ASP.NET Web API with Facebook auth without OWIN - facebook

I'm developing an ASP.NET Web API. The authentication used in this API does not use OWIN, and I need to make a method that authenticates a user by using their Facebook account.
I only find examples on how to do this by using OWIN and OAuth. Is there another way to do this?
Can someone post some link or explanation about this case?
Thanks in advance!


How can I use a JWT properly, to grant access to restricted REST API calls?

I hope not to be duplicating any question, and also not to be asking something too basic.
I´m building a web app in ReactJS, just to get familiar with the framework. I planned to grant access to users using a Facebook login, which I already have working with react-facebook-login. I also have a Spring Boot Rest API, to serve the front-end. But I want to allow access to part of my API just to authenticated users, using the Facebook access token. So in my back-end, I had to do an org.springframework.boot downgrade from 2.0.4.RELEASE to 1.5.10.RELEASE so I can use the Facebook Graph API. Do you guys think this is ok? or should I use a different approach?
And to be honest I´m a little confused on how to achieve a correct validation of the user's request on the restricted areas of my REST API using the access token sent from the front-end, Do you guys have any suggestions on this matter?
Thank you all for your help.

How to add authentication to REST API

I am currently learning REST APIs, but I still quite don't understand how to authenticate clients when making calls to the API.
How developers usually do this?
please refer me to a good tutorial.
You can use OAuth 2 protocol for authentication.
There are a lot of tutorials about how to implement it.
Link to OAuth website:

Facebook app with REST API

Can I create a new Facebook app to use old REST api for user authentication. I would like to use the method auth.login for user authentication. Is it possible to use REST api with new facebook apps?
The Facebook's legacy REST API does not work for new Facebook apps registered after Apr/2013. However, REST API is still supported for existing Facebook app created before Apr/2013.
You will get "Error 3 : Application does not have the capability to make this API call" when trying to access REST API from the new Facebook app.
For newer Facebook app, please use Graph API to achieve the similar functionality as in the legacy REST API.
The REST API is deprecated now. Blog post here:

Securing Restful services with OAUTH

Am new to RestfulServices. I wrote a restful webservice (Jersey).
But am not able to implement security on those serives.
Please share me how to provide security with OAUTH (Tutorial URLs or steps to follow).
Thanks in advance......

iphone/ipad standard twitter oauth module?

I have seen the following in a few different apps so it seems like some kind of public api. Anyone where I can find the code for this? Specifcally the twitter login that appears in the popover:
I think your understanding of OAuth needs to be better… OAuth is a way for users to sign into a service without revealing the credentials to the application. The interface you are seeing is Twitter's OAuth endpoint. I suggest looking into the twitter API for integration help.
If you would like to program your own interface for collecting the users credential, use XAuth instead.