Dictionary extension to convert nil values to NSNull - swift

Since you can't cast a Dictionary<String, AnyObject?> into a NSDictionary directly, I want to write a Dictionary extension that will do that conversion (substituting NSNull for any nils).
But in order to do that, my Dictionary extension must be constrained to dicts whose values are Optional<T> where T:AnyObject. How do I write the type constraint for that?

You can't add nil to a dict. So you have to force it in there with a cast to someType? just so you have a key.
Borrowing from this Q/A for the OptionalConvertible solution:
protocol OptionalConvertible {
typealias WrappedValueType = AnyObject
func toOptional() -> WrappedValueType?
extension Optional: OptionalConvertible {
typealias WrappedValueType = Wrapped
// just to cast `Optional<Wrapped>` to `Wrapped?`
func toOptional() -> WrappedValueType? {
return self
extension Dictionary where Value: OptionalConvertible, Key: NSCopying {
//dict: Dictionary<Key, Optional<Value>>
func convertToNSDictionary() -> NSDictionary {
let mutableDict : NSMutableDictionary = NSMutableDictionary()
for key in self.keys {
if let maybeValue = self[key] {
if let value = maybeValue.toOptional() {
mutableDict[key] = value as? AnyObject
} else {
mutableDict[key] = NSNull()
return mutableDict
var optionalObject : UIView? = nil
var dict : [NSString:AnyObject?] = [:]
dict["alpha"] = 1
dict["beta"] = 2
dict["delta"] = optionalObject as AnyObject? // force a nil into the dict
dict // ["beta": {Some 2}, "alpha": {Some 1}, "delta": nil]
let nsdict = dict.convertToNSDictionary() // ["alpha": 1, "beta": 2, "delta": {NSObject}]
Or a more practical approach :
extension NSDictionary {
static func fromDictionary<Key: Hashable, Value:AnyObject where Key: NSCopying>(dictionary:Dictionary<Key, Value>) -> NSDictionary {
let mutableDict : NSMutableDictionary = NSMutableDictionary()
for key in dictionary.keys {
if let value = dictionary[key] {
mutableDict[key] = value
} else {
mutableDict[key] = NSNull()
return mutableDict
static func fromDictionary<Key: Hashable, Value:AnyObject where Key: NSCopying>(dict: Dictionary<Key, Optional<Value>>) -> NSDictionary {
let mutableDict : NSMutableDictionary = NSMutableDictionary()
for key in dict.keys {
if let maybeValue = dict[key] {
if let value = maybeValue {
mutableDict[key] = value
} else {
mutableDict[key] = NSNull()
return mutableDict


