How to set a default value to server generated time? - mongodb

Is is possible to have a datetime field which has as a default server generated time during save?
class ADoc(Document):
created_at = me.DateTimeField(default=datetime.datetime.utcnow)
This model has two issues:
created_at will get a value during model instance creation, not the time when the document is saved into the database.
Client time is used, which might differ from the server time -- I'd like to always use server time as the time source.

Maybe you can use the operator $currentDate ?
I like pymongo, but I think that can be for MongoEngine, you can try:
collection = Animal._get_collection()
collection.update({}, {"$currentDate": {"date": 1}}, upsert=true)
example here

By default the _id field contains the timestamp on creation.
You can access it like this ObjectId("507c7f79bcf86cd7994f6c0e").getTimestamp().
There's also $currentDate and new Date.

I would use defined by me insert method in my ADoc class:
from datetime import datetime
class ADoc:
def __init__(self, db, config): db['docs']
self.config = config
def insert(self, document):
item = {
'name': document['name'],
'created': datetime.utcnow()
then simply execute the method when needed
client = MongoClient(DB_URL)
db = client['yourDb']
doc = "your new doc"
adoc = ADoc(db, app.config)


Create a mongodb collection index with expireAfterSeconds using pymongo

I have a collection in mongodb. In my python program, I have a variable named coll point at it. I want to create an index on a specified field, digestedOn, which will cause expiration of the record after 7776000 seconds.
I know how to create a simple index in python: coll.create_index([( "digestedOn", pymongo.ASCENDING)]). Where do I stick the {"expireAfterSeconds": 7776000} part?
Here's my whole program, I need the last line fixed so that the index is created with expireAfterSeconds.
import pymongo
import ssl
def connect_to_mongo(host, port, ssls, user, password, auth_source):
return pymongo.MongoClient(host, port, ssl=ssls, username=user, ssl_cert_reqs=ssl.CERT_NONE,
password=password, authSource=auth_source,
authMechanism='SCRAM-SHA-1', maxPoolSize=None)
client = connect_to_mongo(host="", port=27017, ssls=True, user="user",
db = client['logs']
colnames = db.list_collection_names()
coll = db[colnames[0]]
coll.create_index([( "digestedOn", pymongo.ASCENDING )])
Just pass it as a named parameter:
coll.create_index([( "digestedOn", pymongo.ASCENDING )], expireAfterSeconds=7776000)

Spring Data MongoDB - Is there a way to have an implicit timestamp?

Using my MongoDB and Spring Data MongoDB I am currently looking for a timestamp to be visible in the collection documents.
For now the document looks like this:
However I'd like to have a "timestamp": "1988-03-12T02:30:12+00:00" (example format) in it as well. Is there a way to do so without having to write logic in a Service to actually add a timestamp manually?
I thought about something like:
#Document(withTimestamp: true) // this
data class Character(
val id: String,
val name: String,
val age: Int
Could not find anything similar in the interwebs! Nifty solutions are welcome!
So I found something out about Lifecycle Events for Spring Data MongoDB (
This gave me several interceptors before a document is saved to MongoDB.
It's very straight forward to use. I chose the onBeforeConvert hook so I can manipulate my model before it is being saved.
As you can see I added the timestamp of the event to my source instance. I like Unix timestamps and since the event object already has that ready I reused it.
class MongoSaveInterceptor : AbstractMongoEventListener<Character>() {
override fun onBeforeConvert(event: BeforeConvertEvent<Character>) {
val source = event.source
source.timestamp = event.timestamp
When using MongoDB's implicit ObjectId (which I do not - I use an own UUID id) I think that event.timestamp is used here.

