I got many errors in my function swift 2 - swift

I have one project that write with swift 1 but now I run with Xcode 7.2 (swift 2)
but I don't know why I got many errors.
I can fix one problem in my previous question but I have big problem and I so tired.
this is my code :
public func generate() -> AnyGenerator <(String, JSON)> {
switch self.type {
case .Array:
let array_ = object as! [AnyObject]
var generate_ = array_.generate()
var index_: Int = 0
return AnyGenerator<(String, JSON)> {
if let element_: AnyObject = generate_.next() {
return ("\(index_++)", JSON(element_))
} else {
return nil
case .Dictionary:
let dictionary_ = object as! [String : AnyObject]
var generate_ = dictionary_.generate()
return AnyGenerator<(String, JSON)> {
if let (key_, value_) = generate_.next() {
return (key_, JSON(value_))
} else {
return nil
return AnyGenerator<(String, JSON)> {
return nil
please guide me about these errors!!!

In Swift 2, the global function
public func anyGenerator<Element>(body: () -> Element?) -> AnyGenerator<Element>
is used to create a (type-erased) generator from a given
public func generate() -> AnyGenerator <(String, JSON)> {
// ...
return anyGenerator {
if let element_: AnyObject = generate_.next() {
return ("\(index_++)", JSON(element_))
} else {
return nil


Observe generic values with Combine

Take this case of a type constrained class Parameter, wrapping a value of given type.
Parameter conforms to the AnyParameter so it can be passed anywhere in the app without knowing the type. Parameters can be displayed in value cells AnyValueCell
How would you do to observe the change without having to know the underlying value type? It would be nice to avoid the code repetition in the value cell updateObserver function
Could AnyPublisher can be used here and how?
import UIKit
import Combine
print("Hello Playground")
protocol AnyParameter {
var anyValue: Any { get }
func set(value: Any)
protocol ParameterProtocol: AnyParameter {
associatedtype ValueType
var value: ValueType { get }
func set(value: ValueType)
public class Parameter<T>: ParameterProtocol {
typealias ValueType = T
#Published var value: T
var anyValue: Any { value }
init(value: T) {
self.value = value
func set(value: Any) {
guard let value = value as? T else { return }
set(value: value)
func set(value: T) {
self.value = value
public class AnyValueCell {
var parameter: AnyParameter {
didSet {
var observer: AnyCancellable?
init(parameter: AnyParameter) {
self.parameter = parameter
func updateObserver() {
// This is the point of the question - How to make this generic?
// ---->
if let p = parameter as? Parameter<Int> {
observer = p.$value.sink() { value in
print("Update Cell -> \(value)")
if let p = parameter as? Parameter<Double> {
observer = p.$value.sink() { value in
print("Update Cell -> \(value)")
if let p = parameter as? Parameter<Bool> {
observer = p.$value.sink() { value in
print("Update Cell -> \(value)")
// <----
print("Wrong param type")
let intParam = Parameter<Int>(value: 42)
let doubleParam = Parameter<Double>(value: 3.14)
let boolParam = Parameter<Bool>(value: false)
var params: [AnyParameter] = [intParam, doubleParam, boolParam]
print ("--> Init Cells")
let cells: [AnyValueCell] = params.map { AnyValueCell(parameter: $0) }
print ("--> Change values")
intParam.set(value: 21)
doubleParam.set(value: 1.618)
boolParam.set(value: true)
Result, as expected:
Hello Playground
--> Init Cells
Update Cell -> 42
Update Cell -> 3.14
Update Cell -> false
--> Change values
Update Cell -> 21
Update Cell -> 1.618
Update Cell -> true
Add an anyValuePublisher property. You can (and maybe should) add it to AnyParameter, or you can define it in a separate protocol like this:
protocol AnyParameterPublishing: AnyParameter {
var anyValuePublisher: AnyPublisher<Any, Never> { get }
extension Parameter: AnyParameterPublishing {
var anyValuePublisher: AnyPublisher<Any, Never> {
return $value.map { $0 as Any }.eraseToAnyPublisher()
Then you can use it like this:
class AnyValueCell {
// ...
func updateObserver() {
guard let publishing = (parameter as? AnyParameterPublishing) else {
print("Wrong param type")
observer = publishing.anyValuePublisher
.sink { print("Update Cell -> \($0)") }

Why it cannot convert return expression of type?