Convert to string an Any value

This fails (Non-nominal type 'Any' cannot be extended)
extension Any {
func literal() -> String {
if let booleanValue = (self as? Bool) {
return String(format: (booleanValue ? "true" : "false"))
if let intValue = (self as? Int) {
return String(format: "%d", intValue)
if let floatValue = (self as? Float) {
return String(format: "%f", floatValue)
if let doubleValue = (self as? Double) {
return String(format: "%f", doubleValue)
return String(format: "<%#>", self)
as I would like to use it in a dictionary (self) to xml string factory like
extension Dictionary {
// Return an XML string from the dictionary
func xmlString(withElement element: String, isFirstElement: Bool) -> String {
var xml = String.init()
if isFirstElement { xml.append("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n") }
xml.append(String(format: "<%#>\n", element))
for node in self.keys {
let value = self[node]
if let array: Array<Any> = (value as? Array<Any>) {
xml.append(array.xmlString(withElement: node as! String, isFirstElemenet: false))
if let dict: Dictionary<AnyHashable,Any> = (value as? Dictionary<AnyHashable,Any>) {
xml.append(dict.xmlString(withElement: node as! String, isFirstElement: false))
xml.append(String(format: "<%#>", node as! CVarArg))
xml.append((value as Any).literal
xml.append(String(format: "</%#>\n", node as! CVarArg))
xml.append(String(format: "</%#>\n", element))
return xml.replacingOccurrences(of: "&", with: "&amp", options: .literal, range: nil)
I was trying to reduce the code somehow, as the above snippet is repeated a few times in a prototype I'm building but this is not the way to do it (a working copy with the snippet replicated works but ugly?).
Basically I want to generate a literal for an Any value - previously fetched from a dictionary.
It seems like you can't add extensions to Any. You do have some other options though - either make it a function toLiteral(value: Any) -> String, or what is probably a neater solution; use the description: String attribute which is present on all types that conform to CustomStringConvertible, which includes String, Int, Bool, and Float - your code would be simplified down to just xml.append(value.description). You then just have make a simple implementation for any other types that you might get.
Ok, finally got this working. First the preliminaries: each of your objects needs to have a dictionary() method to marshal itself. Note: "k.###" are struct static constants - i.e., k.name is "name", etc. I have two objects, a PlayItem and a PlayList:
class PlayItem : NSObject {
var name : String = k.item
var link : URL = URL.init(string: "http://")!
var time : TimeInterval
var rank : Int
var rect : NSRect
var label: Bool
var hover: Bool
var alpha: Float
var trans: Int
var temp : String {
get {
return link.absoluteString
set (value) {
link = URL.init(string: value)!
func dictionary() -> Dictionary<String,Any> {
var dict = Dictionary<String,Any>()
dict[k.name] = name
dict[k.link] = link.absoluteString
dict[k.time] = time
dict[k.rank] = rank
dict[k.rect] = NSStringFromRect(rect)
dict[k.label] = label ? 1 : 0
dict[k.hover] = hover ? 1 : 0
dict[k.alpha] = alpha
dict[k.trans] = trans
return dict
class PlayList : NSObject {
var name : String = k.list
var list : Array <PlayItem> = Array()
func dictionary() -> Dictionary<String,Any> {
var dict = Dictionary<String,Any>()
var items: [Any] = Array()
for item in list {
dict[k.name] = name
dict[k.list] = items
return dict
Note any value so marshal has to be those legal types for a dictionary; it helps to have aliases so in the PlayItem a "temp" is the string version for the link url, and its getter/setter would translate.
When needed, like the writeRowsWith drag-n-drop tableview handler, I do this:
func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView, writeRowsWith rowIndexes: IndexSet, to pboard: NSPasteboard) -> Bool {
if tableView == playlistTableView {
let objects: [PlayList] = playlistArrayController.arrangedObjects as! [PlayList]
var items: [PlayList] = [PlayList]()
var promises = [String]()
for index in rowIndexes {
let item = objects[index]
let dict = item.dictionary()
let promise = dict.xmlString(withElement: item.className, isFirstElement: true)
let data = NSKeyedArchiver.archivedData(withRootObject: items)
pboard.setPropertyList(data, forType: PlayList.className())
pboard.setPropertyList(promises, forType:NSFilesPromisePboardType)
pboard.writeObjects(promises as [NSPasteboardWriting])
let objects: [PlayItem] = playitemArrayController.arrangedObjects as! [PlayItem]
var items: [PlayItem] = [PlayItem]()
var promises = [String]()
for index in rowIndexes {
let item = objects[index]
let dict = item.dictionary()
let promise = dict.xmlString(withElement: item.className, isFirstElement: true)
let data = NSKeyedArchiver.archivedData(withRootObject: items)
pboard.setPropertyList(data, forType: PlayList.className())
pboard.setPropertyList(promises, forType:NSFilesPromisePboardType)
pboard.writeObjects(promises as [NSPasteboardWriting])
return true
What makes this happen are these xmlString extensions and the toLiteral function - as you cannot extend "Any":
func toLiteral(_ value: Any) -> String {
if let booleanValue = (value as? Bool) {
return String(format: (booleanValue ? "1" : "0"))
if let intValue = (value as? Int) {
return String(format: "%d", intValue)
if let floatValue = (value as? Float) {
return String(format: "%f", floatValue)
if let doubleValue = (value as? Double) {
return String(format: "%f", doubleValue)
if let stringValue = (value as? String) {
return stringValue
if let dictValue: Dictionary<AnyHashable,Any> = (value as? Dictionary<AnyHashable,Any>)
return dictValue.xmlString(withElement: "Dictionary", isFirstElement: false)
return ((value as AnyObject).description)
extension Array {
func xmlString(withElement element: String, isFirstElemenet: Bool) -> String {
var xml = String.init()
xml.append(String(format: "<%#>\n", element))
self.forEach { (value) in
if let array: Array<Any> = (value as? Array<Any>) {
xml.append(array.xmlString(withElement: "Array", isFirstElemenet: false))
if let dict: Dictionary<AnyHashable,Any> = (value as? Dictionary<AnyHashable,Any>) {
xml.append(dict.xmlString(withElement: "Dictionary", isFirstElement: false))
xml.append(String(format: "<%#>\n", element))
return xml
extension Dictionary {
// Return an XML string from the dictionary
func xmlString(withElement element: String, isFirstElement: Bool) -> String {
var xml = String.init()
if isFirstElement { xml.append("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n") }
xml.append(String(format: "<%#>\n", element))
for node in self.keys {
let value = self[node]
if let array: Array<Any> = (value as? Array<Any>) {
xml.append(array.xmlString(withElement: node as! String, isFirstElemenet: false))
if let dict: Dictionary<AnyHashable,Any> = (value as? Dictionary<AnyHashable,Any>) {
xml.append(dict.xmlString(withElement: node as! String, isFirstElement: false))
xml.append(String(format: "<%#>", node as! CVarArg))
xml.append(toLiteral(value as Any))
xml.append(String(format: "</%#>\n", node as! CVarArg))
xml.append(String(format: "</%#>\n", element))
return xml
func xmlHTMLString(withElement element: String, isFirstElement: Bool) -> String {
let xml = self.xmlString(withElement: element, isFirstElement: isFirstElement)
return xml.replacingOccurrences(of: "&", with: "&amp", options: .literal, range: nil)
This continues another's solution, the toLiteral() suggestion above, in hopes it helps others.

