How do I use pyinstaller to package a large multi-folder project? - import

Here is an example project folder structure similar to my actual project.
---calculations_folder points to only import And from there is imported and so on.
Basically, is there an easy way to make sure that all the importing done in each file is included? I have not been able to succesfully export a project with this kind of folder setup succesfully using pyinstaller. I keep getting "Failed to execute script cli" or "No module named GUI".
Could someone make an example of how the code would be import for a project structured like the above?


Neo4j Import Tool for Dummies

I am new to neo4j and have "0" coding background (although trying to learn some). I understand the basic functionalities and am also able to import nodes and relationships using LOAD CSV. However, I absolutely can not make the neo4j-admin import tool work.
I created a new database, included the simplest CSV file in the import folder and tried the following (I will have to explain in the most simple terms - so don't laugh :))
Name of the file is test.csv
I tried running the neo4j-import file by trying to open it. A black screen opens up and immediately disappears.
I tried ---> bin/neo4j-admin import --id-type=STRING \
--nodes:TEST=test.csv \
--nodes="test.csv" \
Could someone please explain to me with the simplest terms what the steps would be to import this?
Thank you.
The import folder under your Neo4j installation is fine to use but just bear in mind that the dbms.directories.import setting in neo4j.conf is just for the LOAD CSV command, not for neo4j-admin import.
Since your current directory in the command prompt is the bin folder, when you run the import command specifying import/movies.csv then that implies that the CSV file is in a folder called import under the current directory, under the bin folder.
If you run the command this way it should find the CSV files:
neo4j-admin import --nodes=../import/movies.csv --nodes=../import/actors.csv --relationships=../import/roles.csv
.. means the parent directory so running the command this way means to go up to the parent directory and then into the import directory under the parent dir.

How can I import custom modules from a Github repository in Google Colab?

I understand how to run a single notebook in Colab. However, I am not sure how to use all files from a repository, i.e to be able to import functions inside Colab notebook?
Thank you.
Let's say we want to run the ipynb file, named as "1-fully-connected-binarized-mnist" residing in the repo "qnn-inference-examples".
The notebook of interest uses customly created QNN library and functions inside that repo. Yes we need to import that function. To do this, we should first upload the repo folder to Google Colab, then correct/modify library and file paths.
0) Open the ipynb file "1-fully-connected-binarized-mnist" on your Colab. You can rename it if you like.
Try to run it, but will probably get some errors (as I did). So let's fix these issues
1) Insert a new code cell at the top of the notebook. And clone the repo on your Colab:
!git clone
now the new folder "qnn-inference-examples" created under your "content" folder. you should see something like this on the left side. And remember the path "/content/qnn-inference-examples"
2) Now add the second new cell on top:
import sys
This will fix the issue about not able to find the library location, when trying import the QNN libraries.
3) Manually fix the file links on the existing code, according to the new path. Because the library and files now exist under the folder "/content/qnn-inference-examples":
for example replace:
img ="7.png")
img ="/content/qnn-inference-examples/7.png")
These steps should do the work
Please note that: This is not my own solution, mix of 2 or 3 solutions. Credit goes to Hüseyin Elçi, KDnuggets and Alexandr Haymin
Please see the example below:
!git clone
from google.colab import files
# To find local version of the library
sys.path.append(os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'Mask_RCNN'))
# here is your import
from mrcnn.config import Config

Eclipse jython import modules/class/.jar

I have been trying to use eclipse as a jython ide. Currently I have been working with a program that has a script editor inside the program(uses jython), but the script must be run in its entirety each time, it is not 'interactive'. There is a large api associated with it and I want to use eclipse to have an interactive console. I cannot import the modules/jar/classes.
I have tried to append the folder containing the jar files to the sys path seen here, I have exploded the jar files and added those files (which have the class files in them) to the sys path seen here. I have added the jar files and class files to the classpath and the user libraries under eclipse>windows>preferences>java>Build Path
Currently I can import without error, I can seemingly construct a class without error, but nothing happens.
An example of what my console looks like is
from myFile import myClass
>>>myObj =
<type 'str'>
<type 'str'>
when I try to create an instance of my class it doesn't throw an error, but it doesn't do anything either. Yet other objects appear to work.
Any insight is appreciated
I use at my project at the moment the jython-standalone.jar on a Windows 7 machine and also using a Java Modul.
I used 7 Zip Manager(because unzipping and adding my jar via the normal zip causes errors) to get acces to the standalone.jar(but it should also work with the normal jython.jar) and add my module via drag&drop into the folder "Lib".
If you're using another OS system try something similar.
Since then I haven't got any problems with importing my java modules so far.

Golang Importing Issue

I'm trying to use import a package for internal use, but I have been having some issues.
My directory structure looks like this:
When I try to build the program, I get an error that looks something like this:
/usr/local/go/src/pkg/model (from $GOROOT)
I want to be able to call the model programs in any of my other programs in the app simply using:
import "app/model"
What are my options when it comes to doing this?
You import from GOPATH level .. all of your packages should live there.
For example, assuming your application is here:
..and your package you wish to import is here:
Your import would be:
import ""
You should review the literature around what the GOPATH environment variable is all about. When beginning Go, it is important you understand its purpose and initially, you should place all of your projects/packages inside of the GOPATH.
When you import a custom package, Go looks for its definition in each workspace listed in the GOPATH environment variable. Your custom package should be defined in a src subdirectory.
If you keep your code in a source repository somewhere, then you should use the root of that source repository as your base path. For instance, if you have a GitHub account at, that should be your base path.
Note that you don't need to publish your code to a remote repository before you can build it. It's just a good habit to organize your code as if you will publish it someday. In practice you can choose any arbitrary path name, as long as it is unique to the standard library and greater Go ecosystem.
You should use as our base path. Create a directory inside your workspace in which to keep source code:
$ mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/
You can look at How to Write Go Code for more details.

Go, Golang : external package import with GOROOT

Go, Golang : does not make sense that I have to have files before import
I am trying to go to next step but keep getting errors
I have the package that I want to import ready.
All I need to do is to import the external package from github and be able to use it on any code.
So this is what I did.
mkdir $HOME/go
export GOPATH=$HOME/go
go get
This runs successfully. I downloaded it onto here with source code files from github
So to use this package that I just import I do
go run /Users/user/Desktop/code.go
But I am getting the following errors
MacBook-Air:~ user$ go run /Users/user/Desktop/code.go
Desktop/code.go:32:8: cannot find package "project" in any of:
/usr/local/go/src/pkg/project (from $GOROOT)
/Users/user/go/src/project (from $GOPATH)
What should I do? AM I missing something? Thanks in advance and please help me. I wrote a lot of code but being very frustrated not being able to distribute it because of this.
The error message says at line 32 in your code.go it can't find package "goling".
Assuming that is a local package you want to use, you need to make sure it is in your GOPATH.
If you set GOPATH then you should develop your code within it, so moving the "goling" directory into /Users/user/go/src is the right thing to do.
Alternatively "goling" could be a typo, so check the imports in code.go. If you want to import an project from github the import should say
import ""
And you then use the parts of project with a prefix of project.
If that doesn't help you get it working, then post the imports section of code.go.
It looks like you've got the external package in the same folder as your main package which uses it. In go, all packages must be in separate directories. It looks like the github project itself is actually doing that. If you separate the packages into different directories it should work properly.