I try to return constant result in test2 method but the compiler throws error. Why?
public enum TestResult<Value> {
case success(Value)
case failure(Error)
struct TestModel {
class Test {
func test1() -> TestResult<Any> {
let obj = TestModel()
return TestResult.success(obj)
func test2() -> TestResult<Any> {
let obj = TestModel()
let result = TestResult.success(obj)
return result
You need to convert TestModel to Any:
func test2() -> TestResult<Any> {
let obj: Any = TestModel()
let result = TestResult.success(obj)
return result

Swift 2 to 3 Migration for Swift Sequence Protocol

I'm attempting to convert the following code from this library (https://github.com/dankogai/swift-json) into Swift 3 Compatible code.
I'm having a tough time figuring out how to convert the Sequence protocol used in Swift 2 with the correct version for Swift 3. I can't find any documentation on Swift 2 Sequence protocol changes as compared to 3.
Here is the code that I currently have converted as much as possible to Swift 3
extension JSON : Sequence {
public func generate()->AnyIterator<(AnyObject,JSON)> {
switch _value {
case let o as NSArray:
var i = -1
return AnyIterator {
if i == o.count { return nil }
return (i as AnyObject, JSON(o[i]))
case let o as NSDictionary:
var ks = Array(o.allKeys.reversed())
return AnyIterator {
if ks.isEmpty { return nil }
if let k = ks.removeLast() as? String {
return (k as AnyObject, JSON(o.value(forKey: k)!))
} else {
return nil
return AnyIterator{ nil }
public func mutableCopyOfTheObject() -> AnyObject {
return _value.mutableCopy as AnyObject
The error I'm getting in specifics is in attached image.
If you want to play around with it the entire code is rather short for the JSON library. Here it is below:
// json.swift
// json
// Created by Dan Kogai on 7/15/14.
// Copyright (c) 2014 Dan Kogai. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
/// init
public class JSON {
public let _value:AnyObject
/// unwraps the JSON object
public class func unwrap(obj:AnyObject) -> AnyObject {
switch obj {
case let json as JSON:
return json._value
case let ary as NSArray:
var ret = [AnyObject]()
for v in ary {
ret.append(unwrap(obj: v as AnyObject))
return ret as AnyObject
case let dict as NSDictionary:
var ret = [String:AnyObject]()
for (ko, v) in dict {
if let k = ko as? String {
ret[k] = unwrap(obj: v as AnyObject)
return ret as AnyObject
return obj
/// pass the object that was returned from
/// NSJSONSerialization
public init(_ obj:Any) { self._value = JSON.unwrap(obj: obj as AnyObject) }
/// pass the JSON object for another instance
public init(_ json:JSON){ self._value = json._value }
/// class properties
extension JSON {
public typealias NSNull = Foundation.NSNull
public typealias NSError = Foundation.NSError
public class var null:NSNull { return NSNull() }
/// constructs JSON object from data
public convenience init(data:NSData) {
var err:NSError?
var obj:Any?
do {
obj = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(
with: data as Data, options:[])
} catch let error as NSError {
err = error
obj = nil
self.init(err != nil ? err! : obj!)
/// constructs JSON object from string
public convenience init(string:String) {
let enc:String.Encoding = String.Encoding.utf8
self.init(data: string.data(using: enc)! as NSData)
/// parses string to the JSON object
/// same as JSON(string:String)
public class func parse(string:String)->JSON {
return JSON(string:string)
/// constructs JSON object from the content of NSURL
public convenience init(nsurl:NSURL) {
var enc:String.Encoding = String.Encoding.utf8
do {
let str = try NSString(contentsOf:nsurl as URL, usedEncoding:&enc.rawValue)
self.init(string:str as String)
} catch let err as NSError {
/// fetch the JSON string from NSURL and parse it
/// same as JSON(nsurl:NSURL)
public class func fromNSURL(nsurl:NSURL) -> JSON {
return JSON(nsurl:nsurl)
/// constructs JSON object from the content of URL
public convenience init(url:String) {
if let nsurl = NSURL(string:url) as NSURL? {
} else {
userInfo:[NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: "malformed URL"]
/// fetch the JSON string from URL in the string
public class func fromURL(url:String) -> JSON {
return JSON(url:url)
/// does what JSON.stringify in ES5 does.
/// when the 2nd argument is set to true it pretty prints
public class func stringify(obj:AnyObject, pretty:Bool=false) -> String! {
