Dealing with Type Erasure with foldLeft [duplicate] - scala

I've trying to sort a list by a future boolean.
I have a list of IDs and I need to query an external service to find out if there's contextual information behind them. The method I use to do this returns an optional future.
By using the partition method I hoped to create two lists of IDs, one with contextual information and one without.
The following answer on here provided a lot of help for this: Scala - sort based on Future result predicate
I now have an rough, untested method that looks like so,
val futureMatch = b =>{ j =>
getContext(j).map{ k =>
Map( j -> k)
val partitionedList ={
case (k, Some(v)) => true
case _ => false
So as advised in the other question, I'm attempting to get all my answers at the same level, and then using Future.sequence and flatMap(identity) to flatten nested layers of futures.
The problem is this doesn't feel very efficient.
Ideally the successful list would have a signature of List[Map[String, String]] not List[Map[String, Option[String]] and the failed list would just be a list of Strings, so it'd only need to be one dimensional. As it currently stands I have two identical list signatures which have some redundancy. For example in the successful list, I know this is going exist so it doesn't need to be an option.
Any ideas how I could achieve this structure and produce two lists with different signatures or even if this is the most efficient way.
EDIT: Looking at the signature for partition it looks like I can only produce two lists of the same signature, so a different signature is probably too much to ask. I guess I can just flatten the list afterwards.

I found a suitable solution in the comments of the question I linked too.
val (matched, unmatched) =
finalMatch.foldLeft(List.empty[Map[String, String]], List.empty[String]) {
case ((matched, unmatched), p) => p match {
case m:Map[String, String] => (m :: matched, unmatched)
case s:String => (matched, s :: unmatched)
The only issue with this is it leads to type erasure. I've opened another question to discuss this issue.
Dealing with Type Erasure with foldLeft
Thanks all.


Monadic way to get first Right to result from getting an Either from items of a list?

Up front: I know how to just write a custom function that will do this, but I swear there's a built-in thing whose name I'm just forgetting, to handle it in an idiomatic way. (Also, in my actual use case I'm likely to be using more complex monads involving state and assorted nonsense, and I feel like the answer I'm looking for will handle those as well, while the hand-coded one would need to be updated.)
I have a list items : List[A] and a function f : (A) -> Either[Error, B]. I vaguely recall there's an easy dedicated function that will apply f to each item in items and then return the first Right(b) to result, without applying f to the remaining items (or return Left[error] of the last error, if nothing succeeds.)
For example, if you had f(items(0)) result in Left("random error"), f(items(1)) result in Right("Find this one!"), and f(items(2)) result in launchTheNukes(); Right("Uh oh."), then the return should be Right("Find this one!") and no nukes should be launched.
It's sort of like what's happening in a for comprehension, where you could do:
res0 <- f(items(0))
res1 <- f(items(1))
res2 <- f(items(2))
} yield res2
Which would return either the first error or the final result - so I want that, but to handle an arbitrary list rather than hard-coded, and returning the first success, not the first error. (The answer I'm looking for might be two functions, one to swap the sides of an Either, and one to automatically chain foldLefts across a list... I think there's a single-step solution though.)
Code snippet for commented solution:
def tester(i : Int) : Either[String, Int] = {if (i % 2 == 0) Right(100 / (4 - i)) else Left(i.toString)}
(1 to 5).collectFirst(tester)
I'm assuming (from your mention of more complex monads such as State) that you're using the Cats library.
You probably want one of the methods that come from Traverse
For example, its sequence and traverse methods are two variations of the "I have a list of things, and a thing-to-monad function, and I want a monad of things". Since Either is a monad whose flatMap aborts early upon encountering a Left, you could .swap your Eithers so that the flatMap aborts early upon encountering a Right, and then .swap the result back at the end.
def tester(i : Int): Either[String, Int] = /* from your question */
val items = (1 to 5).toList
items.traverse(tester(_).swap).swap // Right(50)
val allLeft = List(Left("oh no"), Left("uh oh"))
allLeft.traverse(_.swap).swap // Left(List("oh no", "uh oh"))
Ho about { case Right(x) =>x } (this returns Option(x) of the first Right(x) it finds ... Could return Option(Right(x)) but that seems redundant.
Or you might go back to either: { case x#Right(_) => x }.getOrElse(Left("oops"))
If you insist on getting the last Left in case there are no Rights (doesn't seem to be very meaningful actually), then it seems like a simple recursive scan (that you said you knew how to write) is the best option.

transform 'A => F[G[B]]' into 'F[G[A=>B]' scala

Given a function with signature: A => F[G[B]]. There are monads instances for F and G types.
Is it possible to transform it into something with the signature: F[G[A=>B]? Is there any general name for such transformation?
In other words what would be the implementation of prettify2?
def pretiffy(x: String): Future[Option[String]] = Future{if(x == "") None else Some(s">>>$x<<<")}
val pretiffy2: Future[Option[String => String]] = ???
Update: I'd appreciate answers using cats or scalaz.
Suppose we have a String=>List[Option[Integer]]. We need to produce a List[Option[String=>Integer]]. How should we approach this? For example, how long the resulting list should be? How many Nones should it contain?
Obviously these questions have no answers, which means the requested transformation cannot exist for an arbitrary monad (or indeed most monads, as one can ask similar questions about most monads).

