Trouble accessing dictionary item in Swift 2.0 - swift

I'm experienced in Obj-C, but fairly new to Swift. I have a simple function that takes a Set and a Dictionary as parameters:
func buildSource(dataToParse:Set<String>, lookupData:Dictionary<String,AnyObject>) {
for item in dataToParse {
for dict in lookupData {
let nameID = dict["name"] // compile error
The passed in parameter lookupData is a dictionary containing nested dictionaries. I know that each of these dictionaries contains a key called name but when I try to access that key using the following syntax:
let nameID = dict["name"]
I get the following comile error:
Type '(String, AnyObject)' has no subscript members
If I know that a key exists, how do I access it? Thanks!

import Foundation
func buildSource(dataToParse:Set<String>, lookupData:Dictionary<String,AnyObject>)->[AnyObject] {
var ret: Array<AnyObject> = []
for item in dataToParse {
for (key, value) in lookupData {
if key == item {
return ret
let set = Set(["alfa","beta","gama"])
var data: Dictionary<String,AnyObject> = [:]
data["alfa"] = NSNumber(integer: 1)
data["beta"] = NSDate()
data["theta"] = NSString(string: "some string")
let find = buildSource(set, lookupData: data)
/* prints
▿ 2 elements
- [0]: 28 Nov 2015 18:02
▿ [1]: 1 #0
▿ NSNumber: 1
▿ NSValue: 1
- NSObject: 1
in your code
for dict in lookupData {
let nameID = dict["name"] // compile error
dict is not a dictionary, but (key, value) tuple!

get value from lookupData with "name" as the key
downcast to a dictionary with as? [String:AnyObject]
iterate over dataToParse
use the String from dataToParse to access the nested dictionary.
func buildSource(dataToParse:Set<String>, lookupData:[String:AnyObject]) {
guard let dict = lookupData["name"] as? [String:AnyObject] else {
for item in dataToParse {
let value = dict[item]
More possible solutions:
If lookupData is an array of dictionaries:
func buildSource(dataToParse:Set<String>, lookupData:[[String:AnyObject]]) {
for item in dataToParse { // String
for dict in lookupData { // dict
let nameID = dict["name"] // value
If lookupData is a nested dictionary :
func buildSource(dataToParse:Set<String>, lookupData:[String:[String:AnyObject]]) {
for item in dataToParse {
guard let dict = lookupData[item] else {
guard let nameID = dict["name"] else {
If lookupData is definitely [String:AnyObject] and it's value might be another [String:AnyObject], but it might also not be.
func buildSource(dataToParse:Set<String>, lookupData:[String:AnyObject]) {
for item in dataToParse {
guard let dict = lookupData[item] as? [String:AnyObject] else {
guard let nameID = dict["name"] else {


How convert Realm data to Json on Swift? Realm version 10.11.0

until version 10.7.6 of Realm I could convert to dictionary and then to json with this code below, but the ListBase class no longer exists.
extension Object {
func toDictionary() -> NSDictionary {
let properties = { $ }
let dictionary = self.dictionaryWithValues(forKeys: properties)
let mutabledic = NSMutableDictionary()
for prop in as [Property] {
// find lists
if let nestedObject = self[] as? Object {
mutabledic.setValue(nestedObject.toDictionary(), forKey:
} else if let nestedListObject = self[] as? ListBase { /*Cannot find type 'ListBase' in scope*/
var objects = [AnyObject]()
for index in 0..<nestedListObject._rlmArray.count {
let object = nestedListObject._rlmArray[index] as! Object
mutabledic.setObject(objects, forKey: as NSCopying)
return mutabledic
let parameterDictionary = myRealmData.toDictionary()
guard let postData = try? parameterDictionary, options: []) else {
List now inherits from RLMSwiftCollectionBase apparently, so you can check for that instead. Also, this is Swift. Use [String: Any] instead of NSDictionary.
extension Object {
func toDictionary() -> [String: Any] {
let properties = { $ }
var mutabledic = self.dictionaryWithValues(forKeys: properties)
for prop in as [Property] {
// find lists
if let nestedObject = self[] as? Object {
mutabledic[] = nestedObject.toDictionary()
} else if let nestedListObject = self[] as? RLMSwiftCollectionBase {
var objects = [[String: Any]]()
for index in 0..<nestedListObject._rlmCollection.count {
let object = nestedListObject._rlmCollection[index] as! Object
mutabledic[] = objects
return mutabledic
Thanks to #Eduardo Dos Santos. Just do the following steps. You will be good to go.
Change ListBase to RLMSwiftCollectionBase
Change _rlmArray to _rlmCollection
Import Realm