if !JSONSerialization.isValidJSONObject(obj) {
let error = JSON(NSError(
userInfo:[NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: "not an JSON object"]
return JSON(error).toString(pretty: pretty)
return JSON(obj).toString(pretty: pretty)
/// instance properties
extension JSON {
/// access the element like array
public subscript(idx:Int) -> JSON {
switch _value {
case _ as NSError:
return self
case let ary as NSArray:
if 0 <= idx && idx < ary.count {
return JSON(ary[idx])
return JSON(NSError(
domain:"JSONErrorDomain", code:404, userInfo:[
"[\(idx)] is out of range"
return JSON(NSError(
domain:"JSONErrorDomain", code:500, userInfo:[
NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: "not an array"
/// access the element like dictionary
public subscript(key:String)->JSON {
switch _value {
case _ as NSError:
return self
case let dic as NSDictionary:
if let val:Any = dic[key] { return JSON(val) }
return JSON(NSError(
domain:"JSONErrorDomain", code:404, userInfo:[
"[\"\(key)\"] not found"
return JSON(NSError(
domain:"JSONErrorDomain", code:500, userInfo:[
NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: "not an object"
/// access json data object
public var data:AnyObject? {
return self.isError ? nil : self._value
/// Gives the type name as string.
/// e.g. if it returns "Double"
/// .asDouble returns Double
public var type:String {
switch _value {
case is NSError: return "NSError"
case is NSNull: return "NSNull"
case let o as NSNumber:
switch String(cString:o.objCType) {
case "c", "C": return "Bool"
case "q", "l", "i", "s": return "Int"
case "Q", "L", "I", "S": return "UInt"
default: return "Double"
case is NSString: return "String"
case is NSArray: return "Array"
case is NSDictionary: return "Dictionary"
default: return "NSError"
/// check if self is NSError
public var isError: Bool { return _value is NSError }
/// check if self is NSNull
public var isNull: Bool { return _value is NSNull }
/// check if self is Bool
public var isBool: Bool { return type == "Bool" }
/// check if self is Int
public var isInt: Bool { return type == "Int" }
/// check if self is UInt
public var isUInt: Bool { return type == "UInt" }
/// check if self is Double
public var isDouble: Bool { return type == "Double" }
/// check if self is any type of number
public var isNumber: Bool {
if let o = _value as? NSNumber {
let t = String(cString:o.objCType)
return t != "c" && t != "C"
return false
/// check if self is String
public var isString: Bool { return _value is NSString }
/// check if self is Array
public var isArray: Bool { return _value is NSArray }
/// check if self is Dictionary
public var isDictionary: Bool { return _value is NSDictionary }
/// check if self is a valid leaf node.
public var isLeaf: Bool {
return !(isArray || isDictionary || isError)
/// gives NSError if it holds the error. nil otherwise
public var asError:NSError? {
return _value as? NSError
/// gives NSNull if self holds it. nil otherwise
public var asNull:NSNull? {
return _value is NSNull ? JSON.null : nil
/// gives Bool if self holds it. nil otherwise
public var asBool:Bool? {
switch _value {
case let o as NSNumber:
switch String(cString:o.objCType) {
case "c", "C": return Bool(o.boolValue)
return nil
default: return nil
/// gives Int if self holds it. nil otherwise
public var asInt:Int? {
switch _value {
case let o as NSNumber:
switch String(cString:o.objCType) {
case "c", "C":
return nil
return Int(o.int64Value)
default: return nil
/// gives Int32 if self holds it. nil otherwise
public var asInt32:Int32? {
switch _value {
case let o as NSNumber:
switch String(cString:o.objCType) {
case "c", "C":
return nil
return Int32(o.int64Value)
default: return nil
/// gives Int64 if self holds it. nil otherwise
public var asInt64:Int64? {
switch _value {
case let o as NSNumber:
switch String(cString:o.objCType) {
case "c", "C":
return nil
return Int64(o.int64Value)
default: return nil
/// gives Float if self holds it. nil otherwise
public var asFloat:Float? {
switch _value {
case let o as NSNumber:
switch String(cString:o.objCType) {
case "c", "C":
return nil
return Float(o.floatValue)
default: return nil
/// gives Double if self holds it. nil otherwise
public var asDouble:Double? {
switch _value {
case let o as NSNumber:
switch String(cString:o.objCType) {
case "c", "C":
return nil
