Unable to install most Bluemix CF plugins - ibm-cloud

Attempting to install plugins from the Bluemix Plugin Repository using the latest cf client:
cf version 6.14.0+2654a47-2015-11-18
on both Mac OSX and Centos 7, I get the following error when attempting an install from the repo (the following are from the Centos machine):
[michael#oracle ~]$ cf install-plugin -r bluemix vpn
Attention: Plugins are binaries written by potentially untrusted authors. Install and use plugins at your own risk.
Do you want to install the plugin vpn? (y or n)> y
Looking up 'vpn' from repository 'bluemix'
9741777 bytes downloaded...
Downloaded plugin binary's checksum does not match repo metadata
Downloading the binary plugin and attempting a local install, gives me:
cf install-plugin bluemix-admin-linux_x64
Attention: Plugins are binaries written by potentially untrusted authors. Install and use plugins at your own risk.
Do you want to install the plugin bluemix-admin-linux_x64? (y or n)> y
Installing plugin ./bluemix-admin-linux_x64...
exit status 127
Further examination yields:
ldd bluemix-admin-linux_x64
./bluemix-admin-linux_x64: error while loading shared libraries: ./bluemix-admin-linux_x64: unsupported version 6773 of Verneed record
While this example is for the vpn plugin, all plugins besides IBM-Containers yield the same results on a remote install attempt (the checksum error) and some variation in examining the binary itself, for instance with active_deploy:
ldd active-deploy-linux-amd64-0.1.67
linux-vdso.so.1 => (0x00007ffc649d4000)
libpthread.so.0 => /lib64/libpthread.so.0 (0x00000036a0a00000)
libc.so.6 => /lib64/libc.so.6 (0x000000369fe00000)
/lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 (0x000000369fa00000)
I've not seen this with other community Cloud Foundry plugins so this phenomenon seems unique to how these plugins are being generated by IBM. Any suggestions or thoughts on how I could resolve this myself (a source repo that I could compile these myself, while unfortunate, would suffice at this point).

Actually the official CLI for Bluemix is the cloud Foundry CLI as described on Bluemix doc pages
I think your errors are depending from your error in referring the plugin.
Checking the doc page for cf vpn plugin for Bluemix
you have to specify the plugin version you downloaded (and right for your own environment) and not only 'vpn'
For MS Windows OS:
cf install-plugin vpn_windows64.exe
For Apple MAC OS:
cf install-plugin vpn_mac_os_amd64
For Linux OS:
cf install-plugin vpn_linuxamd64
You could also configure bluemix plugin repository as cf repository and then install the plugins choosing it as source repository.

Use this container, it has cf and container plugin installed already:


node-red: Failed to install node-red-contrib-db2-for-i package

hi need some help please, i try to install the node-red-contrib-db2-for-i package on node-red (i used node red as a service on ibm cloud) but it fail. i have this bug :Failed to install: node-red-contrib-db2-for-i.
That package is explicitly for connecting to IBM DB2 running on iSerise and need Node-RED to be running on iSerise hardware as well.
It will NOT run on a x64 Linux machine.
From the README for the node:
If you use the latest package version (>=0.1.5) :
5733OPS is not used anymore (Deprecated). A prerequisite is to install
the Node.js iDB Connector idb-connector (done automatically when
installing this package if not already present) with Node.js (version
8 and later) using a yum install. This node has to run on Node.js /
Node-RED on IBM i (Native driver) but there will be soon an ODBC
alternative :)

