new MobileFirst Services Starter - any location services? - ibm-cloud

I'd like to create "GPS-location-aware" native app in a handy way on Bluemix.
So I was a big fan of Mobile Location Services(beta) of MobileData,
but old "Mobile Cloud" boilerplate is gonna fade away. Then, is there any equivalent function in the new "MobileFirst Services Starter" ? Or my old "Mobile Cloud Services SDK" works in the new "MobileFirst Services Starter" as it is ?

I advice to open a request to Bluemix Support in order to forward the the question to MobileFirst team.
Please use one of the following methods:
Use the Support Widget. It is available from the user avatar in the
upper right corner of the main Bluemix UI. After opening the support
widget panel, select Get Help > Get In Touch, select the type of
assistance you need, and then fill out the support form.
Use the Support Site 'Get Help' form. This form is available on a separate site that is made available for ticket submission when you cannot log into Bluemix and access the Support Widget. Go to and fill in the support request form.

Currently there is no location service for the new Mobile Services Starter, however as I suspected, the best way to make a feature request is the use the 'user voice' feature. This can be found in the top right menu (profile) -> submit an idea.
A team of managers from all the offerings meets regularly to review what comes in through that channel and turn it into a backlog for the product.


Integrating Dialogflow with an already existing project on actions on Google

First of all, thanks for taking the time to read through our issue.
So, we have a Dialogflow project connected to an already existing google project. When we try to test our skills on google by the Integrations tab, it displays an error 'Precondition check failed' without any more information, even though it still updates and uses our Dialogflow intents as it should.
The problem comes when we update anything on the actions console or try to make an alpha deploy of our skill. The moment we change anything, it comes back to the default configuration with the message 'Start building your action by defining the main invocation.' on the main invocation.
We have no clue how to handle this problem or if we have to configure something special on either of the systems to make it work. Any ideas are welcome.
If you want to integrate the Google Assistant with Dialoflow, I strongly recommend you check the new development Google Assistant's platform with a built-in conversation builder, here. Furthermore, there is a quick start guide and conversational actions guide.
As I mentioned in the first comment, you need to have appropriate permissions to create an interaction within Dialogflow, you can check the pre-defined roles here. In addition, since you are starting with Dialogflow, I would advise you to start with the available quick-starts and the setup tutorial, which explains how to begin using Dialogflow.

an online WYSIWYG editor, drag and drop editor

Hello Stack community I m deepak a fellow user of your site.
My question to you was regarding and online WYSIWYG editor, as i wanted to develop a website for a client which is an e-commerce site(dynamic) so I started working on "opencart" and many other tools like "nopcommerce" which haves cart,email notification,sms api and indian currency option available to that particular tool if not then can be integrated later on.
Now the client is in need of a show-off e-commerce site which have the advance views like parallax scrolling if not then extra views to be added which is most likely to be seen in an static show-off site with basic features of email and sms api to be included in the website
I started using template and dreamweaver to work on but I was unable to do so as I don't know about any standalone cart software which can be integrated to a live website or template so i moved on to Drag n Drop website editor which haves indian currency like "wix" but due to some reasons i was limited by the features of "wix"
I wanted to know what are the other option would I have now as the most of the time has passed out and the client want the site to be live in faster basis,
so I am requesting an answer of what to do now is there any other editor like "wix" which have all the three functions (sms api, email notifications,indian currency) available or any other way of using tools, template, software or something like "open cart" or dreamweaver/template if any or else do i have an option to edit the whole view of open cart as I want to edit all the basic structure of open cart and change the colour theme of open cart from blue to orange, if yes then how ?
I hope that i would get the answer or help what i m looking for in community
Deepak Verma

add functionality layer to AtTask by plug-in on Internet Explorer

I would like to add functionality to the AtTask system by "adding a layer".
What I want to know is whether this can be achieved with a plug-in for Internet Explorer.
To give a concrete example:
This extra layer would allow users to click on "Online Edit" document (which is not available right now). The linked application will open, and when you click save, the file is loaded back to AtTask.
All this happens in the background via the AtTask API, and is transparent to the user.
The question is: is it possible to add functionality to a site by somehow adding layers?
Last comment: this plug-in (or whatever needs to be installed inbto the browser) will only be visible/active when accesing the AtTask website.
Thanks in advance for your responses.
Within the confines of AtTask your best bet is to use an "External Page" create a service that handles the data in the manner you need.
The Dashboard that contains your External Page can be added as a tab via Layout Templates.
Most of the heavy lifting would have to be handled by your application. You would have to link the document(s) you wish to edit.
Some sort of referrer would be necessary to place the revised document back into AtTask. The method in which the client can do this would be determined by your preference and requirements. I am sure you can find some sort of Wiz-Bang jQuery uploader.
Depending on the level of control you have with your user base, you could make an Application URL
Windows : Registering an Application to a URI Scheme
OS X : Launching Scripts from Webpage Links
I do not know of any other way to handle this other than what Steve suggested.
Having said that a possible solution to this is to create a new application and iframe in AtTask.
At the top or wherever on the page your application could have a link for "Online Edit". Then you would use javascript to extract the task id, project id or any other needed information you need for the api to get the needed content to edit. Then save using the same api information.
I have not tried this type of method but theoretically it could work.

Google cloud - Where i need to register my app?

I don't know where I need to register my app after created my first project. I already followed their instruction regarding to app registration.
To register a new application, do the following:
Go to the Google Developers Console.
Select a project, or create a new one.
In the sidebar on the left, select APIs & auth. In the displayed
list of APIs, make sure all the APIs you are using show a status of
In the sidebar on the left, select Registered apps.
At the top of the page, select Register App.
Fill out the form and select Register.
Thanks a lot in advance.
The instructions you pasted refer to the older API Console.
You can either figure out their Cloud Console equivalents (Create Project, etc), or go to the previous version at
It's worth pointing out that Google's terminology is somewhat muddled. Sometimes "app" refers to a "project", other times it refers to a "client" within that project.
For example, you might have a project called "My Multi-Device Task List". That may have a web client, an Android client and an iOS client. Sometimes the word "app" refers to the project, other times it refers to one of its clients.

Is there built-in web analytics tool in Liferay?

I need to have the statistics of a web site and generate reports. I am using Liferay portal. Is there anything built-in for web analytics in Liferay? if yes, please help how to configure it?
I think adding Google Analytics to your portal's theme is your best bet. How to do that is described here.
I've put together a short tutorial on setting up Google Analytics and Google Webmaster Tools in the latest version of Liferay. It's very straight forward gives you tonnes of feedback on who's accessing your site. Hope it's of use to you: Google Webmaster Tools and Google Analytics in Liferay
Liferay has first class support for Google-Analytics, if you want to moniter entire site with one GA ID its there and also it supports if you want to monitor each community with different GA ID.
You can set this on every community, go to
Settings > Monitor >
and set your GA IDs