return Double(o.doubleValue)
default: return nil
// an alias to asDouble
public var asNumber:Double? { return asDouble }
/// gives String if self holds it. nil otherwise
public var asString:String? {
switch _value {
case let o as NSString:
return o as String
default: return nil
/// if self holds NSArray, gives a [JSON]
/// with elements therein. nil otherwise
public var asArray:[JSON]? {
switch _value {
case let o as NSArray:
var result = [JSON]()
for v:Any in o { result.append(JSON(v)) }
return result
return nil
/// if self holds NSDictionary, gives a [String:JSON]
/// with elements therein. nil otherwise
public var asDictionary:[String:JSON]? {
switch _value {
case let o as NSDictionary:
var result = [String:JSON]()
for (ko, v): (Any, Any) in o {
if let k = ko as? String {
result[k] = JSON(v)
return result
default: return nil
/// Yields date from string
public var asDate:NSDate? {
if let dateString = _value as? String {
let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
dateFormatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZZZZ"
return dateFormatter.date(from: dateString) as NSDate?
return nil
/// gives the number of elements if an array or a dictionary.
/// you can use this to check if you can iterate.
public var count:Int {
switch _value {
case let o as NSArray: return o.count
case let o as NSDictionary: return o.count
default: return 0
public var length:Int { return self.count }
// gives all values content in JSON object.
public var allValues:JSON{
if(self._value.allValues == nil) {
return JSON([])
return JSON(self._value.allValues)
// gives all keys content in JSON object.
public var allKeys:JSON{
if(self._value.allKeys == nil) {
return JSON([])
return JSON(self._value.allKeys)
extension JSON : Sequence {
public func generate()->AnyIterator<(AnyObject,JSON)> {
switch _value {
case let o as NSArray:
var i = -1
return AnyIterator {
if i == o.count { return nil }
return (i as AnyObject, JSON(o[i]))
case let o as NSDictionary:
var ks = Array(o.allKeys.reversed())
return AnyIterator {
if ks.isEmpty { return nil }
if let k = ks.removeLast() as? String {
return (k as AnyObject, JSON(o.value(forKey: k)!))
} else {
return nil
return AnyIterator{ nil }
public func mutableCopyOfTheObject() -> AnyObject {
return _value.mutableCopy as AnyObject
extension JSON : CustomStringConvertible {
/// stringifies self.
/// if pretty:true it pretty prints
public func toString(pretty:Bool=false)->String {
switch _value {
case is NSError: return "\(_value)"
case is NSNull: return "null"
case let o as NSNumber:
switch String(cString:o.objCType) {
case "c", "C":
return o.boolValue.description
case "q", "l", "i", "s":
return o.int64Value.description
case "Q", "L", "I", "S":
return o.uint64Value.description
switch o.doubleValue {
case 0.0/0.0: return "0.0/0.0" // NaN
case -1.0/0.0: return "-1.0/0.0" // -infinity
case +1.0/0.0: return "+1.0/0.0" // infinity
return o.doubleValue.description
case let o as NSString:
return o.debugDescription
let opts = pretty ? JSONSerialization.WritingOptions.prettyPrinted : JSONSerialization.WritingOptions()
if let data = (try? JSONSerialization.data(
withJSONObject: _value, options:opts)) as NSData? {
if let result = NSString(
data:data as Data, encoding:String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue
) as? String {
return result
public var description:String { return toString() }
extension JSON : Equatable {}
public func ==(lhs:JSON, rhs:JSON)->Bool {
// print("lhs:\(lhs), rhs:\(rhs)")
if lhs.isError || rhs.isError { return false }
else if lhs.isLeaf {
if lhs.isNull { return lhs.asNull == rhs.asNull }
if lhs.isBool { return lhs.asBool == rhs.asBool }
if lhs.isNumber { return lhs.asNumber == rhs.asNumber }
if lhs.isString { return lhs.asString == rhs.asString }
else if lhs.isArray {
for i in 0..<lhs.count {
if lhs[i] != rhs[i] { return false }
return true
else if lhs.isDictionary {
for (k, v) in lhs.asDictionary! {
if v != rhs[k] { return false }
return true
fatalError("JSON == JSON failed!")
In Swift 3, generate() has been renamed to makeIterator(). Changing the name of your function should fix the problem. (Note that other names have also changed, like AnyGenerator → AnyIterator, but it looks like that one has already been taken care of in your code.)
This change was implemented as part of SE-0006: Apply API Guidelines to the Standard Library.

