Deduping evnts using hiveContext in spark with scala - scala

I am trying to dedupe event records, using the hiveContext in spark with Scala.
df to rdd is compilation error saying "object Tuple23 is not a member of package scala". There is known issue, that Scala Tuple can't have 23 or more
Is there any other way to dedupe
val events = hiveContext.table("default.my_table")
val valid_events =
//events are deduped based on latest epoch time
val valid_events_rdd = => {
// reduce by key so we will only get one record for every primary key
val reducedRDD = valid_events_rdd.reduceByKey((a,b) => if ((a._29).compareTo(b._29) > 0) a else b)
//Get all the fields => r._1 + "," + r._2._1 + "," + r._2._2).collect().foreach(println)

Off the top of my head:
use cases classes which no longer have size limit. Just keep in mind that cases classes won't work correctly in Spark REPL,
use Row objects directly and extract only keys,
operate directly on a DataFrame,
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{col, max}
val maxs = df
.groupBy(col("key1"), col("key2"))
col("df.key1") === col("maxs.key1") &&
col("df.key2") === col("maxs.key2") &&
col("df.epoch") === col("maxs.epoch"))
or with window function:
val w = Window.partitionBy($"key1", $"key2").orderBy($"epoch")
df.withColumn("rn_", rowNumber.over(w)).where($"rn" === 1).drop("rn")


How to apply filters on spark scala dataframe view?

I am pasting a snippet here where I am facing issues with the BigQuery Read. The "wherePart" has more number of records and hence BQ call is invoked again and again. Keeping the filter outside of BQ Read would help. The idea is, first read the "mainTable" from BQ, store it in a spark view, then apply the "wherePart" filter to this view in spark.
["subDate" is a function to subtract one date from another and return the number of days in between]
val Df = getFb(config, mainTable, ds)
def getFb(config: DataFrame, mainTable: String, ds: String) : DataFrame = {
val fb = => Target.Pfb(
val wherePart = => (x.m1, x.m2, subDate(ds, x.days.max - 1))).
map(x => s"(idata_${x._1} = '${x._2}' AND ds BETWEEN '${x._3}' AND '${ds}')").
mkString(" OR ")
val q = new Q()
val tempView = "tempView"
spark.readBigQueryTable(mainTable, wherePart).createOrReplaceTempView(tempView)
val Df = q.mainTableLogs(tempView)
Could someone please help me here.
Are you using the spark-bigquery-connector? If so the right syntax is"bigquery")

spark 2.x with mapPartitions large number of records parallel processing

I am trying to use spark mapPartitions with Datasets[Spark 2.x] for copying large list of files [1 million records] from one location to another in parallel.
However, at times, I am seeing that one record is getting copied multiple times.
The idea is to split 1 million files into number of partitions (here, 24). Then for each partition, perform copy operation in parallel and finally get result from each partition to perform further actions.
Can someone please tell me what am I doing wrong?
def process(spark: SparkSession): DataFrame = {
import spark.implicits._
//Get source and target List for 1 million records
val sourceAndTargetList =
List(("source1" -> "target1"), ("source 1 Million" -> "Target 1 Million"))
// convert list to dataframe with number of partitions as 24
val SourceTargetDataSet =
sourceAndTargetList.toDF.repartition(24).as[(String, String)]
var dfBuffer = new ListBuffer[DataFrame]()
dfBuffer += SourceTargetDataSet
.mapPartitions(partition => {
println("partition id: " + TaskContext.getPartitionId)
//for each partition
val result = partition
.map(row => {
val source = row._1
val target = row._2
val copyStatus = copyFiles(source, target) // Function to copy files that returns a boolean
val dataframeRow = (target, copyStatus)
val dfList = dfBuffer.toList
val newDF = dfList.tail.foldLeft(dfList.head)(
(accDF, newDF) => accDF.join(newDF, Seq("_1"))
println("newDF Count " + newDF.count)
Update 2: I changed the function as shown below and so far it is giving me consistent results as expected. May I know what I was doing wrong and am I getting the required parallelization using below function? If not, how can this be optimized?
def process(spark: SparkSession): DataFrame = {
import spark.implicits._
//Get source and target List for 1 miilion records
val sourceAndTargetList =
List(("source1" -> "target1"), ("source 1 Million" -> "Target 1 Million"))
// convert list to dataframe with number of partitions as 24
val SourceTargetDataSet =
sourceAndTargetList.toDF.repartition(24).as[(String, String)]
val iterator = SourceTargetDataSet.toDF
(it: Iterator[Row]) =>
.map(row => {
val source = row.toString.split(",")(0).drop(1)
val target = row.toString.split(",")(1).dropRight(1)
println("source : " + source)
println("target: " + target)
val copyStatus = copyFiles() // Function to copy files that returns a boolean
val dataframeRow = (target, copyStatus)
val df = y.toList.toDF("targetKey", "copyStatus")
One should avoid performing write operations in map actions because they can be replayed when an executor dies and the same map has to be performed by another executer.
I'd choose foreach instead.

