Making a HTTP API server asynchronous with Future, how does it make it non-blocking? - scala

I am trying to write a HTTP API server which does basic CRUD operation on a specific resource. It talks to an external db server to do the operations.
Future support in scala is pretty good, and for all non-blocking computation, future is used. I have used future in many places where we wrap an operation with future and move on, when the value is eventually available and the call back is triggered.
Coming to an HTTP API server's context, it is possible to implement non-blocking asynchronous calls, but when a GET or a POST call still blocks the main thread right?
When a GET request is made, a success 200 means the data is written to the db successfully and not lost. Until the data is written to the server, the thread that was created is still blocking until the final acknowledgement has been received from the database that the insert is successful right?
The main thread(created when http request was received) could delegate and get a Future back, but is it still blocked until the onSuccess is trigged which gets triggered when the value is available, which means the db call was successful.
I am failing to understand how efficiently a HTTP server could be designed to maximize efficiency, what happens when few hundred requests hit a specific endpoint and how it is dealt with. I've been told that slick takes the best approach.
If someone could explain a successful http request lifecycle with future and without future, assuming there are 100 db connection threads.

When a GET request is made, a success 200 means the data is written to
the db successfully and not lost. Until the data is written to the
server, the thread that was created is still blocking until the final
acknowledgement has been received from the database that the insert is
successful right?
The thread that was created for the specific request need not be blocked at all. When you start an HTTP server, you always have the "main" thread ongoing and waiting for requests to come in. Once a request starts, it is usually offloaded to a thread which is taken from the thread pool (or ExecutionContext). The thread serving the request doesn't need to block anything, it only needs to register a callback which says "once this future completes, please complete this request with a success or failure indication". In the meanwhile, the client socket is still pending a response from your server, nothing returns. If, for example, we're on Linux and using epoll, then we pass the kernel a list of file descriptors to monitor for incoming data and wait for that data to become available, in which we will get back a notification for.
We get this for free when running on top of the JVM due to how java.NIO is implemented for Linux.
The main thread (created when http request was received) could delegate
and get a Future back, but is it still blocked until the onSuccess is
trigged which gets triggered when the value is available, which means
the db call was successful.
The main thread usually won't be blocked, as it is whats in charge of accepting new incoming connections. If you think about it logically, if the main thread blocked until your request completed, that means that we could only serve one concurrent request, and who wants a server which can only handle a single request at a time?
In order for it to be able to accept multiple request, it will never handle the processing of the route on the thread in which it accepts the connection, it will always delegate it to a background thread to do that work.
In general, there are many ways of doing efficient IO in both Linux and Windows. The former has epoll while the latter has IO completion ports. For more on how epoll works internally, see

First off, there has to be something blocking the final main thread for it to keep running. But it's no different than having a threadpool and joining to it. I'm not exactly sure what you're asking here, since I think we both agree that using threads/concurrency is better than a single threaded operation.
Future is easy and efficient because it abstracts all the thread handling from you. By default, all new futures run in the global implicit ExecutionContext, which is just a default threadpool. Once you kick of a Future request, that thread will spawn and run, and your program execution will continue. There are also convenient constructs to directly manipulate the results of a future. For example, you can map, and flatMap on futures, and once that future(thread) returns, it will run your transformation.
It's not like single threaded languages where a single future will actually block the entire execution if you have a blocking call.
When you're comparing efficiency, what are you comparing it to?

In general "non-blocking" may mean different things in different contexts: non-blocking = asynchronous (your second question) and non-blocking = non-blocking IO (your first question). The second question is a bit simpler (addresses more traditional or well-known aspect let's say), so let's start from it.
The main thread(created when http request was received) could delegate and get a Future back, but is it still blocked until the onSuccess is trigged which gets triggered when the value is available, which means the db call was successful.
It is not blocked, because Future runs on different thread, so your main thread and thread where you execute your db call logic run concurrently (main thread still able to handle other requests while db call code of previous request is executing).
When a GET request is made, a success 200 means the data is written to the db successfully and not lost. Until the data is written to the server, the thread that was created is still blocking until the final acknowledgement has been received from the database that the insert is successful right?
This aspect is about IO. Thread making DB call (Network IO) is not necessary blocked. It is the case for old "thread per request" model, when thread is really blocked and you need create another thread for another DB request. However, nowadays non-blocking IO became popular. You can google for more details about it, but in general it allows you to use one thread for several IO operations.


