Can't Get Facebook User Info While Login Using Hybrid Auth in CodeIgniter 3.0 - facebook

How to get any information from facebook login like Email,Name,Phone Etc. I'm using Hybrid Auth in CODEIGNITER
I get This Array:-
The site url :
Hybrid_User_Profile Object ( [identifier] => 955650971175283 [webSiteURL] => [profileURL] => [photoURL] => [displayName] => Lavish Tyagi [description] => [firstName] => [lastName] => [gender] => [language] => [age] => [birthDay] => [birthMonth] => [birthYear] => [email] => [emailVerified] => [phone] => [address] => [country] => [region] => [city] => [zip] => [username] => )

Dont use same account try different account.
dont use the account which has the facebook application. if you faced the same problem again then delete your app and recreate and try it again.
i hope this will help you,


How to modify Mediawiki Login form

I'm trying to add the attribute autocomplete="off" in mediawiki login form. Being completely new, I'm unable to find where the form is being built.
I'm using MediaWiki 1.29.1
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Things I did to find it:
1. Added the following code in LocalSettings.php
$wgHooks['UserLoginForm'][] = 'modifyLoginForm';
function modifyLoginForm( &$template ) {
//Printed template and got the following
UserloginTemplate Object
[data] => Array
[link] =>
[header] =>
[name] => Admin
[password] =>
[retype] =>
[email] =>
[realname] =>
[domain] =>
[reason] =>
[action] => /mediawiki/index.php?title=Special:UserLogin&action=submitlogin&type=login&returnto=Main+Page
[message] =>
[messagetype] => error
[createemail] =>
[userealname] => 1
[useemail] => 1
[emailrequired] =>
[emailothers] => 1
[canreset] => 1
[resetlink] => 1
[canremember] => 1
[usereason] =>
[remember] =>
[cansecurelogin] =>
[stickHTTPS] =>
[token] => 18955182baa69e0a66edefghi4e0ef
[loginend] =>
[signupend] =>
[usedomain] =>
Tried to modify includes/templates/Userlogin.php . There is a login form, but it didn't get affected.
Checked LoginSignupSpecialPage.php, but not sure how to add the attribute.