spark dataframe sorted map column save to hive back to random status

I am new to spark and I am trying to use the udf sort the map type column in spark dataframe, after that i try to save the data to hive , the code as follows :
val vectorHead = udf { (z: SparseVector, x: SparseVector, y: mutable.WrappedArray[String]) =>
var map2 = Map.empty[String, Double]
for (i <- x.values.indices) {
if (x.values(i) * z.values(i) >= threshold && y(i)!="") {
map2+=(y(i)->x.values(i)* z.values(i))
val rescaledDataNew = dataFrame.withColumn("words_with_tf*idf", vectorHead(dataFrame("TFFeatures"), dataFrame("IDFFeatures"), dataFrame("new_words"))).drop("words","TFFeatures","IDFFeatures")
println("This is the new data after drop low TF*IDF")
rescaledDataNew.sqlContext.sql("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + dataSavePath)
rescaledDataNew.sqlContext.sql("CREATE TABLE " + dataSavePath + " AS SELECT * FROM TEST")
After running, i got no error no warns and the result is :
what i want is :
when change the code to
then the result is:
So, can any one tell me what should i do to get what i want ?
It seems to be an issue with show() method. Try writing df to a file, it should be sorted as you want it.

String filter using Spark UDF

What I want:
Read input file and compare with set "123,200,300" if match found, gives matching data
200,300 (from 1 input line)
300 (from 2 input line)
123 (from 4 input line)
What I wrote:
import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext}
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
object sparkApp {
val conf = new SparkConf()
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
def parseLine(invCol: String) : RDD[String] = {
println(s"INPUT, $invCol")
val inv_rdd = sc.parallelize(Seq(invCol.toString))
val bs_meta_rdd = sc.parallelize(Seq("123,200,300"))
return inv_rdd.intersection(bs_meta_rdd)
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val filePathName = "hdfs://xxx/tmp/input.csv"
val rawData = sc.textFile(filePathName)
val datad ={r => parseLine(r)}
I get the following exception:
Please suggest where I went wrong
Problem is solved. This is very simple.
val pfile = sc.textFile("/FileStore/tables/6mjxi2uz1492576337920/input.csv")
case class pSchema(id: Int, pName: String)
val pDF ="\t")).map(p => pSchema(p(0).toInt,p(1).trim())).toDF()"id","pName").show()
Define UDF
val findP = udf((id: Int,
pName: String
) => {
val ids = Array("123","200","300")
var idsFound : String = ""
for (id <- ids){
if (pName.contains(id)){
idsFound = idsFound + id + ","
if (idsFound.length() > 0) {
idsFound = idsFound.substring(0,idsFound.length -1)
Use UDF in withCoulmn()"id","pName").withColumn("Found",findP($"id",$"pName")).show()
For simple answer, why we are making it so complex? In this case we don't require UDF.
This is your input data:
and you have to match it with 123,200,300
val matchSet = "123,200,300".split(",").toSet
val rawrdd = sc.textFile("D:\\input.txt")"|"))
.map(arr => arr(0).split(",").toSet.intersect(matchSet).mkString(",") + "|" + arr(1))
Your output:
What you are trying to do can't be done the way you are doing it.
Spark does not support nested RDDs (see SPARK-5063).
Spark does not support nested RDDs or performing Spark actions inside of transformations; this usually leads to NullPointerExceptions (see SPARK-718 as one example). The confusing NPE is one of the most common sources of Spark questions on StackOverflow:
call of distinct and map together throws NPE in spark library
NullPointerException in Scala Spark, appears to be caused be collection type?
Graphx: I've got NullPointerException inside mapVertices
(those are just a sample of the ones that I've answered personally; there are many others).
I think we can detect these errors by adding logic to RDD to check whether sc is null (e.g. turn sc into a getter function); we can use this to add a better error message.