JsonTextReader.ReadAsync not reacting on cancellation

I am implementing an application that relies on Office365 API Streaming Subscriptions. When listening on subscriptions, I am reading the almost infinite result of a POST request. Practically I am getting a stream that contains a single JSON object, which starts with some warm-up properties and has an array of events.
I am using the JsonTextReader to parse the stream. There is a while (await jsonReader.ReadAsync(readCts.Token))... loop that seamlessly parses the stream.
It is working just great... well, almost.
At predefined intervals, I get a KeepAlive notification. The reader is identifying them, thus I want to use this to reset the readCts CancellationTokenSource timeout. If the notification is not arriving at the time, the read operation should be canceled. So far so good. But timeout based canceling work only if the underlying network connection is healthy (simulated by setting the timeout less than the keepalive event interval).
After interrupting the connection, this async operation is hanging, the cancellation token has no effect over it. And the logical connection is lost as well, re-establishing physical one does not resume the stream.
I have tried setting HttpClient instance's timeout, but that had no any effect either. Finally, I managed it by setting WinHttpHandler.ReceiveDataTimeout. But for that, I am using a separate HttpClient instance.
1) Is the behavior of cancellation described above normal?
2) I know, that HttpClient instances should be reused. But in general API calls are not running for hours. And I will probably have several of such calls in parallel. Can I share one HttpClient instance, or do I need as many as parallel requests I have?
Thank you.

How can a single-threaded NGINX handle so many connections?

NGNIX uses epoll notification to know if there is any data on the socket to read.
Let assume:
There are two requests to the server.
nginx is notificated about this two requests and starts to:
receive the first request
parse ist headers
check the boudary (body size)
send the first request to upstream server
nginx is singe-threaded and can do only one operation at the same time.
But what happens with the second request?
Does nginx receive the second request during parsing the first one?
Or it begins to handle the second request after getting the first done?
Or something else that I don't understand.
If 1. is correct than I don't understand how it is possible within a single thread.
If 2. is correct than how can nginx be so fast? because nginx handles all incoming requests sequentially. At any given time only ONE request handling is possible.
Please help me to understand.
Nginx is not a single threaded application. It does not start a thread for each connection but it starts several worker threads during start. The nginx architecture is well described in the
Actually a single threaded non-blocking application is the most efficient design for a single processor hardware. When we have only one CPU and the application is completely non-blocking the application can fully utilize the CPU power. Non-blocking application means that application does not call any function that might wait for an event. All IO operation are asynchronous. That means application does not call simple read() from socket because the call might wait till data is available. Non-blocking application uses some mechanism how to notify application that data is available and it can call read() without risk that the call will wait for something. So ideal non-blocking application needs only one thread for one CPU in the system. As nginx uses non-blocking calls the processing in multiple threads has no meaning because there would be no CPU to execute additional threads.
The real data receiving from a network card to a buffer is done in the kernel when network card issue an interrupt. Then nginx gets a request in a buffer and process it. It has no meaning to start processing another request till the current request processing is done or till the current request processing requires an action that might block (for example disk read).

What is the difference between asynchronous and synchronous HTTP request?