very confused working on json in swift

I get totally very confused working with JSON in swift.
according to Apple dec:
"someKey": 42.0,
"anotherKey": {
"someNestedKey": true
What is a well-formed way to format this jsonWithObjectRoot json string?
I tried serval ways but n success.
so subsequently, these methods can access it.
if let dictionary = jsonWithObjectRoot as? [String: Any] {
if let number = dictionary["someKey"] as? Double {
// access individual value in dictionary
for (key, value) in dictionary {
// access all key / value pairs in dictionary
if let nestedDictionary = dictionary["anotherKey"] as? [String: Any] {
// access nested dictionary values by key
Your json looks good. You need to parse it before casting to a [String:Any].
let jsonWithObjectRoot = "{ \"someKey\": 42.0, \"anotherKey\": { \"someNestedKey\": true } }"
let data =!
do {
let json = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with:data)
if let dictionary = json as? [String: Any] {
if let number = dictionary["someKey"] as? Double {
// access individual value in dictionary
for (key, value) in dictionary {
// access all key / value pairs in dictionary
if let nestedDictionary = dictionary["anotherKey"] as? [String: Any]
// access nested dictionary values by key
} catch {
print("Error parsing Json")

How to check if an object is dictionary or not in swift 3?

Tried the 'is' keyword.
// Initialize the dictionary
let dict = ["name":"John", "surname":"Doe"]
// Check if 'dict' is a Dictionary
if dict is Dictionary {
print("Yes, it's a Dictionary")
This will give an error saying "'is' is always true".
I just want to check if an object is a dictionary. It can be with any key any value pairs.
The key is hashable and it is not accepting the Any keyword.
If you want to check if an arbitrary object is a dictionary first of all you have to make the object unspecified:
let dict : Any = ["name":"John", "surname":"Doe"]
Now you can check if the object is a dictionary
if dict is Dictionary<AnyHashable,Any> {
print("Yes, it's a Dictionary")
But this way is theoretical and only for learning purposes. Basically it's pretty silly to cast up a distinct to an unspecified type.
If you just want to check if your object is Dictionary you can just do this:
if let dictionary = yourObject as? Dictionary{
print("It is a Dictionary")
Put this in a playground:
import UIKit
// Create a dictionary and an array to convert to and from JSON
let d = ["first": "Goodbye", "second": "Hello"]
let a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
let dictData = try! d, options: [])
let arrayData = try! a, options: [])
// Now that we have set up our test data, lets see what we have
// First, some convenience definitions for the way JSON comes across.
typealias JSON = Any
typealias JSONDictionary = [String: JSON]
typealias JSONArray = [JSON]
// Lets see what we have
let dict = try! JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: dictData, options: [])
let array = try! JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: arrayData, options: [])
// testing functions
func isDictionary(_ object: JSON) -> Bool {
return ((object as? JSONDictionary) != nil) ? true : false
func isArray(_ object: JSON) -> Bool {
return ((object as? JSONArray) != nil) ? true : false
// The actual tests
isDictionary(dict) // true
isArray(dict) // false
isDictionary(array)// false
isArray(array) // true
JSON dictionaries arrays have specific types
I prefer using if let or guard let while parsing JSON objects
if let dict = jsonObject as? [AnyHashable:Any] {
print("Yes, it's a Dictionary")
guard let dict = jsonObject as? [AnyHashable:Any] else {
print("No, it's not a Dictionary")
Simply use is operator to check type conformance.
Here's a little snippet where I check if it's a Dictionaryor an Array
let dict = ["name":"John", "surname":"Doe"]
let array = [ "John", "Doe" ]
if dict is Dictionary<String, String>
print("Yes, it's a Dictionary")
print("No, It's other thing")
if array is Array<String>
print("Yes, it's a Array")
print("No, It's other thing")

