How to specify VARCHAR column length in custom data persister? - ormlite

I have a custom persister which stores ZonedDateTimes as strings in my database. OrmLite is generating column definition VARCHAR(0) which is invalid in PostgreSQL.
I need to specify a length but I am not sure the best way to do it.
I know I could do something like
#DatabaseField(columnName = "my_column",
persisterClass = MyCustomPersister.class,
columnDefinition = "VARCHAR(17)")
But I would have to do this for every declaration of a field with this datatype. That means that every field annotated with DatabaseField(persisterClass=MyCustomPersister.class) should always be in SQL a VARCHAR of length 17
Is there a way to fix this problem in the data persister?

It is enough with just overriding the method int getDefaultWidth(); in the data persister


Setting the column data type in databases

Error for written code Current model imports certain parameters from an excel file. Hoping to allow users to override the existing values in the database through an editbox. However, I'm faced with the error (shown in attached image). The imported data is column type is in integer type, while the set function requires input of double type. I've tried placing (double) db_parameters.duration_sec and it fails too. Is there any way to replace an imported data to the data type that is required? Will not want to manually change the data type under the database fields as I may need to re-import the excel sheet from time to time which will auto reset the columns back to integer type. Thanks!
Your query should look like this:
.where(db_parameters.tasking.eq("Receive Lot"))
.set(db_parameters.duration_sec, (int)v_ReceiveLot)
the (int) has to be on the paremeter not on the column.

OrientDB force property type to be string

I'm using OrientDB and trying to create new property after I inserted my data (millions of rows).
I'm trying to create property on V in order to create an index and I'm getting the following error:
The database contains some schema-less data in the property
'V.ACCOUNT_NO' that is not compatible with the type STRING. Fix those
records and change the schema again [ONetworkProtocolHttpDb]
Now part of the fields type is INTEGER but it seems to me that it's very easy to convert the type to STRING.
how can I do it to the entire data?
I tried your case by creating this simple structure in schema-less mode:
These records are a mix of INTEGER and STRING types:
Now you can convert the not string records type by using this query:
About the exception, I got correctly the same error when I try to create a new property V.ACCOUNT_NO of type STRING in schema-full mode and this is correct because the property already exists in the database and contains mixed types of records, although in schema-less mode.
Once all the records were converted, you'll able to create the new property.
Hope it helps

Temp Tables Calculating Fields

I am joining two tables and outputting to a csv file. This has worked ok,
But I would like to create a calculated field (an integer field multiplied by a decimal field) and output that as one of the columns.
I am struggling at the moment to calculate the field and store it.
FOR EACH wo_instr NO-LOCK:
ASSIGN bh2:BUFFER-VALUE("ttqtyhrs") = bh2:BUFFER-VALUE ("craft_nbr") *
I am trying store the result of the calculation in temp table field ttqtyhrs
I get an error message
Invalid datatype for argument to method 'BUFFER-VALUE'. Expecting 'integer' (5442)
when I try to compile.
I would be grateful for any pointers
Most likely you want to something like this:
bh2:BUFFER-FIELD("ttqtyhrs"):BUFFER-VALUE() = bh2:BUFFER-FIELD("craft_nbr"):BUFFER-VALUE() * bh2:BUFFER-FIELD("std_hrs"):BUFFER-VALUE().
BUFFER-VALUE takes an integer representing the index if the field is an extent/array. You need to pinpoint the BUFFER-FIELD!

Do sphinx attributes have to perfectly match DB storage settings?

If I have a field in my table called sortingfield and it is stored as a BIGINT(20) unsigned.
Does it have to be called as an attribute in a way that exactly matches it's storage method?
Or can it just be called like this:
sql_attr_uint = sortingfield
Or does it have to be
sql_attr_bigint = sortingfield
Or does the field in the DB have to be changed to signed?
Currently I am trying to sort on the field and it is not sorting.
So, to sum up again, does the way you call the attribute have to exactly match
No they dont have to exactly match. Everything gets transfered as strings anyway, so type conversion is going on.
You just need to beware of out of range numbers.

Play!Framework 2 Java model string field length annotations

To achieve best performance and validation convenience, which of these annotations are needed for a String field?
database: MySQL
A field to store district name
#Column(length=50) // javax.persistence.Column
Is this going to be converted to varchar(50)? Or I need this one specifically:
And another two annotations
#MaxLength(50) //
#Length(max=50) // com.avaje.ebean.validation.Length, is this one useful or not required anyway?
public String districtName;
I think I need #Column(length=50) for definition and #MaxLength(50) for validation at same time? Or one of these two will imply the other one automatically?
As far as I know, when we mark String variable with these annotation:
#javax.persistence.Column(columnDefinition='varchar(50)'). Note: I am use postgreSQL, and this will create column definition with character varying data type
the three annotations above has the same purpose. Those will create column definition with character varying data type and length of 50 characters on database.
Without the #Constraint.MaxLength(50), you will get exception like below when you entered input value whose length greater than 50:
Execution Exception
[ValidationException: validation failed for: models.TheModel]
I think, there should be a way to handle above exception, but honestly I don't know how to do that until now.
My advice for you is to choose one out of the 3 annotations above (It is your preference) with the use of anotation #Constraint.MaxLength(50). For me, it is the easiest and the simplest way, and you can easily make the form using play framework scala-template-helper.