How to assign current date to a date field in odoo 10

How to show current date before clicking the date field in odoo?
Odoo Date field class provides methods to get default values for like today.
For dates the method is called context_today() and for datetimes context_timestamp(). You are able to pass a timestamp to this methods to either get today/now (without timestamp) or a timestamp which will be formed by the logged in users timezone.
Code Example:
from odoo import fields, models
class MyModel(models.Model):
_name = 'my.model'
def _default_my_date(self):
return fields.Date.context_today(self)
my_date = fields.Date(string='My Date', default=_default_my_date)
Or the lambda version:
my_date = fields.Date(
string='My Date', default=lambda s: fields.Date.context_today(s))
I found it.It is Simple, just write this on your python code like:
date = fields.Datetime(string="Date", default=lambda *a:,required=True)
like this
date = fields.Datetime(string="Date current action", default=lambda *a:
like this
date = fields.Date(

Moped: get id after inserting

When I use mongo-ruby-driver and I insert new document it returns generated '_id':
db ='', '27017').db('ruby-mongo-examples')
id = db['test'].insert({name: 'example'})
# BSON::ObjectId('54f88b01ab8bae12b2000001')
I'm trying to get the '_id' of a document after doing an insertion using Moped:
db =[''])
id = db['coll'].insert({name: 'example'})
# {"connectionId"=>15, "n"=>0, "syncMillis"=>0, "writtenTo"=>nil, "err"=>nil, "ok"=>1.0}
How I get the id using Moped?
I also try use safe mode but it doesn't work:
db =[''])
db.with(safe: true) do |safe|
id = safe['coll'].insert({name: 'example'})
# {"connectionId"=>5, "n"=>0, "syncMillis"=>0, "writtenTo"=>nil, "err"=>nil, "ok"=>1.0}
After inserting/saving, the returned object will have a property inserted_id which is a BSON::ObjectId:
# I'm using insert_one
result = safe['coll'].insert_one({name: 'example'})
result.methods.sort # see list of methods/properties
result.inserted_id.to_s # convert to string
From this issue:
It would be nice, but unfortunately Mongo doesn't give us anything
back when inserting (since it's fire and forget), and when in safe
mode it still doesn't give the id back if it generated it on the
server. So there really isn't any possible way for us to do this
unless it was a core feature in MongoDB.
Your best bet would be to generate the id before inserting the document:
document = { _id:, name: "example" }
id = document[:_id]

How to get the object id in PyMongo after an insert?

I'm doing a simple insert into Mongo...
db.notes.insert({ title: "title", details: "note details"})
After the note document is inserted, I need to get the object id immediately. The result that comes back from the insert has some basic info regarding connection and errors, but no document and field info.
I found some info about using the update() function with upsert=true, I'm just not sure if that's the right way to go, I have not yet tried it.
One of the cool things about MongoDB is that the ids are generated client side.
This means you don't even have to ask the server what the id was, because you told it what to save in the first place. Using pymongo the return value of an insert will be the object id. Check it out:
>>> import pymongo
>>> collection = pymongo.Connection()['test']['tyler']
>>> _id = collection.insert({"name": "tyler"})
>>> print _id.inserted_id
The answer from Tyler does not work for me.
Using _id.inserted_id works
>>> import pymongo
>>> collection = pymongo.Connection()['test']['tyler']
>>> _id = collection.insert({"name": "tyler"})
>>> print(_id)
<pymongo.results.InsertOneResult object at 0x0A7EABCD>
>>> print(_id.inserted_id)
It's better to use insert_one() or insert_many() instead of insert(). Those two are for the newer version. You can use inserted_id to get the id.
myclient = pymongo.MongoClient("mongodb://localhost:27017/")
myDB = myclient["myDB"]
userTable = myDB["Users"]
userDict={"name": "tyler"}
_id = userTable.insert_one(userDict).inserted_id
result = userTable.insert_one(userDict)
If you need to use insert(), you should write like the lines below
_id = userTable.insert(userDict)
Newer PyMongo versions depreciate insert, and instead insert_one or insert_many should be used. These functions return a pymongo.results.InsertOneResult or pymongo.results.InsertManyResult object.
With these objects you can use the .inserted_id and .inserted_ids properties respectively to get the inserted object ids.
See this link for more info on insert_one and insert_many and this link for more info on pymongo.results.InsertOneResult.
updated; removed previous because it wasn't correct
It looks like you can also do it with, which returns the _id after it performs the insert.
See for more info:
some_var = db.notes.insert({ title: "title", details: "note details"})
You just need to assigne it to some variable:
someVar = db.notes.insert({ title: "title", details: "note details"})
To get the ID after an Insert in Python, just do like this:
doc = db.notes.insert({ title: "title", details: "note details"})
return str(doc.inserted_id) # This is to convert the ObjectID (type of doc.inserted_id into string)