the environment variables related to the new installation all the way to the bin folder. (include the bin folder in the environment variables section)

Eclipse (No JVM was found)

Eclipse gave me an error specifying that no JRE is installed while I was trying to configure Erlide in eclipse.
I added path to erlang directory in 'System Variables'. Then I installed erlang plugin for eclipse, added erlang installation directory path in Eclipse preferences and restarted Eclipse.
After restarting eclipse started giving me error about JRE.
Below steps might help you to solve your problem.
Install JDK and JRE - Here are step by step Instructions OR ANOTHER
Verify you setup JAVA_HOME and JRE_HOME and PATH into environment variable.
You can also investigate your Java version via Command Prompt:
Open a Command Prompt (Navigate to “Start” => “Run” and type “cmd”)
Then enter the following command:
java –version
If you don't see your java version you have to follow step 1 carefully again
Installed eclipse/ if already installed open the same. Here are step by step Instructions
NOTE: Make sure that you have same bits for both JDK and EClipse (32 or 64). One way is to verify in your ini file.
To develop a Java program, you need a JDK not only a JRE.
Do you have a JDK installed? Have you tried to run jar, $ set | grep "JAVA_HOME" (Linux) or C:\> set | find "JAVA_HOME" (Windows) in your command prompt to see if you have Java configured in your machine?
Once you install your JDK you need to set this environment variable.
Maybe Earlide is not compatible with your JDK 1.8, can you try with jdk 1.6

Eclipse error: "javaw.exe not found"

I installed Python 2.7 recently and with it Django--as part of the installation I had to add a PATH environment variable with the path to my Python installation.
After I did that, when I launch Eclipse, I get an error saying "javaw.exe" was not found. I need both Python and Eclipse on my machine, is there something I can do to fix this issue?
Have you installed java runtime? If not, you need to install it first. If you have it already, you might need to adjust your path.
You need to use
Launch it with the following command
\eclipse.exe -vm \bin\java.exe -vmargs
Look at the FAQ section of PyDev

Eclipse JRE or JDK missing

I am trying to use Eclipse on a friends computer but we keep getting this when we run Eclipse
We have the environmental variable set as well.
it was working before he installed the black berry plug in.
The variable JAVA_HOME is not required by Eclipse. If your Java installation does not put the Java executables in the PATH, you should add those manually.
A faster way to have your Eclipse up and running consists in modifying the eclipse.ini and using the -vm option.
I had the same problem. For me, I needed the JDK. So I had to install the JDK. It should match the build platform that is, 64bit vs. 32bit windows. After that, I removed, the -vm line from the eclipse.ini file (the suggested fix). It was giving me the "Can't create virtual machine" error. The current release of JDK is version, 7 whereas the Android Developers Toolkit version of eclipse is currently based on JDK 6. But it seems to work. Eclipse came up and is functional. Haven't actually written a program yet.
Go to eclipse folder (where eclipse is installed) and open eclipse.ini file in your editor and add the following code after openFile tag.
-vm C:\Program Files\JDK6\bin\javaw.exe
That's all.
I had a similar problem, since our Java and JDK is consistently updated by our service desk, including uninstalling old JDKs. They take care of the PATH for us, but then the JRE that Eclipse was used to "seeing" was gone. So, the thing that has worked best for me is to modify the shortcut's "target" from:
"C:\Program Files\Eclipse\Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers\eclipse.exe"
"C:\Program Files\Eclipse\Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers\eclipse.exe" -vm "C:\Program Files\Java\<jdkver>\jre\bin\javaw.exe"
That will point Eclipse toward to the JRE in the JDK you want it to use, and then you can update that shortcut when your JDK updates.
This is on Windows 64bit, obviously.
It can also happen on mismatch of JAVA and Eclipse bit version.
for eg:
If in your System java is 32 bit and you are trying to install Eclipse of 64 bit then the same situation might occur.
Because Eclipse will look Java in Program Files while at the same time Java may be present in Program Files (x86).
So in this case eclipse will not get java and throw the same error.
While installing eclipse, Jre missing :
I solved my error as follows:-
This error may comes if you have 2 program files folder in your system.
"Program files" &
"Program files x86".
Please install JDK&JRE in the "Program files" folder.
Hope your jre missing error get solved.
this works for me:
open eclipse.ini file in your editor and add the line: -vm C:\Program Files\JDK11\bin\javaw.exe
update system PATH with correct JDK path.

Using Ant with Flex

I'm having problems setting up Ant to use with Flex. I install it fine but I get this error when I try and check the install: Unable to locate tools.jar.
From what I've read, I just need to point JAVA_HOME to the directory that contains the jdk. Unfortunately, I'm not sure I know which jre I'm using in Eclipse and also, I do a search for tools.jar on my machine and it's not there???
I have a C:\Program Files\Java directory and there is this in there:
In Eclipse --> Windows --> Preferences --Java --> Installed JREs, it's pointing to here:
eclipse-host-distro, C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder Plug-in\eclipse-host-distro
Am I not working with a full JRE?
Any tips are greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
Just specify your JAVA_HOME path as C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_03\ and everything should be good as long as the JDK was properly installed. If that doesn't work, get the latest and try again.