Semaphore error logged in mobicents sip servlet - mobicents

We have an application written against Mobicents SIP Servlets, currently this is using v2.1.547 but I have also tested against v3.1.633 with the same behavior noted.
Our application is working as a B2BUA, we have an incoming SIP call and we also have an outbound SIP call being placed to an MRF which is executing VXML. These two SIP calls are associated with a single SipApplicationSession - which is the concurrency model we have configured.
The scenario which recreates this 100% of the time is as follows:
inbound call placed to our application (call is not answered)
outbound call placed to MRF
inbound call hangsup
application attempts to terminate the SipSession associated with the outbound call
I am seeing this being logged:
2015-12-17 09:53:56,771 WARN [SipApplicationSessionImpl] (MSS-Executor-Thread-14) Failed to acquire session semaphore java.util.concurrent.Semaphore#55fcc0cb[Permits = 0] for 30 secs. We will unlock the semaphore no matter what because the transaction is about to timeout. THIS MIGHT ALSO BE CONCURRENCY CONTROL RISK. app Session is5faf5a3a-6a83-4f23-a30a-57d3eff3281c;SipController
I am willing to believe somehow our application might be triggering this behavior but I can't see how at the moment. I would have thought acquiring/releasing the Semaphore was all internal to the implementation so it should ensure something doesn't acquire the Semaphore and never release it?
Any pointers on how to get to the bottom of this would be appreciated, as I said it is 100% repeatable so getting logs etc is all possible.

It's hard to tell without seeing any logs or application code on how you access and schedule messages to be sent. But if you use the same SipApplicationSession in an asynchronous manner you may want to use our vendor specific asynchronous API,%20org.mobicents.javax.servlet.sip.SipApplicationSessionAsynchronousWork) which will guarantee that the access to the SipapplicationSession is serialized and avoid any concurrency issues.


The right way to call fire-and-forget method on a service-fabric service

I have a method on ServiceA that I need to call from ServiceB. The method takes upwards of 5 minutes to execute and I don't care about its return value. (Output from the method is handled another way)
I have setup my method in IServiceA like this:
Task LongRunningMethod(int param1);
However that doesn't appear to run, because I am getting System.TimeoutException: This can happen if message is dropped when service is busy or its long running operation and taking more time than configured Operation Timeout.
One choice is to increase the timeout, but it seems that there should be a better way.
Is there?
For fire and forget or long running operations the best solution is using a message bus as a middle-ware that will handle this dependency between both process.
To do what you want without a middle-ware, your caller would have to worry about many things, like: Timeouts (like in your case), delivery guarantee(confirmation), Service availability, Exceptions and so on.
With the middle-ware the only worry your application logic need is the delivery guarantee, the rest should be handled by the middle-ware and the receiver.
There are many options, like:
Azure Service Bus
Azure Storage Queue
Event Hub
and so on.
I would not recommend using the SF Communication, Task.Run(), Threads workarounds as many places suggests, because they will just bring you extra work and wont run as smooth as the middle-ware approach.

Making a HTTP API server asynchronous with Future, how does it make it non-blocking?