Paypal error 580029 One of the required parameters for subscription is missing

When I try to make a preapproval this message comes up instead of showing me the Paypal login screen. Usually it is more specific, but now it just says "One of the required parameters for subscription is missing", so
I would like to know what is the parameter missing?.
Is this related to the APP ID?
It worked fine in Sandbox but when going live I have this error.
Preapproval adaptive-preapproval
PayPal\Types\AP\PreapprovalResponse Object
[responseEnvelope] => PayPal\Types\Common\ResponseEnvelope Object
[timestamp] => 2016-01-06T11:02:03.894-08:00
[ack] => Failure
[correlationId] => 4d382b98c6be4
[build] => 17820627
[preapprovalKey] =>
[error] => Array
[0] => PayPal\Types\Common\ErrorData Object
[errorId] => 580029
[domain] => PLATFORM
[subdomain] => Application
[severity] => Error
[category] => Application
[message] => One of the required parameters for subscription is missing
[exceptionId] =>
[parameter] => Array
[0] => PayPal\Types\Common\ErrorParameter Object
[name] =>
[value] => Subscription
PayPal\Types\AP\PreapprovalRequest Object
[requestEnvelope] => PayPal\Types\Common\RequestEnvelope Object
[detailLevel] =>
[errorLanguage] => en_US
[clientDetails] => PayPal\Types\Common\ClientDetailsType Object
[ipAddress] =>
[deviceId] =>
[applicationId] => MY_APP_NAME
[model] =>
[geoLocation] =>
[customerType] =>
[partnerName] =>
[customerId] =>
[cancelUrl] => http://localhost/auction/create-auction/?post_new_step=1&projectid=181
[currencyCode] => CAD
[dateOfMonth] =>
[dayOfWeek] =>
[endingDate] => 2016-02-05Z
[maxAmountPerPayment] =>
[maxNumberOfPayments] =>
[maxNumberOfPaymentsPerPeriod] => 1
[maxTotalAmountOfAllPayments] => 1.5
[paymentPeriod] => NO_PERIOD_SPECIFIED
[returnUrl] => http://localhost/auction/?page_id=10&finalize=1&post_new_step=4&projectid=181
[memo] =>
[ipnNotificationUrl] =>
[senderEmail] =>
[startingDate] => 2016-01-06Z
[pinType] =>
[feesPayer] =>
[displayMaxTotalAmount] => 1
[requireInstantFundingSource] =>
[sender] =>
I just experienced the same issue.
I resolved it by filling out all of the "Max*" fields.
In my case, I was missing the "maxNumberOfPaymentsPerPeriod" field.
Successfully created a approval token for a "one-time" payment with the following request:
cancelUrl: "http://localhost:55182/Booking/InitialBookingRequest?StartDate=7/1/2016 1:15:00 AM&EndDate=7/1/2016 2:15:00 AM&ListingId=119295&bookingId=90802" string
clientDetails: null
currencyCode: "USD"
dateOfMonth: null
dayOfWeek: null
displayMaxTotalAmount: null
endingDate: "2016-07-15"
feesPayer: null
ipnNotificationUrl: "http://localhost:55182/home/handler"
maxAmountPerPayment: 5.00
maxNumberOfPayments: 1
maxNumberOfPaymentsPerPeriod: 1
maxTotalAmountOfAllPayments: 5.00
memo: null
paymentPeriod: null
pinType: null
requireInstantFundingSource: null
returnUrl: "http://localhost:55182/booking/Success?StartDate=7/1/2016 1:15:00 AM&EndDate=7/1/2016 2:15:00 AM&ListingId=119295&bookingId=90802" string
sender: null
senderEmail: null
startingDate: "2016-06-30"
We have been battling with this issue too, and it seems it comes up on the internet quite a bit. Unfortunately, the PayPal documentation lists most fields as Optional, when they aren't.
What fields are actually optional depends on the type of Pre-approval you are using (there is Subscription / One-time / On-demand), but none of this seems to be mentioned in the PayPal API documentation.
Looking at your request, I believe the one field you will also need to specify is maxAmountPerPayment, which in your case would be the same as maxTotalAmountOfAllPayments
Although the error is cryptic, it is in fact informing you that for a Subscription type of Pre-approval, you are missing some required fields. Unfortuantely these required fields are not documented. If it turns out maxAmountPerPayment doesn't work, my advice would be to start populating each field and testing until the request passes! Good luck.

I'm trying to use Shippo to get a USPS shipping label to send within the US, but can't seem to get any rates to appear

This is my request:
Address from:
[name] => Mr.John
[street1] => 1234 Market Street
[city] => San Francisco
[zip] => 95432
[state] => CA
[phone] => +1 415 123 1234
[email] =>
[country] => US
[object_purpose] => QUOTE
[company] => Shippo
Address to :
[name] => Ms. Jane
[street1] => 1234 Mission Street
[city] => San Francisco
[zip] => 91234
[state] => CA
[phone] => +1 415 234 2345
[email] =>
[country] => US
[object_purpose] => QUOTE
[street2] =>
[company] =>
Custom Item :
Shippo_Object Object(
[_apiKey:protected] => xxxx
[_values:protected] => Array (
[object_created] => [date]
[object_updated] => [date]
[object_id] => xxxxx
[object_owner] =>
[object_state] => VALID
[description] => IPhone 6
[quantity] => 1
[net_weight] => 3
[mass_unit] => lb
[value_amount] => 450
[value_currency] => USD
[origin_country] => US
[tariff_number] =>
[metadata] => Order ID #123123
[_unsavedValues:protected] => Shippo_Util_Set Object (
[_elts:Shippo_Util_Set:private] => Array (
[_transientValues:protected] => Shippo_Util_Set Object (
[_elts:Shippo_Util_Set:private] => Array (
[_retrieveOptions:protected] => Array (
Custom Shipping :
Shippo_Object Object(
[_apiKey:protected] => xxxx
[_values:protected] => Array (
[object_created] => [date]
[object_updated] => [date]
[object_id] => xxxxx
[object_owner] =>
[object_state] => VALID
[certify_signer] => Mr. John
[certify] => 1 [items] => Array (
[0] => xxxx
[non_delivery_option] => ABANDON
[contents_type] => MERCHANDISE
[contents_explanation] => IPhone 6
[exporter_reference] =>
[importer_reference] =>
[invoice] => #123123
[commercial_invoice] =>
[license] =>
[certificate] =>
[notes] =>
[eel_pfc] =>
[aes_itn] =>
[disclaimer] =>
[incoterm] =>
[metadata] => Order ID #123123
[_unsavedValues:protected] => Shippo_Util_Set Object (
[_elts:Shippo_Util_Set:private] => Array (
[_transientValues:protected] => Shippo_Util_Set Object (
[_elts:Shippo_Util_Set:private] => Array (
[_retrieveOptions:protected] => Array (
Am I miss something? I have address_to, address_from, custom item, and custom shipping all filled out.
I’m from the Shippo team here!
Everything in your call seems good. Please double check that you have your USPS account activated - you can edit it via the Carrier Accounts Endpoint or on the Carriers Page directly.
Since the shipment is domestic, you won’t need to add the “customs item”, nor “customs shipping” information. You should only provide this information when creating an international shipment.
Remove +1 from each phone number, that’s not needed and may cause problems.
Hope that’s helpful.