facing Issue in parsing in swift3

I am trying to parse the emergency data in into emergency struct but it never statifies the condition and get into else case.Here is my code and structure.Some thing i have written woring in first line.
if let emergencyDict = snapshotValue["emergency"] as? [String:[String:Any]]{
for (emerId, emerData) in emergencyDict {
let emer = Emergency.init(emergency: emerData as NSDictionary)
let emer = Emergency.init(emerg: "" as AnyObject)
struct Emergency{
var emer_id: String
var emer_name: String
var emer_phoneNo: String
init(emergency: NSDictionary) {
if emergency.object(forKey: "id") != nil {
emer_id = emergency.object(forKey: "id") as! String
emer_id = ""
The problem you are having emergency as Array with type [Any] and if you remove the first object then you get Array of type [[String:Any]]. So try like this way.
if let array = snapshotValue["emergency"] as? [Any],
let emergencyArrar = Array(array.dropFirst()) as? [[String:Any]] {
for emergency in emergencyArray {
You have written wrong in this line:
if let emergencyDict = snapshotValue["emergency"] as? [String:[String:Any]]{
It should be:
if let emergencyDict = snapshotValue["emergency"] as? [[String:Any]]{
This question should belong to query from firebase database.
// you have to get the children in emergency,
// then get the value(dictionary) of each child
ref.child("emergency").observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: { (snapshot) in
let value = snapshot.value as? NSDictionary
let keys = value?.allKeys // [1, 2, 3 ....]
for key in keys {
ref.child("emergency").child(key)..observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: { (snapshot) in
let value = snapshot.value as? NSDictionary
// Here is your dictionary
}) { (error) in

possible to cast this Alamofire result to an array of dictionaries

I am not an iOS dev and have to make a few changes to a Swift / AlamoFire project (not mine) and am a bit lost.
I have the following JSON:
"name":"Ruby Red"
"name":"Blue Ocean"
class (I know that there are issues here):
class Location{
var name=""
and need to make an AlamoFire call
Alamofire.request(.GET, "", parameters: nil)
.responseJSON { response in
if let dataFromNetworking = response.result.value {
let metroLocations = dataFromNetworking["metro_locations"]
var locations: [Location]=[]
for tmp in metroLocations as! [Dictionary] { // <- not working, Generic Paramter 'Key' could not be inferred
let location=Location.init(obj: tmp)
I have included the error msg, the "not working" but feel that there are issues in other parts too (like expecting a dictionary in the initialization). What does the 'Key' could not be inferred mean and are there other changes I need to make?
edit #1
I have updated my Location to this to reflect your suggestion:
init?(dictionary: [String: AnyObject]) {
guard let id = dictionary["id"] else { return nil }
guard let name = dictionary["name"] else { return nil }
guard let latitude = dictionary["latitude"] else { return nil }
guard let longitude = dictionary["longitude"] else { return nil } = name as! String = id as! Int
self.latitude = latitude as! Double
self.longitude = longitude as! Double
but I get the error:
Could not cast value of type 'NSNull' (0x10f387600) to 'NSNumber' (0x10f77f2a0).
like this:
I would think that the guard statement would prevent this. What am I missing?
You can cast metroLocations as an array of dictionaries, namely:
Array<Dictionary<String, String>>
Or, more concisely:
[[String: String]]
if let dataFromNetworking = response.result.value {
guard let metroLocations = dataFromNetworking["metro_locations"] as? [[String: String]] else {
print("this was not an array of dictionaries where the values were all strings")
var locations = [Location]()
for dictionary in metroLocations {
if let location = Location(dictionary: dictionary) {
class Location {
let name: String
init?(dictionary: [String: String]) {
guard let name = dictionary["name"] else { return nil } = name
Clearly, I used [[String: String]] to represent an array of dictionaries where the values were all strings, as in your example. If the values included objects other than strings (numbers, booleans, etc.), then you might use [[String: AnyObject]].
In your revision, you show us a more complete Location implementation. You should avoid as! forced casting, and instead us as? in the guard statements:
class Location {
let id: Int
let name: String
let latitude: Double
let longitude: Double
init?(dictionary: [String: AnyObject]) {
guard let id = dictionary["id"] as? Int,
let name = dictionary["name"] as? String,
let latitude = dictionary["latitude"] as? Double,
let longitude = dictionary["longitude"] as? Double else {
return nil
} = name = id
self.latitude = latitude
self.longitude = longitude