I am trying to write a HTTP API server which does basic CRUD operation on a specific resource. It talks to an external db server to do the operations.
Future support in scala is pretty good, and for all non-blocking computation, future is used. I have used future in many places where we wrap an operation with future and move on, when the value is eventually available and the call back is triggered.
Coming to an HTTP API server's context, it is possible to implement non-blocking asynchronous calls, but when a GET or a POST call still blocks the main thread right?
When a GET request is made, a success 200 means the data is written to the db successfully and not lost. Until the data is written to the server, the thread that was created is still blocking until the final acknowledgement has been received from the database that the insert is successful right?
The main thread(created when http request was received) could delegate and get a Future back, but is it still blocked until the onSuccess is trigged which gets triggered when the value is available, which means the db call was successful.
I am failing to understand how efficiently a HTTP server could be designed to maximize efficiency, what happens when few hundred requests hit a specific endpoint and how it is dealt with. I've been told that slick takes the best approach.
If someone could explain a successful http request lifecycle with future and without future, assuming there are 100 db connection threads.
When a GET request is made, a success 200 means the data is written to
the db successfully and not lost. Until the data is written to the
server, the thread that was created is still blocking until the final
acknowledgement has been received from the database that the insert is
successful right?
The thread that was created for the specific request need not be blocked at all. When you start an HTTP server, you always have the "main" thread ongoing and waiting for requests to come in. Once a request starts, it is usually offloaded to a thread which is taken from the thread pool (or ExecutionContext). The thread serving the request doesn't need to block anything, it only needs to register a callback which says "once this future completes, please complete this request with a success or failure indication". In the meanwhile, the client socket is still pending a response from your server, nothing returns. If, for example, we're on Linux and using epoll, then we pass the kernel a list of file descriptors to monitor for incoming data and wait for that data to become available, in which we will get back a notification for.
We get this for free when running on top of the JVM due to how java.NIO is implemented for Linux.
The main thread (created when http request was received) could delegate
and get a Future back, but is it still blocked until the onSuccess is
trigged which gets triggered when the value is available, which means
the db call was successful.
The main thread usually won't be blocked, as it is whats in charge of accepting new incoming connections. If you think about it logically, if the main thread blocked until your request completed, that means that we could only serve one concurrent request, and who wants a server which can only handle a single request at a time?
In order for it to be able to accept multiple request, it will never handle the processing of the route on the thread in which it accepts the connection, it will always delegate it to a background thread to do that work.
In general, there are many ways of doing efficient IO in both Linux and Windows. The former has epoll while the latter has IO completion ports. For more on how epoll works internally, see
First off, there has to be something blocking the final main thread for it to keep running. But it's no different than having a threadpool and joining to it. I'm not exactly sure what you're asking here, since I think we both agree that using threads/concurrency is better than a single threaded operation.
Future is easy and efficient because it abstracts all the thread handling from you. By default, all new futures run in the global implicit ExecutionContext, which is just a default threadpool. Once you kick of a Future request, that thread will spawn and run, and your program execution will continue. There are also convenient constructs to directly manipulate the results of a future. For example, you can map, and flatMap on futures, and once that future(thread) returns, it will run your transformation.
It's not like single threaded languages where a single future will actually block the entire execution if you have a blocking call.
When you're comparing efficiency, what are you comparing it to?
In general "non-blocking" may mean different things in different contexts: non-blocking = asynchronous (your second question) and non-blocking = non-blocking IO (your first question). The second question is a bit simpler (addresses more traditional or well-known aspect let's say), so let's start from it.
The main thread(created when http request was received) could delegate and get a Future back, but is it still blocked until the onSuccess is trigged which gets triggered when the value is available, which means the db call was successful.
It is not blocked, because Future runs on different thread, so your main thread and thread where you execute your db call logic run concurrently (main thread still able to handle other requests while db call code of previous request is executing).
When a GET request is made, a success 200 means the data is written to the db successfully and not lost. Until the data is written to the server, the thread that was created is still blocking until the final acknowledgement has been received from the database that the insert is successful right?
This aspect is about IO. Thread making DB call (Network IO) is not necessary blocked. It is the case for old "thread per request" model, when thread is really blocked and you need create another thread for another DB request. However, nowadays non-blocking IO became popular. You can google for more details about it, but in general it allows you to use one thread for several IO operations.

Jain SIP in multi-thread environment

It's not clear how to use jain SIP stack in mutli-thread environment. I need to create multiple SIP sessions from different threads, e.g each client should be proceeded in its own transaction. Below is few options:
Use single SipProvider for receiving and sending SIP requests and do multiplexing on application side. SipProvider is not thread-safe, hence sending requests requires proper locking.
Create new SipProvider and new ListeningPoint for each client. This is how it works for me now. However, I don't really like it. And it's not clear, whther SipStack threadsafe or not
Create new instance of SipStack for every client
Its been a long time since I thought about JAIN-SIP (or even SIP for that matter or even Java) but here goes:
Set the re-entrant listener flag when you create the stack. (look up the javadocs). Specify a thread pool size. When a sip request or response comes along, the stack may potentially create a new thread for you and invoke your listener.
Your critical section is the SipListener implementation. You should not block for ever in it - otherwise new inbound requests and responses will not be routed to the sip listener for the transaction that is being processed at the time you blocked.
Hope that answers your question. Happy hacking.
Thats it.
why don't you ue SIP Servlets, it lets you focus on your application logic and handles those details for you ?

Does SOAP support canceling a call?

When using the SOAP protocol, is it possible to cancel a pending remote function call using SOAP?
I see three different situations:
A) Making a request to a service that takes a long time to complete. For example, when copying directory containing a lot of files, can the file copy loop be canceled?
B) Making a request that returns a long list. For example, when querying a big in-memory list of user names, can the transmission of this list-response be canceled?
C) Canceling a call that is still on the internal call queue; in other words, before the server has begun processing it. This can happen when issuing a lot of asynchronous calls in a short time.
From the client's point of view, cancelling a synchronous (request-response) SOAP call is the same as for any other HTTP call - just disconnect and stop listening for the response. A well written server will check whether the client is still connected before proceeding with lengthy operations (e.g. in .NET the server would check IsClientConnected) and should cancel the operation if not.
One-way calls cannot be cancelled in this manner however, because you've already sent the payload and disconnected. Cancellation of one-way calls would require an explicit call to some sort of cancellation method on the SOAP service, which it would have to explicitly support.