Make a dictionary value non-optional as extension

The below playground outlines my issue. The extension will remove nil values from my dictionary, but leave the other values as Optional(Value). What I need is a dictionary that has no nil values and make the optional value type non-optional.
Ex: I have a dictionary of [String:Int?]. I want the jsonSantize() of that called on that dictionary to return a [String:Int].
//: Playground - noun: a place where people can play
import UIKit
import Foundation
protocol OptionalType {
associatedtype Wrapped
var asOptional : Wrapped? { get }
extension Optional : OptionalType {
var asOptional : Wrapped? {
return self
extension Dictionary where Value : OptionalType{
//Sanitizes the current dictionary for json serialization
//Removes nil values entirely. Makes optionals non-optional
func jsonSanitize() -> Dictionary<Key,Value> {
var newDict:[Key:Value] = [:]
for (key, value) in self {
if value.asOptional != nil {
newDict.updateValue(self[key]!, forKey: key)
return newDict
var youGood = false
var stringMan:String? = youGood ?
"WOHOO!" :
var dict:[String:Any?] = [
"things": stringMan
var dict2 = dict.jsonSanitize()
var test = (stringMan != nil)
UPDATE: Suggestion made to use Value.Wrapped as new dictionary type
//: Playground - noun: a place where people can play
import UIKit
import Foundation
protocol OptionalType {
associatedtype Wrapped
var asOptional : Wrapped? { get }
extension Optional : OptionalType {
var asOptional : Wrapped? {
return self
extension Dictionary where Value : OptionalType{
//Sanitizes the current dictionary for json serialization
//Removes nil values entirely. Makes optionals non-optional
func jsonSanitize() -> Dictionary<Key,Value.Wrapped> {
var newDict:[Key:Value.Wrapped] = [:]
for (key, value) in self {
if let v = value.asOptional {
newDict.updateValue(v, forKey: key)
return newDict
var youGood = false
var stringMan:String? = youGood ?
"WOHOO!" :
var dict:[String:Any?] = [
"things": stringMan
var dict2:[String:Any] = dict.jsonSanitize()
var test = (stringMan != nil)
Your method produces a dictionary of the same type [Key: Value]
with Value being some optional type. What you probably want is
to produce a dictionary of type [Key: Value.Wrapped]:
extension Dictionary where Value: OptionalType {
func jsonSanitize() -> [Key: Value.Wrapped] {
var newDict: [Key: Value.Wrapped] = [:]
for (key, value) in self {
if let v = value.asOptional {
newDict.updateValue(v, forKey: key)
return newDict
let dict: [String: Int?] = [
"foo": 1234,
"bar": nil
var dict2 = dict.jsonSanitize()
print(dict2) // ["foo": 1234]
Note also that of Swift 3.0.1/Xcode 8.1 beta, optionals
are bridged to NSNull instances automatically, see
SE-0140 – Warn when Optional converts to Any, and bridge Optional As Its Payload Or NSNull