IBM Mobilefirst 8.0 Server installation issue on DEV enviroment

I'm installing IBM Mobilefirst 8.0 on DEV enviroment.
I followed steps available in IBM portal as below.
However i installed IBM Mobilefirst Installation Manager and WebSphere Liberty Core on DEV enviroment.
While installing MFP server we are getting below error:
./imcl install com.ibm.mobilefirst.foundation.server_8.0.0.20170911_1450 -repositories /data3/opt/IBM/MFP_Server/MobileFirst_Platform_Server/disk1 -properties user.appserver.selection2=none,user.database.selection2=none,user.database.preinstalled=false,user.licensed.by.tokens=false,user.use.ios.edition=false -acceptLicense
Before you start using the product, you must deploy a MobileFirst Server to your application server.
For more information about deploying projects with the Server Configuration Tool or command line tools, see
the documentation at https://mobilefirstplatform.ibmcloud.com/tutorials/en/foundation/8.0/installation-configuration/production/appserver/.
ERROR: Failed to find required installation files.
CRIMA1161E ERROR: Failed to find required installation files.
Explanation: Installation Manager did not find required installation files from the repository. An issue has occurred with the package that cannot be resolved by Installation Manager.
User Action: If the repository files were transferred from a different location before the installation, verify that the files were not altered during the transfer operation. Copy the repository files to a different location and install from that location. If the repository files were not transferred note the package name and version number and contact customer support.
ERROR: 'zip com.ibm.imp.apacheant 1.9.4' not found in /data3/opt/IBM/MobileFirst_Platform_Server/disk1.
server details:
JAVA 1.7
Linux Redhat 6.8
Websphere Liberty core and IBM Installation Manager
ant 1.9.4
is there anything which i m missing?
As specified in the comments, the issue was possible corruption of the binary downloaded the first time - during download or transfer.
Downloading the same repository again and trying resolves the issue.

Issue during Redmine installation

We have a Redmine instance on the centos 7 server with Bitnami. I am getting following error during installation of an another Redmine instance.
Command Used:
[root#localhost htdocs]# bundle install --without development test
Error Message:
An error occurred while installing mysql2 (0.3.21), and Bundler cannot continue.
Make sure that gem install mysql2 -v '0.3.21' succeeds before bundling.
The Bitnami installer includes a ready to use Redmine stack, so I assume you're trying to install additional plugins on the vanilla Redmine install.
I suspect that you forgot to load the proper environment variables to use the Bitnami Stack mysql libraries. Go to your install directory (usually /opt/bitnami/redmine) and execute this source ./use_redmine
And then follow this instructions https://docs.bitnami.com/installer/apps/redmine/#install_plugins

Cf application in Bluemix - install dependency package

I have a Spring Boot application deployed as a Cloud Foundry app on Bluemix. Unfortunately the core of this app depends on an external program (e.g. abc) which can be easily installed using apt-get install abc on a desktop environment.
Is there any way to install such a dependency in a cloud foundry environment?
Many thanks for your support
I'm working on a similar challenge with R and am using a soon-to-be-discontinued git repo which uses apt-get options to allow you to redirect your install into folders/directories where you have write authority during the staging process. You'll have to update your paths to ensure that you can access the installed code. The install process is multi-step,
define the alternate path for apt
define the path for your installation
update apt
use apt-get install ... to download the necessary packages and associated dependencies
use dpkg to install the downloaded packages

Cloud Foundry CLI version 6.11.2 or later is required for the IBM Containers plug-in. Upgrade your Cloud Foundry CLI installation to continue

cf -v
cf version 6.13.0-e68ce0f-2015-10-15T22:53:58+00:00
Plugin IBM-Containers v0.8.723 successfully installed.
cf ic login
Expect: login successfully
Actual: Cloud Foundry CLI version 6.11.2 or later is required for the IBM Containers plug-in. Upgrade your Cloud Foundry CLI installation to continue.
How could this happened? I have installed the latest cf...
UPDATED 26 October 2015 the latest version (0.8.763 or later) of the cf ic plugin supports the 6.13 version of cf.
Run cf ic update and you should see the commands you need to run to upgrade the plugin (varies by operating system). Or check the documentation.
Previous answer follows:
Currently (19 October 2015) the IBM-Containers plugin (version 0.8.723 or earlier) is not compatible with the 6.13.x version of cf. We're working on patching our plugin. Sorry about that.
In the meantime, you can install CF 6.12.4 and then install the IBM Containers plugin. Or use the ice tools