Casting to generic optional in Swift

I'm fiddling around with generics in Swift and hit something I can't figure out: If I cast a value into the type of a generic parameter, the cast is not performed. If I try the same with static types, it works.
class SomeClass<T> {
init?() {
if let _ = 4 as? T {
println("should work")
} else {
return nil
if let _ = SomeClass<Int?>() {
println("not called")
if let _ = 4 as? Int? {
Can anybody explain this behavior? Shouldn't be both cases equivalent?
The above example is simplified to the max. The following example illustrates the need for a cast a little better
class SomeClass<T> {
init?(v: [String: AnyObject]) {
if let _ = v["k"] as? T? {
print("should work")
} else {
print("does not")
return nil
if let _ = SomeClass<Int?>(v: ["k": 4]) {
print("not called")
if let _ = SomeClass<Int>(v: ["k": 4]) {
2nd Update
After #matt made me learn about AnyObject and Any and #Darko pointed out in his comments how dictionaries make my example too complicated, here's my next refinement
class SomeClass<T> {
private var value: T!
init?<U>(param: U) {
if let casted = param as? T {
value = casted
} else {
return nil
if let _ = SomeClass<Int?>(param: Int(4)) {
println("not called")
if let _ = SomeClass<Int>(param: Int(4)) {
if let _ = Int(4) as? Int? {
if let _ = (Int(4) as Any) as? Int? {
println("Cannot downcast from Any to a more optional type 'Int?'")
I tried using init?(param: Any) before, but that yields the same problem illustrated in the last if which is discussed elsewhere.
So all it comes down to: Has anyone really been far as to ever cast anything to a generic optional type? In any case? I'm happy to accept any working example.
This is really not about generics at all; it's about AnyObject (and how casting works). Consider:
let d = ["k":1]
let ok = d["k"] is Int?
print (ok) // true
// but:
let d2 = d as [String:AnyObject]
let ok2 = d2["k"] is Int?
print (ok2) // false, though "is Int" succeeds
Since your initializer casts the dictionary up to [String:AnyObject] you are in this same boat.
This works as expected now - in Playgrounds as well as in projects. Retested in Swift 5.4:
class SomeClass<T> {
private var value: T
init?<U>(param: U) {
if let casted = param as? T {
value = casted
} else {
return nil
if let _ = SomeClass<Int?>(param: Int(4)) {
if let _ = SomeClass<Int>(param: Int(4)) {
which prints called two times as expected.
As far I can see the goal of your updated code is to find out if the passed parameter (the value of the dict) is of type T. So you are mis-using the as? cast to check the type. What you actually want is the "is" operator.
class SomeClass<T> {
init?(v: [String: AnyObject]) {
if v["k"] is T {
print("called if AnyObject is of type T")
} else {
print("called if AnyObject is not of type T")
return nil
if let _ = SomeClass<Int>(v: ["k": 4]) {
if let _ = SomeClass<Int?>(v: ["k": 4]) {
print("not called")

