SSRS Chart Hiding one group if it has 0 value - ssrs-2008

I have one pie chart that has 4 types. I want to hide the display of the particular group if the total aggregate is 0. . Based on my chart, Could anyone please help me how to change the filter condition not to show paid group if it has 0. TIA

You can filter by TOTAL in the Category Group properties of the chart.
This is the only place in a chart where you can filter by an aggregate (SUM or COUNT).

Agree with Renu's approach (as in comments), just to elaborate, in order to suppress zero values (in data cells) use the IIF() function to return appropriate, i.e. right click the Data-Cell -> select Expression and enter something similar to the following expression::
=IIF( Sum(Fields!columName.Value)=0, Nothing, Count(Fields!columName.Value) )
In case where you need to return a Boolean value (True/False), then use something similar to below:
=IIF(Count(Fields!columName.Value)=0, False, True)


How can i sort groups ascending with specific value at the end in Crystal Reports?

I got a Crystal Report with data grouped by a field, for example 'height' and I want to sort in a specific order. I want to sort it ascending but with height = 0 at the end. Is that somehow possible.
In Java or so i would use a custom comparator.
thx for the help
create a formula
if {field} = 0 then 99999 then 0 else {field}
sort on that but dont place in report of course
Find "Record Sort Expert"... Put a field and choose ASC/DESC there.
You need to do custom sorting by formula to skip that one. OK, put a ASC for that field, but in the "Display String" property of that field make a conditional formula for hiding that one or changing the value of it.
Here is some pseudo code... IF {field_height} == 0 then SET_LASTPOSITION else {field_height}. I hope this will help a bit.

Crystal report Cross-Tab order by another column

I've made a crosstab in crystal report like below:
However, as you can see, the ordering is weirld (i.e. the correct one should be like below:)
And the ordering is stored in another field called order, I took a look in the crystal report's cross-tab expert sorting option, it doesn't allow me to order by another column, it only allows me to sort either ascending or descending, how can I set the ordering by another column?
Crosstab's sorting is based on the rows order, if you want to sort it in your on you have to add some extra rows and have to suppress subtotal and Label in Customize Style of Crosstab Expert
If you have 3 rows(A,B,C) to display and you have to sort it in order like B,C,A then you have to add 2 new rows(B,C) now your Crosstab looks like (B,C,A,B,C) now you have to suppress Rows B and C you meet your both requirements for sorting and display order
But This solution have some limitations like
if you want to export the report in Excel then it will add extra cells in grand total.
otherwise you are good to go.
If you have 3 rows(A,B,C) to display and you added one row and you suppress it to solve your sorting issue then in Excel its grand total looks like
a 1 3
b 2 2
Total: 3 5
Yes, you can not sort on another column. You must use any of one column as a header.
In Crystal report, sorting happened based on header column's value (That's why you see as per alphabetic).
I also face this issue and how I solved, that I am explain. You have to use a formula which have order, but either hide it or use a value like in this link.
Second option as per this link. (I think first you check this)
open crosstab expert, highlight the column that you want to reorder, go to Group Options and select in specified order. This will open another tab where you will have your available values listed there. Using the arrows on the right side you can move up or down your values and accommodate them in the order you want them to be displayed.
Simple way would be take order column from stored procedure to cross tab and set the order according to that column.
Then supress the order column and reduce the width of that column to minimum pixel so that it doesn't appear in cross tab.
Make the field you want to sort by a group field and hide it. To hide it, in the Crosstab Expert > Customize Style dialog select this group then use the Group Options area to Suppress Subtotal and Supress Label. Worked for me.
Use the order field as the grouping column and change the label for said column to show the actual sizes. The labels can be changed in Crosstab Expert, Grouping Options and then the tab Options.

Crystal Reports and Adding values

I am using Crystal Reports XI and I'm trying to add a particular column if one column or another column is set to one.
Here is the current preview:
Username (GROUP 1)
End of group 2
End of group 1
Now I want to add the values in total_time if one of the two hidden fields contain 1 (true).
I tried using sum() function but it didn't work as it added all the times together.
I'm still new to Crystal Reports and I tried searching on google but nothing came up similar to what I need.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
One alternative that I can suggest, You can use Parameter fields on your report.
Do the calculation on Code behind and set the calculated sum to parameter field on Page_Load event of Crystal Report page.
This parameter field will be used to display the sum on report page.
Please check this link to see
-How to create Parameter Fields:
-How to set values in Parameter Fields:
Your best option will be use "Running totals" by this way you can control the flow by keeping a condition to sum when the required column is 1.
Did you think about small trick? You wrote: I want to add the values in totaltime if one of the two hidden fields contain 1 (true).
Under these circumstances you can calculate helper field Total_Time_Conditional using formula:
Total_Time_Conditional = IIf(HiddenField1 = 1 or HiddenField2 = 1, 1, 0) * Total_Time.
This will multiply Total_Time
by 1, if any of hidden fields is 1
by 0, if both hidden fields are 0
Calculating Sum(Total_Time_Conditional) will give you expected result.

Tell if it's the last bar on the chart in SSRS report

If I have a bar chart in an SSRS report, how can I tell (using an expression) if it's the last bar of the chart? Is there a way to take the index or position, or see if the next is null?
Is there such a thing as ??
One way is to check whether the current value of the Category Group is the same as the maximum value. For example, if your graph is reporting from Dataset1 and is grouped by date, then your expression might look like:
=iif(Fields!date.Value=Max(Fields!date.Value, "DataSet1"),"Specific","Default")

How can I conditionally group items in Crystal Reports?

I have a report that is currently separated into two reports, and I'd like to merge them.
Basically it boils down to this:
I ask the user if they want to have a page break for each Property, if they answer yes, I sort/group by Property and then I sort by X
If the user answers no, I want to just sort/group by X
I've tried suppressing the initial Grouping if the user answers No, but it still sorts accordingly (not how I want it to).
How can I do this without keeping it in two reports?
Instead of suppressing the grouping field, try setting it to an empty string "". I was just working on a report last week that was very similar. Even if 'no grouping' was selected, the report was still being grouped by some unknown default. In the formula grouping field, I found that if 'no grouping' was selected the field was not getting set at all. Once I changed it to set the field to an empty string, the report generated as expected.
Are you grouping or sorting? If you do not use the group header/footer it is basically the same as sorting and you should simply use the record sort.
In general, to conditionally group fields you would use formulas. For this to work the fields in question need to be returned as the same type: number, string, date, etc. In your case it sounds like the first grouping formula would be like this...
//{?break_by_property} would be the parameter value to control the page break
if {?break_by_property) then
"" //any static value of the same type as {the_property_field}
now go the "new page before" formula for that group header and enter this boolean formula (groupnumber is a special keyword)...
{?break_by_property} and groupnumber > 1
then add a record sort for X.