Create a shared folder in Dropbox with dropbox-core-sdk-2.0-beta-4 and then add a member to it - dropbox-api

I am trying to create a shared folder in a dropbox account, from a Java desktop application by using the dropbox-core-sdk-2.0-beta-4, with the code below, but I am getting these exceptions:
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.dropbox.core.json.JsonWriter.writeFields(Ljava/lang/Object;Lcom/fasterxml/jack son/core/JsonGenerator;)V
at com.dropbox.core.v2.DbxFiles$CreateFolderArg$1.write(
at com.dropbox.core.v2.DbxFiles$CreateFolderArg$1.write(
at com.dropbox.core.json.JsonWriter.writeToStream(
at com.dropbox.core.json.JsonWriter.writeToStream(
at com.dropbox.core.v2.DbxRawClientV2.rpcStyle(
at com.dropbox.core.v2.DbxFiles.createFolder(
at com.dropbox.core.v2.DbxFiles.createFolder(
My code is the following:
DbxRequestConfig dbxRequestConfig = new DbxRequestConfig("test/1.0", Locale.getDefault().toString());
DbxClientV2 dbxClient = new DbxClientV2(dbxRequestConfig, my_access_token);
FolderMetadata md = dbxClient.files.createFolder("/test");
ArrayList<AddMember> list = new ArrayList();
DbxSharing.AddMember a1 = new DbxSharing.AddMember(""),
dbxClient.sharing.addFolderMember(md.parentSharedFolderId, list);
My code is heating at:
FolderMetadata md = dbxClient.files.createFolder("/test");
I have already search for any solution to create a shared folder and add a member to it, but I am not finding anything useful to my case.
Could anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?


Read Forms from BAR file - Flowable in code -

I need an example of usign FormEngine. To be more especific....
I'm executing code below - but there’s no forms found in my BAR file :(
The BAR file was exported from Flowable Modeler and it contains one form and one process and app. Maybe there's other way to deploy and obtain forms...?
RepositoryService repositoryService = processEngine.getRepositoryService();
FormRepositoryService formRepositoryService = formEngine.getFormRepositoryService();
File file = new File(path);
ZipInputStream inputStream = new ZipInputStream(new FileInputStream(path));
String idDeployParent = repositoryService.createDeployment()
DeploymentEntity deploymentEntity = (DeploymentEntity) repositoryService.createDeploymentQuery().list().get(0);
System.out.println(" FORMS FOUND: " + formRepositoryService.createFormDefinitionQuery().list().size());

folder.getSheets() returning null?

I'm trying to go through and entire workspace and list each element in a treeview, but when I attempt to grab the sheets in the found folders the getSheets() method in the Folder class always returns null. Am I doing something wrong?
TreeItem<String> workspace = new TreeItem<>("Earls Workspace", workspaceIcon);
try {
Workspace earlsWorkspace = SmartsheetConnector.getInstance().getSmartsheet().workspaces().getWorkspace(*****);
List<Sheet> sheets = earlsWorkspace.getSheets();
List<Folder> folders = earlsWorkspace.getFolders();
for (Folder folder : folders) {
TreeItem<String> item = new TreeItem<>(folder.getName(), new ImageView(folderIcon));
System.out.println("Folder: " + folder.getName());
List<Sheet> folderSheets = folder.getSheets(); <- problem is here
for (Sheet sheet : folderSheets) {
TreeItem<String> subItem = new TreeItem<>(sheet.getName(), new ImageView(sheetIcon));
for (Sheet sheet : sheets) {
TreeItem<String> item = new TreeItem<>(sheet.getName(), new ImageView(sheetIcon));
} catch (SmartsheetException ex) {
I've purposefully blocked out the workspace ID.
Since the Java SDK mimics the Smartsheet API, the GET workspace by ID function only returns high level folder information, and does not include the sheets within the folder, which is why it is returning null. There are two ways to solve your problem:
After getting a list of folders from your workspace, you can call the GET folder by ID function, and that will return a list of sheets within a folder.
Workspace earlsWorkspace = SmartsheetConnector.getInstance().getSmartsheet().workspaces().getWorkspace(*****);
List<Folder> folders = earlsWorkspace.getFolders();
for (Folder folder : folders) {
List<Sheet> folderSheets = SmartsheetConnector.getInstance().getSmartsheet().folders().getFolder(folder.getId()).getSheets();
for (Sheet sheet : folderSheets) {
Call the getHome() function. This will return a nested list of all Home objects, including sheets, workspaces and folders, and optionally reports and/or templates depending on the EnumSet that you pass in. You will have to go through the list of workspaces and find the one that you are interested in. From there, you can loop through the folders, and call folder.getSheets() to get a list of sheets within a folder.
Home home = SmartsheetConnector.getInstance().getSmartsheet().home().getHome(EnumSet.of(ObjectInclusion.TEMPLATES);
In the next release of the SDK, there will be an option to specify if you want to load all of the contents, including nested folders and nested sheets within a workspace, so you can easily call folder.getSheets(), just like you were doing, and get back a list of sheets.

