Temp Tables Calculating Fields - progress-4gl

I am joining two tables and outputting to a csv file. This has worked ok,
But I would like to create a calculated field (an integer field multiplied by a decimal field) and output that as one of the columns.
I am struggling at the moment to calculate the field and store it.
FOR EACH wo_instr NO-LOCK:
ASSIGN bh2:BUFFER-VALUE("ttqtyhrs") = bh2:BUFFER-VALUE ("craft_nbr") *
I am trying store the result of the calculation in temp table field ttqtyhrs
I get an error message
Invalid datatype for argument to method 'BUFFER-VALUE'. Expecting 'integer' (5442)
when I try to compile.
I would be grateful for any pointers

Most likely you want to something like this:
bh2:BUFFER-FIELD("ttqtyhrs"):BUFFER-VALUE() = bh2:BUFFER-FIELD("craft_nbr"):BUFFER-VALUE() * bh2:BUFFER-FIELD("std_hrs"):BUFFER-VALUE().
BUFFER-VALUE takes an integer representing the index if the field is an extent/array. You need to pinpoint the BUFFER-FIELD!


Postgres Update Number Values in a JSONB field to be text

I have a table with a JSON column and some of the values in it are numbers but I want all the values to be text. For example, I have {"budget": 500}, but I want it to be {"budget":"500"}. I have tried using the JSONB_SET function but even after postgres returns N rows updated, when I go to retrieve the records, they are still numbers. I was hoping that somebody may have encountered this issue. Here's what I've tried that isn't working.
UPDATE my_table
SET data = JSONB_SET(data, '{budget}', data->'budget'::text)
WHERE data ? 'budget' = true;
Since this is a very large table, hardcoding values is not feasible. If anybody knows why this isn't working or if there is something that does work, please let me know, thank you!
You can enforce converting a JSONB number to text with the function quote_ident():
UPDATE my_table
SET data = jsonb_set(data, '{budget}', quote_ident(data->>'budget')::jsonb)
WHERE data ? 'budget'
-- you can add this condition to avoid updating non-numbers
-- AND jsonb_typeof(data->'budget') = 'number'
Note that data->'budget'::text does nothing as the cast refers to 'budget', not a JSON object and the expression is equivalent to data->'budget'.

Extract table name from more than one schema length in Data Factory Expression

I need to extract table name from schema.table_name, I have more than one schema where length is unknown. e.g. Finance.Reporting or Setup.System. I want to extract Reporting and System from these string using Expression in Data Factory.
You can use the split() function to split the string based on delimiter which returns the array and get the second value from the string.
Note: Array index starts from 0.

Can't parse JSONB scalar as array in Postgres

I'm on PostgreSQL 13.2. I have a table with a JSONB column, and it stores JSONs that are a list of objects:
"[{\"MyKey\":\"ValueXYZ\",\"Counter\":0}, {\"MyKey\":\"ValueABC\",\"Counter\":3}]"
When I test this column for a type with jsonb_typeof() like so:
select jsonb_typeof(i.my_column) as col_type
from items i
where i.id = 342
I get string. Which tells me this value is a scalar, and I'm wondering if maybe it wasn't inserted properly.
The error that is bothering me is I am trying to parse the column with something like this:
select jsonb_array_elements(i.my_column)
from items i
and I see the error:
SQL Error [22023]: ERROR: cannot extract elements from a scalar
What is going on? Is there a way to fix this?
Yes, it got inserted wrong. It contains a scalar, which happens to be holding the string representation of a JSON array. The string representation of a JSON array is a different thing than an actual JSON array.
You can extract the string value from the scalar, then cast that string into a jsonb. #>>'{}' will extract the string out of a scalar.
select jsonb_array_elements((i.my_column#>>'{}')::jsonb)
from items i ;
Although you should fundamentally fix the problem, by re-storing the values correctly.
update items set my_column = (my_column#>>'{}')::jsonb where jsonb_typeof(my_column)='string';
But of course you should fix whatever is doing the incorrect insertions first.
Looks like a quoting issue. Consider:
test=> SELECT jsonb_typeof(jsonb '[{"MyKey":"ValueXYZ","Counter":0}, {"MyKey":"ValueABC","Counter":3}]') AS col_type;
(1 row)

How to specify VARCHAR column length in custom data persister?

I have a custom persister which stores ZonedDateTimes as strings in my database. OrmLite is generating column definition VARCHAR(0) which is invalid in PostgreSQL.
I need to specify a length but I am not sure the best way to do it.
I know I could do something like
#DatabaseField(columnName = "my_column",
persisterClass = MyCustomPersister.class,
columnDefinition = "VARCHAR(17)")
But I would have to do this for every declaration of a field with this datatype. That means that every field annotated with DatabaseField(persisterClass=MyCustomPersister.class) should always be in SQL a VARCHAR of length 17
Is there a way to fix this problem in the data persister?
It is enough with just overriding the method int getDefaultWidth(); in the data persister

How to cast number to symbol in KDB?

A column has undergone a data type change, so the query has to be changed too:
Old query:
select from person where id = 100
New query:
select from person where id = `100
I'm new to Q and haven't been able to figure out how to do this:
I want to convert 100 to `100.
You would need to convert to string first and then cast to symbol:
q)`$string 100
However, having a numerical column as symbols is a pretty bad idea. Is this table being written to disk? If so this could possibly blow up your sym file and blow up your in-memory interned symbol list (increasing your memory usage).....assuming the numerical values are not very repetitive