Export Data from GraphenDB to import locally - import

Does anybody know how to import the data from GraphenDB into a local DB? The export from graphendb.com gives a zip file with a lot of files. I am not sure how to import those into a local instance of neo4j. Below are some of the contents from the zip folder:

Copy the contents of that zip file into path/to/neo4j/data/graph.db in a local instance of Neo4j. Then restart the Neo4j server.
Or, if you are using the desktop Neo4j application, just click "Choose" and point it to the extracted archive.


How to import site into Local by flywheel using existing file directory only, and no sql file

This guide indicates that you need both a file directory and sql file to accomplish this, does anyone know a workaround?
You can retrieve the backup archives from the starting-site folder. Within your WordPress folder, navigate to wp-content -> uploads -> backwpup-xxxxxx-backups. Open the archive. Inside you’ll find a .SQL file (local.sql).

How do I use pyinstaller to package a large multi-folder project?

Here is an example project folder structure similar to my actual project.
cli.py points to main.py. Main.py only import GUI1.py. And from there GUI2.py is imported and so on.
Basically, is there an easy way to make sure that all the importing done in each file is included? I have not been able to succesfully export a project with this kind of folder setup succesfully using pyinstaller. I keep getting "Failed to execute script cli" or "No module named GUI".
Could someone make an example of how the code would be import for a project structured like the above?

Neo4j Import Tool for Dummies

I am new to neo4j and have "0" coding background (although trying to learn some). I understand the basic functionalities and am also able to import nodes and relationships using LOAD CSV. However, I absolutely can not make the neo4j-admin import tool work.
I created a new database, included the simplest CSV file in the import folder and tried the following (I will have to explain in the most simple terms - so don't laugh :))
Name of the file is test.csv
I tried running the neo4j-import file by trying to open it. A black screen opens up and immediately disappears.
I tried ---> bin/neo4j-admin import --id-type=STRING \
--nodes:TEST=test.csv \
--nodes="test.csv" \
Could someone please explain to me with the simplest terms what the steps would be to import this?
Thank you.
The import folder under your Neo4j installation is fine to use but just bear in mind that the dbms.directories.import setting in neo4j.conf is just for the LOAD CSV command, not for neo4j-admin import.
Since your current directory in the command prompt is the bin folder, when you run the import command specifying import/movies.csv then that implies that the CSV file is in a folder called import under the current directory, under the bin folder.
If you run the command this way it should find the CSV files:
neo4j-admin import --nodes=../import/movies.csv --nodes=../import/actors.csv --relationships=../import/roles.csv
.. means the parent directory so running the command this way means to go up to the parent directory and then into the import directory under the parent dir.

Talend issue while copying local files to HDFS

Hi I want to know how to copy files to HDFS from source file system(Local File system),if source file already copied to HDFS,then how to eliminate or ignore that file to copy again in HDFS using Talend.
To copy files from local file system to the HDFS, you need to use tHDFSPut components if you have Talend for big data. If you use Talend for data integration you can easily use tSystem component with the right command.
To avoid duplicated files, you need to create a table in a RDBMS and keep track of all copied files. Each time the job start copying file, it should check if it already exists in the table.

Fetching .kmz files from local disk and importing them into Google Earth via API

I need to import 3D models of each building in New York City into the Google Earth API. I fetched their .kmz files using google.earth.fetchKml. Since this command uses the URL of the kmz files and the number of files to imported is a lot it is very slow.
Is there any way I can fetch these files from my local disk?
Are there other formats I can use instead of .kmz? For example .dae files?
You cannot use a local file (non http) url to fetch your KML data.
But you could run a local webserver and use that.
For example, if you have python installed you could go to your directory with your KML files and run "python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000", at which point pointing to http://localhost:8000/myfile.kml would load them up.
That said you should also note that the terms of use for the plugin require your site be publicly available, amongst other things - so hopefully you are only using this setup for local testing :)