Crystal Reports Runtime & Redistributable

Is there a difference between these two things. I am trying to move some reports from a local server to a dev server and I know that we have installed the redist on the dev server, but am still having problems getting the report to run. Is the runtime separate I come accross different sites mentioning both things but havent been able to tell if they are talking about the same thing
*Edit - posting code to see if as dotjoe suggested I have incorrectly labled my report path. the database connection is returned from a method to a string array reportString so that is what that array is.
<CR:CrystalReportViewer ID="CrystalReportViewer2" runat="server"
AutoDataBind="True" Height="50px" Width="350px" ReuseParameterValuesOnRefresh="True" ToolbarImagesFolderUrl="~/images/reportViwerImages"/>
ConnectionInfo myConnectionInfo = new ConnectionInfo();
myConnectionInfo.ServerName = reportString[1];
myConnectionInfo.DatabaseName = reportString[0];
myConnectionInfo.UserID = reportString[2];
myConnectionInfo.Password = reportString[3];
string ReportPath = Server.MapPath("../../mdReports/CrystalReport.rpt");
CrystalReportViewer2.ReportSource = ReportPath;
ParameterField field1 = new ParameterField();
ParameterDiscreteValue val1 = new ParameterDiscreteValue();
val1.Value = hiddenFieldReportNumber.ToString();
private void SetDBLogonForReport(ConnectionInfo myConnectionInfo)
TableLogOnInfos myTableLogOnInfos = CrystalReportViewer2.LogOnInfo;
foreach (TableLogOnInfo myTableLogOnInfo in myTableLogOnInfos)
myTableLogOnInfo.ConnectionInfo = myConnectionInfo;
you have not load the report from the given Path.
Please see below link

Enterprise Library Fluent API and Rolling Log Files Not Rolling

I am using the Fluent API to handle various configuration options for Logging using EntLib.
I am building up the loggingConfiguration section manually in code. It seems to work great except that the RollingFlatFileTraceListener doesn't actually Roll the file. It will respect the size limit and cap the amount of data it writes to the file appropriately, but it doesn't not actually create a new file and continue the logs.
I've tested it with a sample app and the app.config and it seems to work. So I'm guess that I am missing something although every config option that seems like it needs is there.
Here is the basics of the code (with hard-coded values to show a config that doesn't seem to be working):
//Create the config builder for the Fluent API
var configBuilder = new ConfigurationSourceBuilder();
//Start building the logging config section
var logginConfigurationSection = new LoggingSettings("loggingConfiguration", true, "General");
logginConfigurationSection.RevertImpersonation = false;
var _rollingFileListener = new RollingFlatFileTraceListenerData("Rolling Flat File Trace Listener", "C:\\tracelog.log", "----------------------", "",
10, "MM/dd/yyyy", RollFileExistsBehavior.Increment,
RollInterval.Day, TraceOptions.None,
"Text Formatter", SourceLevels.All);
_rollingFileListener.MaxArchivedFiles = 2;
//Add trace listener to current config
//Configure the category source section of config for flat file
var _rollingFileCategorySource = new TraceSourceData("General", SourceLevels.All);
//Must be named exactly the same as the flat file trace listener above.
_rollingFileCategorySource.TraceListeners.Add(new TraceListenerReferenceData("Rolling Flat File Trace Listener"));
//Add category source information to current config
//Add the loggingConfiguration section to the config.
configBuilder.AddSection("loggingConfiguration", logginConfigurationSection);
//Required code to update the EntLib Configuration with settings set above.
var configSource = new DictionaryConfigurationSource();
//Set the Enterprise Library Container for the inner workings of EntLib to use when logging
EnterpriseLibraryContainer.Current = EnterpriseLibraryContainer.CreateDefaultContainer(configSource);
Any help would be appreciated!
Your timestamp pattern is wrong. It should be yyy-mm-dd instead of MM/dd/yyyy. The ‘/’ character is not supported.
Also, you could accomplish your objective by using the fluent configuration interface much easier. Here's how:
ConfigurationSourceBuilder formatBuilder = new ConfigurationSourceBuilder();
ConfigurationSourceBuilder builder = new ConfigurationSourceBuilder();
RollingFile("Rolling Flat File Trace Listener")
.FormatWith(new FormatterBuilder().TextFormatterNamed("textFormatter"));
var configSource = new DictionaryConfigurationSource();
EnterpriseLibraryContainer.Current = EnterpriseLibraryContainer.CreateDefaultContainer(configSource);
var writer = EnterpriseLibraryContainer.Current.GetInstance<LogWriter>();
DateTime stopWritingTime = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(10);
while (DateTime.Now < stopWritingTime)
writer.Write("test", "General");

How to execute the code generated by codeDom?

I just generated the .cs file using codeDom. Can someone explain how do I execute it?
The code below will allow you to compile the code using the codedom and then you can show the user if the code compiled correctly or not. It even creates a DLL as well.
// Store provider from the method into a object, Default is CSharpCodeProvider**
CodeDomProvider provider = this.GetCurrentProvider();
// Configure a CompilerParameters that links System.dll**
String[] referenceAssemblies = { "System.dll", "System.Data.Linq.dll", "System.Web.dll","System.XML.dll","System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.dll", "System.Data.dll", _mvcLocation };
CompilerParameters cp = new CompilerParameters(referenceAssemblies, this.fileLocation + this.fileName + ".dll", false);
// Generate an executable rather than a DLL file.**
cp.GenerateExecutable = true;
// Invoke compilation.**
CompilerResults _results = provider.CompileAssemblyFromFile(cp, this.fileLocation + this.fileName + "." + this.extention);
It's not quite that simple. See here for a primer. Basically the CodeDom supports scenarios such as code generation and dynamic compilation. So .cs files created with the CodeDom are not executables in the usual sense.