Swift How to wait for callback to finish before exiting function?

The problem I'm having on this request is the first function syncRequest always returns nil since the function exits before the (reply, error) comes back to fill out my return dictionary.
Is there a way for it to wait for the callback to return before returning out of my closure?
public typealias KKWatchSyncResponse = Dictionary<String, AnyObject>
func syncRequest() -> KKWatchSyncResponse? {
var syncResponseDict : KKWatchSyncResponse?
createRequest(KKWatchRequest.Sync, parameter: nil) { reply, error in
if reply == nil || error != nil {
} else {
syncResponseDict = KKWatchSyncResponse()
if let songInfo = NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchiveObjectWithData(reply!["songInfo"] as NSData) as NSDictionary? {
syncResponseDict!["songInfo"] = songInfo
if let albumArtImage = NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchiveObjectWithData(reply!["albumArt"] as NSData) as? UIImage {
syncResponseDict!["albumArtImage"] = albumArtImage
if let isPlaying = NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchiveObjectWithData(reply!["isPlaying"] as NSData) as? Bool {
syncResponseDict!["isPlaying"] = isPlaying
return syncResponseDict
func createRequest(request:KKWatchRequest, parameter: KKWatchAPIRequestParameter?, callback:KKWatchAPICallback) -> KKWatchAPIParentRequest {
var requestDict : Dictionary<String, AnyObject> = [KKBOXWatchAppRequestType : request.rawValue]
if parameter != nil {
requestDict += parameter! //Combine 2 dictionaries
return { WKInterfaceController.openParentApplication(requestDict){ reply, error in
callback(reply, error)
Your help us much appreciated!
Could you have syncRequest() take a closure that gets called with the results when ready? Change the definition to something like:
func syncRequest(callback:(KKWatchSyncResponse?)->Void) { ... }
Then at the end of your createRequest() call, you could call the callback on syncResponseDict, since now it's been populated with your data... callback(syncResponseDict).
EDIT: Here's the solution I had in mind.
func syncRequest(callback:(KKWatchSyncResponse?)->Void) {
createRequest(KKWatchRequest.Sync, parameter: nil) { reply, error in
if reply == nil || error != nil {
} else {
var syncResponseDict : KKWatchSyncResponse? = KKWatchSyncResponse()
if let songInfo = NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchiveObjectWithData(reply!["songInfo"] as NSData) as NSDictionary? {
syncResponseDict!["songInfo"] = songInfo
if let albumArtImage = NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchiveObjectWithData(reply!["albumArt"] as NSData) as? UIImage {
syncResponseDict!["albumArtImage"] = albumArtImage
if let isPlaying = NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchiveObjectWithData(reply!["isPlaying"] as NSData) as? Bool {
syncResponseDict!["isPlaying"] = isPlaying
It is straight forward to implement a locking variable. This is most helpful for unit tests that do some async network loading.
func waitingFunction()
//set a lock during your async function
var locked = true
RunSome.asyncFunction() { () -> Void in
//after your sync function remove the lock
locked = false
//wait for the async method to complete before advancing
//move on from the lock
func wait()
NSRunLoop.currentRunLoop().runMode(NSDefaultRunLoopMode, beforeDate: NSDate(timeIntervalSinceNow: 1))