What is the difference between asynchronous and synchronous HTTP request?
A synchronous request blocks the client until operation completes. In such case, javascript engine of the browser is blocked.
An asynchronous request doesn’t block the client i.e. browser is responsive. At that time, user can perform another operations also. In such case, javascript engine of the browser is not blocked.
Check out Determining synchronous vs. asynchronous in web applications for previous discussion. In short:
Asynchronous APIs do not block. Every synchronous call waits and blocks for your results to > come back. This is just a sleeping thread and wasted computation.
Asynchronous APIs do not block. Every synchronous call waits and blocks for your results to come back. This is just a sleeping thread and wasted computation.
If you need something to happen, send an asynchronous request and do further computation when the request returns. This means your thread sits idle and can pick up other work.
Asynchronous requests is the way to scale to thousands of concurrent users.
Sachin Gandhwani's answer is very well explained in simple words. In case you are still not convinced with the difference of asynchronous HTTP request and synchronous HTTP request, you can read this -
A synchronous client constructs an HTTP structure, sends a request, and waits for a response. An asynchronous client constructs an HTTP structure, sends a request, and moves on. In this case, the client is notified when the response arrives. The original thread, or another thread, can then process the response. Although asynchronous behavior can result in faster overall execution, synchronous behavior might be preferred in certain cases where more simplified code is necessary.

Suspend Akka Actors

I am trying to use Akka to implement the following (I think I'm trying to use Akka the proper way):
I have a system where I have n resource listeners. Essentially a resource listener is an entity that will listen on an input resource and publish what it sees (i.e. polling a database, tailing a log file, etc.).
So I want to use Akka actors to do these little bits of work units (listening on a resource). I've noticed that the Akka gives me a thread pool of t threads which may be less than the number of listeners. Unfortunately for me, getting a message from these resource listeners might be blocking, so it could take seconds, minutes, before the next message pops up.
Is there any way to suspend a resource listener so it leaves the thread to another actor and we'll come back to it a little later in time?
Executive Summary
What you want is for your producer API (the resources) to be asynchronous, or at least support non-blocking operations (so that you can do polling). If the API does not support that, then there is no way to retrofit this property, not even using the almighty actors ;-)
Strategies for Different Situations
Only Blocking API
If the resources only support the blocking getWhatever() method of retrieving things, then you must allocate one thread per resource. An Actor with a PinnedDispatcher could be a way to do this. But be aware that the actor will not be responsive while waiting for events from the resource.
Non-Blocking but Synchronous API
If there is a peek() or poll() method on the resource API, you can use one actor per resource, have them share a thread (or pool) and schedule the polling as required (i.e. every 100ms or whatever you need). This has the huge advantage that nobody is actually blocked and the whole system remains responsive. But latency for event reception will be of the order of your schedule interval.
Proper Asynchronous API
If you have enough good karma to encounter a nice asynchronous API, then simply register a callback which will send a message to the actor whenever an event occurs. Sadly, this is not the norm.
The JVM does not support wrapping up the current call stack, doing something else and return to that same processing state later. A method can only be popped of the stack when it is actually finished.
In general, you should try to avoid blocking operations in actors. For file IO, there are asynchronous libraries and for some databases, too. If that is not an option for you, you can set change the default dispatcher so that the underlying thread pool expands as needed.
One option is to call your blocking APIs inside Futures. The Futures should use an ExecutionContext (thread pool) that is separate from the Actors' ExecutionContext.
See this blog post for an example (specifically CacheActor.findValueForSender).

Does SOAP support canceling a call?

When using the SOAP protocol, is it possible to cancel a pending remote function call using SOAP?
I see three different situations:
A) Making a request to a service that takes a long time to complete. For example, when copying directory containing a lot of files, can the file copy loop be canceled?
B) Making a request that returns a long list. For example, when querying a big in-memory list of user names, can the transmission of this list-response be canceled?
C) Canceling a call that is still on the internal call queue; in other words, before the server has begun processing it. This can happen when issuing a lot of asynchronous calls in a short time.
From the client's point of view, cancelling a synchronous (request-response) SOAP call is the same as for any other HTTP call - just disconnect and stop listening for the response. A well written server will check whether the client is still connected before proceeding with lengthy operations (e.g. in .NET the server would check IsClientConnected) and should cancel the operation if not.
One-way calls cannot be cancelled in this manner however, because you've already sent the payload and disconnected. Cancellation of one-way calls would require an explicit call to some sort of cancellation method on the SOAP service, which it would have to explicitly support.