PayPal pre-approval giving error

I have used PayPal api in which first i do preapproval and then make chained payment using that approval key. Everything works fine on my local server. But as on live its giving me below error.
PreapprovalResponse Object
[responseEnvelope] => ResponseEnvelope Object
[timestamp] => 2015-05-01T08:38:40.374-07:00
[ack] => Failure
[correlationId] => 88fffca2a737c
[build] => 15743565
[preapprovalKey] =>
[error] => Array
[0] => ErrorData Object
[errorId] => 580001
[domain] => PLATFORM
[subdomain] => Application
[severity] => Error
[category] => Application
[message] => Invalid request: Data validation warning(line -1, col 0): null
[exceptionId] =>
[parameter] => Array
[0] => ErrorParameter Object
[name] =>
[value] => Data validation warning(line -1, col 0): null
[1] => ErrorParameter Object
[name] =>
[value] => Data validation warning(line -1, col 0): null
My request is
Response is
What's wrong i cannot understand.
On local my ssl version is
OpenSSL/0.9.8y and
on live its NSS/ Basic ECC
$maxpaymentss = floor(2000/68.50);
$data = array(
'ClientDetails' => array(
'applicationId' => 'My_APP',
'returnUrl' => '',
'cancelUrl' => '',
'startingDate' => gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z"),
'endingDate' => gmdate("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z"),
'maxAmountPerPayment' => 68.50,
'maxNumberOfPayments' => $maxpaymentss,
'maxTotalAmountOfAllPayments' => 2000.00,
'maxNumberOfPaymentsPerPeriod' => 1,
'currencyCode' => 'USD',
'requestEnvelope' => array(
'errorLanguage' => 'en_US',
'detailLevel' => 'ReturnAll'
these are the required fields for the live mode of PayPal adaptive preapproval.
Remove the "," in the "maxAmountPerPayment" and "maxTotalAmountOfAllPayments" field and try again . It should work fine

zend framework action name changes to 'id'

I have a zend framework application with modules 'dashboard' and 'admin' of which 'dashboard' is the default one. When I try to access a different module, I am getting the request object like this
Zend_Controller_Request_Http Object
[_paramSources:protected] => Array
[0] => _GET
[1] => _POST
[_requestUri:protected] => /admin/application/show/
[_baseUrl:protected] =>
[_basePath:protected] =>
[_pathInfo:protected] => /admin/application/show/
[_params:protected] => Array
[module] => admin
[controller] => application
[action] => get
[id] => show
[_rawBody:protected] =>
[_aliases:protected] => Array
[_dispatched:protected] => 1
[_module:protected] => admin
[_moduleKey:protected] => module
[_controller:protected] => application
[_controllerKey:protected] => controller
[_action:protected] => get
[_actionKey:protected] => action
My real action name is 'show' but it changes to 'get' here. Can anybody please help?