Trouble accessing dictionary item in Swift 2.0

I'm experienced in Obj-C, but fairly new to Swift. I have a simple function that takes a Set and a Dictionary as parameters:
func buildSource(dataToParse:Set<String>, lookupData:Dictionary<String,AnyObject>) {
for item in dataToParse {
for dict in lookupData {
let nameID = dict["name"] // compile error
The passed in parameter lookupData is a dictionary containing nested dictionaries. I know that each of these dictionaries contains a key called name but when I try to access that key using the following syntax:
let nameID = dict["name"]
I get the following comile error:
Type '(String, AnyObject)' has no subscript members
If I know that a key exists, how do I access it? Thanks!
import Foundation
func buildSource(dataToParse:Set<String>, lookupData:Dictionary<String,AnyObject>)->[AnyObject] {
var ret: Array<AnyObject> = []
for item in dataToParse {
for (key, value) in lookupData {
if key == item {
return ret
let set = Set(["alfa","beta","gama"])
var data: Dictionary<String,AnyObject> = [:]
data["alfa"] = NSNumber(integer: 1)
data["beta"] = NSDate()
data["theta"] = NSString(string: "some string")
let find = buildSource(set, lookupData: data)
/* prints
▿ 2 elements
- [0]: 28 Nov 2015 18:02
▿ [1]: 1 #0
▿ NSNumber: 1
▿ NSValue: 1
- NSObject: 1
in your code
for dict in lookupData {
let nameID = dict["name"] // compile error
dict is not a dictionary, but (key, value) tuple!
get value from lookupData with "name" as the key
downcast to a dictionary with as? [String:AnyObject]
iterate over dataToParse
use the String from dataToParse to access the nested dictionary.
func buildSource(dataToParse:Set<String>, lookupData:[String:AnyObject]) {
guard let dict = lookupData["name"] as? [String:AnyObject] else {
for item in dataToParse {
let value = dict[item]
More possible solutions:
If lookupData is an array of dictionaries:
func buildSource(dataToParse:Set<String>, lookupData:[[String:AnyObject]]) {
for item in dataToParse { // String
for dict in lookupData { // dict
let nameID = dict["name"] // value
If lookupData is a nested dictionary :
func buildSource(dataToParse:Set<String>, lookupData:[String:[String:AnyObject]]) {
for item in dataToParse {
guard let dict = lookupData[item] else {
guard let nameID = dict["name"] else {
If lookupData is definitely [String:AnyObject] and it's value might be another [String:AnyObject], but it might also not be.
func buildSource(dataToParse:Set<String>, lookupData:[String:AnyObject]) {
for item in dataToParse {
guard let dict = lookupData[item] as? [String:AnyObject] else {
guard let nameID = dict["name"] else {

Get a type of Element of an array in Swift (through reflection)