scala.MatchError: null on spark RDDs

I am relatively new to both spark and scala.
I was trying to implement collaborative filtering using scala on spark.
Below is the code
import org.apache.spark.mllib.recommendation.ALS
import org.apache.spark.mllib.recommendation.Rating
val data = sc.textFile("/user/amohammed/CB/input-cb.txt")
val distinctUsers = => x.split(",")(0)).distinct().map(x => x.toInt)
val distinctKeywords = => x.split(",")(1)).distinct().map(x => x.toInt)
val ratings =',') match {
case Array(user, item, rate) => Rating(user.toInt,item.toInt, rate.toDouble)
val model = ALS.train(ratings, 1, 20, 0.01)
val keywords = distinctKeywords collect => {(x, => model.predict(x,y)))}).collect()
It throws a scala.MatchError: null
org.apache.spark.rdd.PairRDDFunctions.lookup(PairRDDFunctions.scala:571) at the last line
Thw code works fine if I collect the distinctUsers rdd into an array and execute the same code:
val users = distinctUsers collect => {(x, => model.predict(x, y)))})
Where am I getting it wrong when dealing with RDDs?
Spark Version : 1.0.0
Scala Version : 2.10.4
Going one call further back in the stack trace, line 43 of the MatrixFactorizationModel source says:
val userVector = new DoubleMatrix(userFeatures.lookup(user).head)
Note that the userFeatures field of model is itself another RDD; I believe it isn't getting serialized properly when the anonymous function block closes over model, and thus the lookup method on it is failing. I also tried placing both model and keywords into broadcast variables, but that didn't work either.
Instead of falling back to Scala collections and losing the benefits of Spark, it's probably better to stick with RDDs and take advantage of other ways of transforming them.
I'd start with this:
val ratings =',') match {
case Array(user, keyword, rate) => Rating(user.toInt, keyword.toInt, rate.toDouble)
// instead of parsing the original RDD's strings three separate times,
// you can map the "user" and "product" fields of the Rating case class
val distinctUsers =
val distinctKeywords =
val model = ALS.train(ratings, 1, 20, 0.01)
Then, instead of calculating each prediction one by one, we can obtain the Cartesian product of all possible user-keyword pairs as an RDD and use the other predict method in MatrixFactorizationModel, which takes an RDD of such pairs as its argument.
val userKeywords = distinctUsers.cartesian(distinctKeywords)
val predictions = model.predict(userKeywords).map { case Rating(user, keyword, rate) =>
(user, Map(keyword -> rate))
}.reduceByKey { _ ++ _ }
Now predictions has an immutable map for each user that can be queried for the predicted rating of a particular keyword. If you specifically want arrays as in your original example, you can do:
val keywords = distinctKeywords.collect() // add .sorted if you want them in order
val predictionArrays = predictions.mapValues(
Caveat: I tested this with Spark 1.0.1 as it's what I had installed, but it should work with 1.0.0 as well.