How to release windows application in vs team service? - github

Hi buddy,
I am new for team service.I have created a sample windows application then build and release into team services. But I don't know how to release my application through ftp?or any other ways to deploy windows application ...suggest me....

You can add related tasks to deploy your windows to where you want to deploy.
Such as if you want to deploy your app to another machine, you can use Windows Machine File Copy task .
More detail, you can refer deploy your app.


"Azure Web App Deploy" vs "Deploy Azure App Service"

If we are deploying a basic WebApp / WebApi, both these tasks from Microsoft appear to do the same thing - deploy to an appservice.
How do you choose which one to use in a new YAML release pipeline? I just want to make sure I am using the version that is most future-proof - I have 25 release pipelines and don't want to have to re-do them unless necessary.
The way the help is written, hard to compare feature to feature to spot the key "must-haves". Some Microsoft online examples use both. Both are still marked as "In Development" in the readme and both are >1 year old since last check in.
The simplest way to deploy to an Azure Web App is to use the Azure Web App Deploy (AzureWebApp) task.
By default, your deployment happens to the root application in the Azure Web App. You can deploy to a specific virtual application by using the VirtualApplication property of the AzureRmWebAppDeployment task.
Azure App Service Deploy task allows users to modify configuration settings in configuration files (*.config files) inside web packages and XML parameters files (parameters.xml), based on the stage name specified.
Just my two cents, but I just noticed Web App Deploy takes much less time than Service App Deploy. I was wondering how come a simple zip deploy (Service App Deploy) can take so long. So I looked around and found there's also that Web App Deploy, so I tested it.
My project (React/Next small sized app) normally takes 6-10 min to deploy with Azure Service App Deploy (v4). With Azure Web App Deploy (v1) it took a little more than a minute. Wow.

How to deploy ASPNET Core site to Azure Linux Web App (no container)

I have a web app, and I've setup VSTS to create a package in build, and then deploy it using release management.
It puts all of the result in the wwwroot of the site if I look at it in ftp so I get:
This doesn't run and I get a 404 error.
If I use the URL and go say /wwwroot/images/ it returns it just fine.
The app is set to use .net core and I'm doing a self-contained package.
How do I get VSTS release to put the files in the right place and what is the right place ? I can't find any documentation on this anywhere. Everything is to do with Windows.
Also, what linux target should the dotnet application be set to for self-contained? I have it using ubuntu but I'm sure that's wrong and it's something else.
Please use Azure App Service Deploy task with 4.* (preview) version instead, and deploy again:
I had a similar issue and I responded here. Essentially you need to have a startup command pointing to your DLL because Dev Ops deploys the package in a different way than VS.
Deploying .Net Core to Linux WebApps on Azure with DevOps

Deploy web app on local or remote IIS using PowerShell DSC

I am unable to find any help on how to use PowerShell for DSC and deploy web app on local or remote on premises IIS.
Can you please help me with the steps or any resources?
What's your preferred method of deploying code prior to using DSC? xRobocopy was created with this scenario in mind, but if you are packaging your solution using NuGet, you could also use the PackageManagement resource.
I started working on a NuGet based config script recently but it isn't ready to publish in the gallery yet:

Best way to deploy a Click Once application on a network

I am trying to install an Outlook 365 Add In that I have developed. I have published the application as a click once which can be installed by running the setup file.
I need the application to be installed on all company computers, so the best place to host the application would be the company network.
How can I deploy my application to all users and allow the application to automatically update every time there is a new version published?
I greatly appreciate any help with this issue. This is the first large application deployment that I have undertaken.
I can't advise on the specific mechanism for deploying an "installed" version of your solution - I imagine you can accomplish that with most application deployment systems. Otherwise users will have to run the setup.exe from your network deployment. When you do have an update you simply copy the new files to a new versioned folder and existing installations will detect the change of version number in the deployed manifest and auto-update. See also:

Is there any way to multiple deployment UWP to RaspPi2

I want to deploy my universal windows application to raspberry pi 2 devices. I can do that one by one. But how can I deploy multiple pi devices at once?
Best regards
Visual Studio needs a dedicated target (your phone, computer, PI, etc.) to deploy/debug your app.
It can handle only 1 target so you won't be able to do it using Visual Studio.
What you can try (I'm not 100% it will work): create a post build event that call a .bat/.ps1 file which will do the deployment.
To do so, you just need to be sure that there is a command line that exists to deploy the package "manually".
One thing is you can deploy an app via the web portal. If you connect multiple RPi2 on the same network you may write a script to deploy the app through the web interface.