Integrating Dialogflow with an already existing project on actions on Google - deployment

First of all, thanks for taking the time to read through our issue.
So, we have a Dialogflow project connected to an already existing google project. When we try to test our skills on google by the Integrations tab, it displays an error 'Precondition check failed' without any more information, even though it still updates and uses our Dialogflow intents as it should.
The problem comes when we update anything on the actions console or try to make an alpha deploy of our skill. The moment we change anything, it comes back to the default configuration with the message 'Start building your action by defining the main invocation.' on the main invocation.
We have no clue how to handle this problem or if we have to configure something special on either of the systems to make it work. Any ideas are welcome.

If you want to integrate the Google Assistant with Dialoflow, I strongly recommend you check the new development Google Assistant's platform with a built-in conversation builder, here. Furthermore, there is a quick start guide and conversational actions guide.
As I mentioned in the first comment, you need to have appropriate permissions to create an interaction within Dialogflow, you can check the pre-defined roles here. In addition, since you are starting with Dialogflow, I would advise you to start with the available quick-starts and the setup tutorial, which explains how to begin using Dialogflow.


Cannot submit for production in Google Actions

I created a trivia app in Google Actions following this link. I followed all the steps but when trying to submit for production (officially launch the Action to all the Google Assistant users) I get the following error:
I double checked all the constrains they suggest in the tutorial (like using photos of a specific size, having proper Privacy Policy and Terms of Service , checking that the app name is not taken etc).
One thing to mention: this is not a network issue, as I tried from multiple PCs and networks.
Is there a log file where I can look and pinpoint the issue? Or somebody else encountered this issue?
As suggested I've reached out Google support team ( . They answered really fast.
The fix was simple: make another copy of the spreadsheet used and try again.

How to keep Google Assistant Behavior but also trigger IFTTT

I know you can make custom Google Assistant triggers that will invoke IFTTT. But I want to make a custom trigger that will do something but /also/ keep the default Google Assistant behavior. Is there a way to do this?
Description of my actual goal: I speak German as much as possible at home with my daughter. But there are times where I don't know a word, so I can say "OK Google, what is $word in German?" and it will speak it to me. This is very useful.
Then I manually add that word to my vocabulary list to study it.
I would like to write my own Python/Node microservice that will receive the word and generate flashcards (do a lookup on Linguee for sample sentences, for example) in my study program automatically.
But I would also like to keep the Google Assistant behavior that reads the translation back to me on my phone.
So is there a way to accomplish this? Basically instead of having a trigger invoke Google Assistant, I'd like it to do that and also do a second behavior (issue a POST request to a custom URL).
Thank you.

What are "implicit triggers" in a Google Action package?

My Google Action was rejected. One of the reasons was:
Your agent has too many implicit triggers in it's action package. Please limit the number of query patterns in your action package which do not include your invocation name to less than 10.
My userSays object includes around 30 phrases because I used API.AI's training system so that my assistant would understand any type of input from the user and extract the parameters needed. Is this what Google is referring to. Am I doing something wrong?
Yes, this is likely the issue you are running into. API.AI is creating an action package for your project behind the scenes. If you want to learn more about it, take a look at the Actions SDK docs.

Is it possible to add a custom parameter in a Open Graph story with a common action?

We're working on a fitness application where people run and carry out a physical activity for the community as part of a workout.
For example, on Wednesday, Axel ran 5.6km and helped dig a wild flower garden.
We want to build an easy way for users to share these stories on their timelines in Facebook with a map of the course they ran and a sentance that describes the activity. We've opted to use the fitness.runs common action and can provide the course information easily enough, however it's not clear if or how we can add a custom parameter task in the sentence. Ideally the story (with accompanied map) would read:
*Axel* ran *5.6* km to *help dig a wild flower garden* with GoodGym.
Any advice on how to get that working would be greatly appreciated.
I do not think this is possible. Looking at both the run action and the course object you cannot add custom properties. For example, when you go to configure the run action you see the following message at the top "Common Action Type: Run You are viewing the configuration options for the common Action Type: Run. These are read only and are displayed for informational purposes only."
However you might want to consider using User Messages which "allow users to write a personalized message attached to this action." Then you could encourage users to write something about what they helped to do.

How to ensure a place is part of the Google Places autocompletion

We got a customer looking after an event called Floriade placed in the city of venlo in the Netherlands. This point of interest is sometimes shown on the autocompletion under Floriade 2012. I say sometimes shown as we used to see it, then it disappeared, now it is back again.
1-How can I be sure that the autocompletion (through Google Places API) is showing this point of interest ?
2- What is enabling a point to be in this autocompletion or not ?
If a place has a Google Places page, e.g it is guaranteed to be returned by a Places Autocomplete API.
You may have experienced a bug in the API. If it occurs again please report it on the issue tracker:
Another way to guarantee that your application will show a place is to perform a 'Place Report Request' using the Google Places API with your API Key. This will instantly add a place and make it available to your API Key, then if the place is approved by Google if will be available to anyone.