Let say I have following code
class Foo {
var fooArray : Array<Foo> = Array<Foo>()
// This is important because in my code I will get Any (vs Array<Foo)
var fooArrayAny : Any = foo
I want to be able to get a Type Foo out of variable fooArrayAny.
If I had fooArray, I would do something like that:
let type = fooArray.dynamicType.Element().dynamicType
However, this doesn't work with fooArrayAny. It says that it has no member Element()
If you set NSObject as the base class of Foo, then you could use the following code:
class EVReflectionTests: XCTestCase {
func testArrayInstance() {
let fooArray : Array<Foo> = Array<Foo>()
let fooArrayAny : Any = fooArray
if let arr = fooArray as? Array {
let i = arr.getArrayTypeInstance(arr)
print("i = \(i)")
class Foo: NSObject {
extension Array {
public func getArrayTypeInstance<T>(arr:Array<T>) -> T {
return arr.getTypeInstance()
public func getTypeInstance<T>() -> T {
let nsobjectype : NSObject.Type = T.self as! NSObject.Type
let nsobject: NSObject = nsobjectype.init()
return nsobject as! T
This code is a snippet of my library EVReflection
I noticed a mistake in the code above. I used fooArray instead of fooArrayAny. When changing that to fooArrayAny I get the same error as you that the compiler does not have the Element. After playing around with this, I found out a solution that does work. Again it has parts of code of my EVReflection library.
class EVReflectionTests: XCTestCase {
func testArrayInstance() {
let fooArray : Array<Foo> = Array<Foo>()
let fooArrayAny : Any = fooArray
if let _ = fooArrayAny as? NSArray {
var subtype: String = "\(Mirror(reflecting: fooArrayAny))"
subtype = subtype.substringFromIndex((subtype.componentsSeparatedByString("<") [0] + "<").endIndex)
subtype = subtype.substringToIndex(subtype.endIndex.predecessor())
print("The type of the array elements = \(subtype)")
if let instance = swiftClassFromString(subtype) {
print("An instance of the array element = \(instance)")
let type = instance.dynamicType
print("An instance of the array element = \(type)")
// All code below is a copy from the EVReflection library.
func swiftClassFromString(className: String) -> NSObject? {
var result: NSObject? = nil
if className == "NSObject" {
return NSObject()
if let anyobjectype : AnyObject.Type = swiftClassTypeFromString(className) {
if let nsobjectype : NSObject.Type = anyobjectype as? NSObject.Type {
let nsobject: NSObject = nsobjectype.init()
result = nsobject
return result
func swiftClassTypeFromString(className: String) -> AnyClass! {
if className.hasPrefix("_Tt") {
return NSClassFromString(className)
var classStringName = className
if className.rangeOfString(".", options: NSStringCompareOptions.CaseInsensitiveSearch) == nil {
let appName = getCleanAppName()
classStringName = "\(appName).\(className)"
return NSClassFromString(classStringName)
func getCleanAppName(forObject: NSObject? = nil)-> String {
var bundle = NSBundle.mainBundle()
if forObject != nil {
bundle = NSBundle(forClass: forObject!.dynamicType)
var appName = bundle.infoDictionary?["CFBundleName"] as? String ?? ""
if appName == "" {
if bundle.bundleIdentifier == nil {
bundle = NSBundle(forClass: EVReflection().dynamicType)
appName = (bundle.bundleIdentifier!).characters.split(isSeparator: {$0 == "."}).map({ String($0) }).last ?? ""
let cleanAppName = appName
.stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString(" ", withString: "_", options: NSStringCompareOptions.CaseInsensitiveSearch, range: nil)
.stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString("-", withString: "_", options: NSStringCompareOptions.CaseInsensitiveSearch, range: nil)
return cleanAppName
class Foo: NSObject {
The output of this code will be:
The type of the array elements = Foo
An instance of the array element = <EVReflection_iOS_Tests.Foo: 0x7fd6c20173d0>
An instance of the array element = Foo
Swift 5
Its old but I want to share my version if someone needs it.
I use ModelProtocol and I suggests you use protocol so we can do operation to model via protocol (ex: static instantiating).
protocol ModelProtocol {}
class Foo: ModelProtocol {
Since I can't check type is Array, I use CollectionProtocol and create Array extension to get Element via protocol.
protocol CollectionProtocol {
static func getElement() -> Any.Type
extension Array: CollectionProtocol {
static func getElement() -> Any.Type {
return Element.self
var fooArray: Array<Foo> = Array<Foo>()
var fooArrayAny: Any = fooArray
let arrayMirrorType = type(of: fooArrayAny)
String(describing: "arrayMirrorType: \(arrayMirrorType)")
if arrayMirrorType is CollectionProtocol.Type {
let collectionType = arrayMirrorType as! CollectionProtocol.Type
String(describing: "collectionType: \(collectionType)")
let elementType = collectionType.getElement()
String(describing: "elementType: \(elementType)")
let modelType = elementType as! ModelProtocol.Type
String(describing: "modelType: \(modelType)")
// ... now you can do operation to modelType via ModelProtocol
arrayMirrorType: Array<Foo>
collectionType: Array<Foo>
elementType: Foo
modelType: Foo
class Foo {
var foo: Int = 1
struct Boo {
var boo: String = "alfa"
func f(array: Any) {
let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: array)
let arraytype = mirror.subjectType
switch arraytype {
case is Array<Foo>.Type:
let fooArray = array as! Array<Foo>
case is Array<Boo>.Type:
let booArray = array as! Array<Boo>
print("array is not Array<Foo> nor Array<Boo>")
var fooArray : Array<Foo> = []
var anyArray : Any = fooArray // cast as Any
f(anyArray) // [Foo]
var booArray : Array<Boo> = []
anyArray = booArray // cast as Any
f(anyArray) // [Boo(boo: "alfa")]
var intArray : Array<Int> = []
anyArray = intArray // cast as Any
f(anyArray) // array is not Array<Foo> nor Array<Boo>

