Does Handbrake support PIP (picture in picture)? - handbrake

I am trying to determine whether Handbrake can support PIP (picture in picture). I've looked through this site, and several FAQ across the internet but wasn't able to find anything whether it does support it. I am fine with HandbrakeCLI as well. Any information would be great!
Thanks in advance!


Pythonista URL Scraper on iOS

I’ve been attempting to compile a script to give me table data from a few xpaths from to display info from just 4 of the hundreds of datasets.
The issue I’ve run into after playing around with various scripts for hours and hours and doing web searches is that pythonista iOS won’t allow me to utilize pandas, beautiful soup, pyto, or a host of other parsers.
I’m admittedly a noob but it seems like using the basic installed libraries for python 2.7 or 3.2 should be able to simply display Xpath data with a few lines of code with which I will eventually migrate some premade code in iOS shortcuts app to make it a widget for my Apple Watch and/or iPhone.
All this to say... has anyone had success scraping using iOS Pythonista app? If so, any pointers for an angle of attack??
Pythonista is limited by the fact that you must use pure python libraries. This is no fault of the developer and is a restriction set by Apple. I recommend installing StaSh and finding a pure python scraping library that you can install through pip. A quick google search brought up this one which you might find useful.
As of December 2020, Pythonista has the requests and bs4 modules built in.

Google AIY Voicekit V1 doesn't respond

When running the AIY voice kit "" demo app, it recognizes what I said, but no reply comes from it.
Also, for the "" demo app, it detects when I say "Ok Google" but doesn't recognize anything I say after it.
Does anyone know how to solve these problems?
Any help or suggestions are much appreciated.
I had the same issue. I finally made it work by flashing an older version of the VoiceKit image. Here you can find the older versions:
I used VoiceKit Classic Image 2017-09-11 and it worked out of the box.
I had the same issue and it got resolved by following this thread.

Does Firebreath 1.6 support Internet Explorer 10?

Does anybody know if there are some basic problems using a firebreath-built plugin on IE10?
A plugin that I built using FB 1.6 that works fine on IE9 on Windows 7, no longer works on IE10 on Windows 8 classic desktop. I suspect some issue with the ActiveX interface. I installed Chrome on Win8 classic and the plugin works OK on that browser.
Admittedly, I don't have many debugging details yet. But I wanted to see if there were any general issues I should be aware of before diving through the FB code.
Thanks very much.
There are no fundamental incompatibilities that I'm aware of, however our plugin does seem to have some drawing issues in IE10 that I haven't had the luxury of tracking down yet.
If you could be more specific about what "no longer works" means it might be easier to give you some advice.
Does it fail to load? Fail to talk to javascript? Fail to draw (like ours)? Crash the browser? Curdle your milk and demagnetize your credit cards? Sing Beatles songs out of tune?
Without some indication of what exactly is going wrong it's hard to know what to tell you.

How to compile MobileVLC for iOS?

I'm trying to compile the Mobile VLC project but it always fails with the script. Several different issues occur.
Can someone post instructions on how to build the MobileVLC project so that it runs properly on a device?
Thank you,
Please see the following thread, and specifically this answer.
I will not paste the answer here as it's redundant, but if you follow the steps you'll get VLC to compile for iOS. The one thing that I am still having trouble with is being able to visualize multicast rdp/udp streams. HTTP stuff works fine, e.g. 3gp files etc... And of course standard files uploaded via iTunes work without a problem.

Are there any smartphones with good Python interpreter support?

I'm getting a new phone and I am looking to do some programming on it. Python is my language of choice, so I was wondering what phones have support for Python interpreters.
I know, I know, "you program too much already", yeah my girlfriend says that all the time too, but I can't help it.
I'll probably do a lot of on-the-go style simple debugging, and I'd like to also get into programming some simple custom apps to streamline my smartphone workflow.
I see there is support on Android through SL4A and Py4A but I couldn't figure out which version of Python it resembles. I also see that PyS60 on Symbian is available, based on 2.5.4. Also, there's a string of Python-iPhone threads starting here which were very informative but not very current. Lastly I found a cool youtube video of a guy doing something geeky in python on his iPhone.
Yes I am still researching on my own but I figured someone on SO might be able to give me a pointer in the right direction. Which of these options is halfway decent?
Does anyone know which of these is easiest to get started with? How about which is most powerful for development using the native smartphone capabilities? Anything
With regards to Py4A, in view of discussion at the link below, my guess would be Py 2.7.1, 2.7.2.
The Nokia n900 comes with Maemo 5 Linux, and can easily run a full Debian Linux for ARM. It's not locked down in any way. I have one (in the shop, really hope they can fix it) and it's great.
Python? Basically like using it on any desktop Linux distribution.