node-red: Failed to install node-red-contrib-db2-for-i package - db2

hi need some help please, i try to install the node-red-contrib-db2-for-i package on node-red (i used node red as a service on ibm cloud) but it fail. i have this bug :Failed to install: node-red-contrib-db2-for-i.

That package is explicitly for connecting to IBM DB2 running on iSerise and need Node-RED to be running on iSerise hardware as well.
It will NOT run on a x64 Linux machine.
From the README for the node:
If you use the latest package version (>=0.1.5) :
5733OPS is not used anymore (Deprecated). A prerequisite is to install
the Node.js iDB Connector idb-connector (done automatically when
installing this package if not already present) with Node.js (version
8 and later) using a yum install. This node has to run on Node.js /
Node-RED on IBM i (Native driver) but there will be soon an ODBC
alternative :)


Can anyone help me installation Mosquitto 2.0 on CentOS linux 7.0

I need to install Mosquitto 2.0 on my centOS linux machine.
The command available is yum install mosquitto works well, but it installs 1.6 version
I cannot use docker due to some limitation in my machine container eligibility.
Can anyone help me in this?
After some trial and error along with performing this is the best document I got so far.

confluent-zookeeper not found

I tried installing confluent in Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver LTS using the below link:
But i am unable to find the zookeeper and kafka service that i require along with other components.
Could anyone guide me on how and where to find and install these components as well?
You can find the list of individual packages here
There is no individual confluent-zookeeper package. That Systemd service gets installed alongside confluent-platform or confluent-kafka packages

How to install pre-requisites for Hyperledger Composer on Windows10

I am following the tutorial for Hyperledger Composer. I'm trying to install the pre-requisites for the Composer as outlined here:
The instructions are only provided for Ubuntu or Mac, and I have Win10 machine with Docker 17.12.x
So I got Ubuntu 16.04 docker image, added curl. I got the script, I login as blockchain user, and run the script, but I get this error:
#Updating package lists
-sudo apt-add-repository: command not found
Is it even possible to install Hperledger Composer on a Windows 10 machine?!
No it is not possible to install Hyperledger Composer on windows which includes the Windows Subsystem for Linux and other environments like MinGW that simulate a linux environment. This platform is not supported at this time. I recommend you use a hypervisor such as VirtualBox or if you are using Windows 10 Professional, the built in Hyper-V support to run a Linux virtual machine where you can install Hyperledger Composer. Also we recommend using ubuntu 16.04 as this is the level we test with most.

How to install MongoDB on amazon linux and connect it to Laravel-jenssegers MongoDB?

I followed this for installing mongodb on Amazon Linux. I have a laravel project to host on my amazon Linux server. Jenssegers mongoDB is already installed in the framework while developing the web app (in Ubuntu).
The web app was developed in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, and it was working properly.
When I hosted it on the server I am getting error:
Class 'MongoClient' not found
My questions are
1. How can I configure mongodb on amazon linux?
(now when i do sudo service mongod restart it is showing FAILED)
2.What all are the configurations that must be changed in the web app(which is done in Ubuntu) in order to use mongodb?
I am using PHP54
httpd 24
Laravel 4.2
Mongo client is not included in the base PHP API. Instead it needs to be installed as extension.
Its not part of the base repository, but it is part of EPEL which can be enabled on Amazon Linux. You can also install it via pecl (Provided you have installed the tools to compile extensions). Use one of the two commands to install the extension:
yum install php-pecl-mongo --enablerepo=epel
pecl install mongo
Once the installation is complete, restart apache and/or php.

Compatibility Ubuntu Server and packages on ARM

i'm working on a web server hosted on a board based on an ARM processor, that is named UDOO ( and is similar to the Raspberry PI, and on it you can install a version of Linaro Ubuntu (11.10) modified for ARM or Android, both are downloadable from the project's site. Lately i've found a version of Ubuntu Server for ARM ( and i wanted to know if it is compatible with all ARM devices, include the UDOO board. Also i wanted to know if the basic packages for the web server (like apache2, php5, mysql) and other packages (like mysql-connector c++, libcurl, g++) also work on ARM, under Ubuntu Server or under other Linux, like Linaro Ubuntu or Android. Someone can help me?
To install a Web Server on UDOO you can use Tasksel Installer:
sudo apt-get install tasksel
you can launch application with
sudo tasksel
There are other ways to install Ubuntu on the UDOO Board
I just got my UDOO board today and I am going in that direction. So if Ubuntu runs nicely then most Ubuntu applications will run to.