Is there any way to multiple deployment UWP to RaspPi2 - deployment

I want to deploy my universal windows application to raspberry pi 2 devices. I can do that one by one. But how can I deploy multiple pi devices at once?
Best regards

Visual Studio needs a dedicated target (your phone, computer, PI, etc.) to deploy/debug your app.
It can handle only 1 target so you won't be able to do it using Visual Studio.
What you can try (I'm not 100% it will work): create a post build event that call a .bat/.ps1 file which will do the deployment.
To do so, you just need to be sure that there is a command line that exists to deploy the package "manually".

One thing is you can deploy an app via the web portal. If you connect multiple RPi2 on the same network you may write a script to deploy the app through the web interface.


Use same terminal session across the devices when using vscode-remote ssh

I'm using three of the devices to develop. Desktop(Home), MacBook(Work), Laptop(Remote).
I'm developing a web project that needs to build and API server. So I'm running build steps and API server using watch parameter.
However, If I do work at remote or home, I can't start API server because that port already bound by other process that executed by work MacBook terminal. I tried to kill that process, but It restored automatically by watch parameter.
So now I want to use the same terminal session across the multiple devices. I thought maybe I can do this using tmux, but I don't know is there a better solution for this.
Is there available something to do this in vscode-server? Or just I need to use tmux or other solution?

Application Deployment in close infrastructure

our team adopted agile development style. We have desktop application which is installed on more than 5 thousands computers. These computers are in customer network. In network there are distribution points but one point is main. It means we copy binary files into main point and then there are distributed into all distribution points to install client computers.
For us it means a lot of manual work. We have own Azure DevOps server (TFS) which is not connected with customer newtork because of source code security. We can copy binary files by some shared folder but nothing else.
How we do application deployment? There are steps:
1) Copy binary files to main distribution point.
2) Create deltas by xdelta tool.
3) Copy all new files to all distribution points by robocopy.
4) When copy is done we change version in manifest file and copy again.
5) We have manually created database alter file so we upgrade database by this file.
I wanted to use Jenkins to automate these steps. Problem is that customer said he don't want to install any other software to his servers. All steps need to be done in customer network.
What devops tool should I use to automate these steps by pipeline? When we copy to distribution points it is parallel as same as database deployment because there are more than 70 database instances.
It is not about one application. We have more application which we would like to deploy more effective.
Thank you.
SOLUTION: I solved this problem by using MSDeploy tool. I wrote own small application which can read simple XML configuration tool and launches MSDeploy through MSDeploy API. DacPac deployment is solved by SqlPackage.exe. So I can deploy whole application with all references and dependent parts.
I think you need a configuration managment tool to roll out desktop software Windows clients.
Microsoft inhouse solution is this:

How to release windows application in vs team service?

Hi buddy,
I am new for team service.I have created a sample windows application then build and release into team services. But I don't know how to release my application through ftp?or any other ways to deploy windows application ...suggest me....
You can add related tasks to deploy your windows to where you want to deploy.
Such as if you want to deploy your app to another machine, you can use Windows Machine File Copy task .
More detail, you can refer deploy your app.

Best way to deploy a Click Once application on a network

I am trying to install an Outlook 365 Add In that I have developed. I have published the application as a click once which can be installed by running the setup file.
I need the application to be installed on all company computers, so the best place to host the application would be the company network.
How can I deploy my application to all users and allow the application to automatically update every time there is a new version published?
I greatly appreciate any help with this issue. This is the first large application deployment that I have undertaken.
I can't advise on the specific mechanism for deploying an "installed" version of your solution - I imagine you can accomplish that with most application deployment systems. Otherwise users will have to run the setup.exe from your network deployment. When you do have an update you simply copy the new files to a new versioned folder and existing installations will detect the change of version number in the deployed manifest and auto-update. See also:

ClickOnce check for update without executing app

I work in a service organization where users of our internal tools are often disconnected. It is often the case that service engineers on service assignments are "stranded" with an outdated version of some internal tool.
These tools are deployed using ClickOnce publish VS2010 .NET4 . If the users run all their apps while still connected to corporate network, they would get a notification that a new version was available. As the number of various tools increase, the chance increases that some app is not updated.
Is it possible to automate this process, by a batch file or something?
So that the engineers just need to run one file when connected to corporate nw to get all the newest versions of their installed tools?
An easier way of saying it would be to have "something like Windows update" operating on corporate net, but for internal ClickOnce apps.
Very interesting question. I can't think of a quick way to do this, but it's definitely possible.
I would create another ClickOnce app whose job is to update the other ClickOnce apps. This app needs the url of each app's .application file. If all engineers are supposed to have all apps, that's easy. If not, maybe you could look through their start menu and find all the ClickOnce Application Reference files. Those files contain the url.
Next, just launch the url and pass a query string argument...
In the startup of your applications, you can check the query string argument and shut down the app if it's run with UpdateOnly=true.
One side note. If you set the minimum required version of each of your apps to the latest version, users won't get prompted with the new version dialog. Seems like you'd want to do that or the user would still have to pay attention and do a lot of clicking.