Lowercase Dictionary Keys in Swift

I need to convert a Dictionary with mixed case keys in the same exact Dictionary but with only lowercase keys.
Here is my attempt (It works but I found this implementation extremely rough)
extension Dictionary {
func lowercaseKeys()->Dictionary<String, AnyObject>{
var newDictionary = Dictionary<String,AnyObject>()
for k in keys{
if let k_string = k as? String{
newDictionary[k_string.lowercaseString] = self[k] as? AnyObject
return newDictionary
Can you suggest a more elegant way to solve this problem?
Changes its own keys without the need of a temporary dictionary ;)
var dict = ["HEJ":"DÅ", "NeJ":"tack"]
for key in dict.keys {
dict[key.lowercaseString] = dict.removeValueForKey(key)
[hej: DÅ, nej: tack]
I made this extension, its a little dirty for now but I will update it again.
extension Dictionary {
mutating func lowercaseKeys() {
for key in self.keys {
let str = (key as! String).lowercaseString
self[str as! Key] = self.removeValueForKey(key)
var dict = ["HeJ":"Då", "nEJ":"taCK!"]
["hej": "Då", "nej": "taCK!"]
extension Dictionary where Key: StringLiteralConvertible {
mutating func lowercaseKeys() {
for key in self.keys {
self[String(key).lowercaseString as! Key] = self.removeValueForKey(key)
var dict = ["NamE":"David", "LAST_NAME":"Göransson"]
dict.lowercaseKeys() // Will compile
var dict2 = [0:"David", 0:"Göransson"]
dict2.lowercaseKeys() // Won't compile because Key isn't StringLiteralConvertible
Smth like that?
var dict = ["KEY": "value"]
var newDict = [String: AnyObject]()
for (key, value) in dict {
newDict[key.lowercaseString] = value
Arbitur's answer, updated for Swift 3:
extension Dictionary where Key: ExpressibleByStringLiteral {
public mutating func lowercaseKeys() {
for key in self.keys {
self[String(describing: key).lowercased() as! Key] = self.removeValue(forKey: key)
Here is my solution, no force casting, totally safe.
protocol LowercaseConvertible {
var lowercaseString: Self { get }
extension String: LowercaseConvertible {}
extension Dictionary where Key: LowercaseConvertible {
func lowercaseKeys() -> Dictionary {
var newDictionary = Dictionary()
for k in keys {
newDictionary[k.lowercaseString] = self[k]
return newDictionary
Just as an alternative to looping, you could use the map function:
func lowercaseKeys () -> Dictionary<String, AnyObject> {
var newDictionary = Dictionary<String,AnyObject>()
Array(keys).map { key in
newDictionary[(key as! String).lowercaseString] = self[key] as? AnyObject
return newDictionary