Keyboard navigation not working for datepicker only in mozilla firefox - datepicker

I am using kendo datepicker
If user selects date and then on date input field user move cursor using left-right keyboard arrow then cursor is not moving.
Left-right keyboard navigations are working for Chrome and IE but not working for mozilla firefox.


Show toolbar when tinymce react has focus and hide the toolbar when focus is out

I want to Show the toolbar only when tinymce editor has focus and hide the toolbar as soon as editor lost the focus. I'm using classic toolbar with default floating toolbar_mode (I can change this if needed to achieve above requirement)

Can you activate a button in a hover popup using the keyboard in VS Code?

I can display a hover popup with ⌘K ⌘I (on Mac). Is there a way to trigger a button on the popup (such as Quick Fix... in the image below) without using the mouse?
I don't know about other actions, but specifically for Quick Fix... there is a keyboard shortchut.
On a Mac it is ⌘.

Key combination to scroll through hover text

This SO post documents a keyboard shortcut to activate the hover text documentation pop-up in VS Code. However, sometimes the documentation is long enough that you need to be able to scroll through it. Is there a key combination to scroll through the hover text pop-up without using the mouse? (Of course if you activate the hover text using your mouse, then you can scroll through using the scroll wheel on your mouse.)

Mobile keyboard not selecting when opening input filed in unity

I am trying to select the text of my input field in unity, when clicking on it. It works in the editor, but none of selecting methods work on android devices.
The keyboard on android will only open itself by default on the following GUI elements: GUI.TextField GUI.TextArea and GUI.PasswordField. Make sure you are using one of these types for your inputfield. Also make sure "hide mobile input" is unchecked.
Alternatively you can make a call to open the onscreen keyboard yourself using TouchScreenKeyboard.Open(). Mind that if you open the touchscreen keyboard yourself it will not automatically populate the field field and you'll have to call to TouchScreenKeyboard.text to acces what the user is typing. Eg. myInputfield.text = myTouchScreenKeyboard.text to the set the text in myInputField
for all touchscreenkeyboard functionality see the docs here and here

Tinymce not fully disabled in chrome

I want to make a tinymce box disabled which I sort of manage but in chrome the content still is editable to a limited extent. I will explain below:
I first initialize the editor, then I disabled the editor if another parameter is true. I disable the editor with this command:
tinyMCE.get('taClientInformationNotebook').getBody().setAttribute('contenteditable', false);
This disabled the editor however in chrome, if I mark some text in the editor, and press any key on the keyboard the text gets replaced with the pressed character. However it is only possible to press a key once, any further input will be ignored.
So you could say that in chrome the tinymce box is disabled fully but allows for one character to be input. Very strange..
No problems in IE.
How to disable fully in chrome? I've also tried disabling the editor with other commands like "myeditor.setMode('readonly')" and "editor.settings.readOnly=true" but with the same results.