What is Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ)? How does it work?

I need to work with MSMQ (Microsoft Message Queuing). What is it, what is it for, how does it work? How is it different from web services?
With all due respect to #Juan's answer, both are ways of exchanging data between two disconnected processes, i.e. interprocess communication channels (IPC). Message queues are asynchronous, while webservices are synchronous. They use different protocols and back-end services to do this so they are completely different in implementation, but similar in purpose.
You would want to use message queues when there is a possibility that the other communicating process may not be available, yet you still want to have the message sent at the time of the client's choosing. Delivery will occur the when process on the other end wakes up and receives notification of the message's arrival.
As its name states, it's just a queue manager.
You can Send objects (serialized) to the queue where they will stay until you Receive them.
It's normally used to send messages or objects between applications in a decoupled way
It has nothing to do with webservices, they are two different things
Info on MSMQ:
Info on WebServices:
Transactional Queue Management 101
A transactional queue is a middleware system that asynchronously routes messages of one sort of another between hosts that may or may not be connected at any given time. This means that it must also be capable of persisting the message somewhere. Examples of such systems are MSMQ and IBM MQ
A Transactional Queue can also participate in a distributed transaction, and a rollback can trigger the disposal of messages. This means that a message is guaranteed to be delivered with at-most-once semantics or guaranteed delivery if not rolled back. The message won't be delivered if:
Host A posts the message but Host B
is not connected
Something (possibly but not
necessarily initiated from Host A)
rolls back the transaction
B connects after the transaction is
rolled back
In this case B will never be aware the message even existed unless informed through some other medium. If the transaction was rolled back, this probably doesn't matter. If B connects and collects the message before the transaction is rolled back, the rollback will also reverse the effects of the message on B.
Note that A can post the message to the queue with the guarantee of at-most-once delivery. If the transaction is committed Host A can assume that the message has been delivered by the reliable transport medium. If the transaction is rolled back, Host A can assume that any effects of the message have been reversed.
Web Services
A web service is remote procedure call or other service (e.g. RESTFul API's) published by a (typically) HTTP Server. It is a synchronous request/response protocol and has no guarantee of delivery built into the protocol. It is up to the client to validate that the service has been correctly run. Typically this will be through a reply to the request or timeout of the call.
In the latter case, web services do not guarantee at-most-once semantics. The server can complete the service and fail to deliver a response (possibly through something outside the server going wrong). The application must be able to deal with this situation.
IIRC, RESTFul services should be idempotent (the same state is achieved after any number of invocations of the same service), which is a strategy for dealing with this lack of guaranteed notification of success/failure in web service architectures. The idea is that conceptually one writes state rather than invoking a service, so one can write any number of times. This means that a lack of feedback about success can be tolerated by the application as it can re-try the posting until it gets a 'success' message from the server.
Note that you can use Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) as an abstraction layer above MSMQ. This gives you the feel of working with a service - with only one-way operations.
For more information, see:
Actually there is no relation between MSMQ and WebService.
Using MSMQ for interprocess communication (you can use also sockets, windows messaging, mapped memory).
it is a windows service that responsible for keeping messages till someone dequeue them.
you can say it is more reliable than sockets as messages are stored on a harddisk but it is slower than other IPC techniques.
You can use MSMQ in dotnet with small lines of code, Just Declare your MessageQueue object and call Receive and Send methods.
The Message itself can be normal string or binary data.
As everyone has explained MSMQ is used as a queue for messages. Messages can be wrapper for actual data, object and anything that you can serialize and send across the wire. MSMQ has it's own limitations. MSMQ 1.0 and MSMQ 2.0 had a 4MB message limit. This restriction was lifted off with MSMQ 3.0. Message oriented Middleware (MOM) is a concept that heavily depends on Messaging. Enterprise Service Bus foundation is built on Messaging. All these new technologies, depend on Messaging for asynchronous data delivery with reliability.
MSMQ stands for Microsoft Messaging Queue.
It is simply a queue that stores messages formatted so that it can pass to DB (may on same machine or on Server). There are different types of queues over there which categorizes the messages among themselves.
If there is some problem/error inside message or invalid message is passed, it automatically goes to Dead queue which denotes that it is not to be processed further. But before passing a message to dead queue it will retry until a max count and till it is not processed. Then it will be sent to the Dead queue.
It is generally used for sending log message from client machine to server or DB so that if there is any issue happens on client machine then developer or support team can go through log to solve problem.
MSMQ is also a service provided by Microsoft to Get records of Log files.
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