Show toolbar when tinymce react has focus and hide the toolbar when focus is out - tinymce

I want to Show the toolbar only when tinymce editor has focus and hide the toolbar as soon as editor lost the focus. I'm using classic toolbar with default floating toolbar_mode (I can change this if needed to achieve above requirement)


PDFView context menu event handler -- changing highlight color

I have a PDFView in an app. It allows you to highlight certain text. When you click on a highlight, the built in menu appears:
In the, when you click one of those colors (or the remove highlight) menu item, it does what you expect (changes colors; removes the highlight). In my PDFView, this context menu does pop up, but does not change colors or remove highlights. Add note and others (e.g., single page, zoom in, etc.) seem to work out of the box. How do I implement an event handler for these default contextual menu items?

Prevent closing cell editor in popup mode on outside click

I have custom text editor in table cell, after I select text in it I want to use top page panel to make it bold (outside of the table), but when I click on the button (on the top page panel) this action closes cell editor popup.
Is it posible to keep the cell editor open in popup mode after I click on buttons outside of the table?
In the current version of ag-grid (v24), clicking outside the grid does not close a popup editor, unless you set stopEditingWhenGridLosesFocus to true in the options.
See their example:

Hide statusbar / toolbar / menubar in TinyMCE4

i am using multiple TinyMCE4 - Editors on the same page and would like to hide the bars ( statusbar / toolbar / menubar ) of the editors when the user is not working in it. But they have to be shown when the user is working in an editor.
Any ideas how i could do that?
Have you considered using TinyMCE's inline mode?
The toolbar only appears when you click into the editable section and disappears once you click outside of the editable section. This sounds like it would meet your needs.

Howto disable the tiny window menu buttons and just show the windowtoolbar (like in older versions of eclipse)

Can anyone tell me what the windowitems in the Eclipse views encircled in red in the screenshot below are called? And more importantly, how to disable the use of them and just show the toolbar buttons of the view. In older versions of Eclipse the toolbar would just be shown instead of this tiny button to unhide the toolbar.
screenshot of Eclipse with window menubuttons encircled in red.

How to embed a dialog in a menu

I am recreating the project hamster extension from gnome as a xfce4 panel plugin.
The Gtk+2 recreation is realized as a menu and all the required widgets can be embedded in a vbox since the menu itself is a GtkBin:
However I have no idea on how to disable the usual menu behaviour with highlighting (blue in image), focus stealing and enabling input to the text entry box or receive clicks of the tree-view.
Any ideas?