What's the best way to open up a list with 0 or 1 options?

In Scala I have a List with an optional Option. This arises for example when you use for comprehension on a List and your yield returns an Option. In my case I was processing a JSON object and using for comprehension on the list of fields (List[JField]).
What's the best way to open up the list and map List() to None and List(Some(a)) to Some(a)?
A first approach would be
def headOrNone[A](list:List[Option[A]]) =
list match {
case Nil => None
case a::Nil => a
Another approach
def headOrNone[A](list:List[Option[A]]) = list.headOption.getOrElse(None)
A third approach (a variation on the headOption implementation)
def headOrNone[A](list:List[Option[A]]) = if (list.isEmpty) None else list.head
I personally prefer the third approach. Is there a better name for this function than headOrNone and what is the idiomatic scala way to write it?
You're solving a problem that probably shouldn't have been created. Instead, you probably want
for (x <- list) yield f(x) // Yields Option
to be
and then you'll have either zero or one things in your list to begin with (which you can extract using headOption).
How about this:
def headOrNone[A](list: List[Option[A]]) = list.flatten.headOption
headOrNone(List(Some(4))) // Some(4)
headOrNone(List()) // None
Though the first choice has the advantage of giving you an error if you happen to have list with more than one item, which, according to your description, seems like an error condition.
But personally, I would re-evaluate the code that produces the List[Option[A]] and see if there's a way to just have it return the right thing in the first place!

Scala's for-comprehension `if` statements

Is it possible in scala to specialize on the conditions inside an if within a for comprehension? I'm thinking along the lines of:
val collection: SomeGenericCollection[Int] = ...
trait CollectionFilter
case object Even extends CollectionFilter
case object Odd extends CollectionFilter
val evenColl = for { i <- collection if(Even) } yield i
//evenColl would be a SomeGenericEvenCollection instance
val oddColl = for { i <- collection if(Odd) } yield i
//oddColl would be a SomeGenericOddCollection instance
The gist is that by yielding i, I get a new collection of a potentially different type (hence me referring to it as "specialization")- as opposed to just a filtered-down version of the same GenericCollection type.
The reason I ask is that I saw something that I couldn't figure out (an example can be found on line 33 of this ScalaQuery example. What it does is create a query for a database (i.e. SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE ...), where I would have expected it to iterate over the results of said query.
So, I think you are asking if it is possible for the if statement in a for-comprehension to change the result type. The answer is "yes, but...".
First, understand how for-comprehensions are expanded. There are questions here on Stack Overflow discussing it, and there are parameters you can pass to the compiler so it will show you what's going on.
Anyway, this code:
val evenColl = for { i <- collection if(Even) } yield i
Is translated as:
val evenColl = collection.withFilter(i => Even).map(i => i)
So, if the withFilter method changes the collection type, it will do what you want -- in this simple case. On more complex cases, that alone won't work:
for {
x <- xs
y <- ys
if cond
} yield (x, y)
is translated as
xs.flatMap(ys.withFilter(y => cond).map(y => (x, y)))
In which case flatMap is deciding what type will be returned. If it takes the cue from what result was returned, then it can work.
Now, on Scala Collections, withFilter doesn't change the type of the collection. You could write your own classes that would do that, however.
yes you can - please refer to this tutorial for an easy example. The scala query example you cited is also iterating on the collection, it is then using that data to build the query.

Converting a Scala Map to a List

I have a map that I need to map to a different type, and the result needs to be a List. I have two ways (seemingly) to accomplish what I want, since calling map on a map seems to always result in a map. Assuming I have some map that looks like:
val input = Map[String, List[Int]]("rk1" -> List(1,2,3), "rk2" -> List(4,5,6))
I can either do:
val output ={ case(k,v) => (k.getBytes, v) } toList
val output = input.foldRight(List[Pair[Array[Byte], List[Int]]]()){ (el, res) =>
(el._1.getBytes, el._2) :: res
In the first example I convert the type, and then call toList. I assume the runtime is something like O(n*2) and the space required is n*2. In the second example, I convert the type and generate the list in one go. I assume the runtime is O(n) and the space required is n.
My question is, are these essentially identical or does the second conversion cut down on memory/time/etc? Additionally, where can I find information on storage and runtime costs of various scala conversions?
Thanks in advance.
My favorite way to do this kind of things is like this: { case (k,v) => (k.getBytes, v) }(collection.breakOut): List[(Array[Byte], List[Int])]
With this syntax, you are passing to map the builder it needs to reconstruct the resulting collection. (Actually, not a builder, but a builder factory. Read more about Scala's CanBuildFroms if you are interested.) collection.breakOut can exactly be used when you want to change from one collection type to another while doing a map, flatMap, etc. — the only bad part is that you have to use the full type annotation for it to be effective (here, I used a type ascription after the expression). Then, there's no intermediary collection being built, and the list is constructed while mapping.
Mapping over a view in the first example could cut down on the space requirement for a large map:
val output ={ case(k,v) => (k.getBytes, v) } toList