Converting a Scala Map to a List - scala

I have a map that I need to map to a different type, and the result needs to be a List. I have two ways (seemingly) to accomplish what I want, since calling map on a map seems to always result in a map. Assuming I have some map that looks like:
val input = Map[String, List[Int]]("rk1" -> List(1,2,3), "rk2" -> List(4,5,6))
I can either do:
val output ={ case(k,v) => (k.getBytes, v) } toList
val output = input.foldRight(List[Pair[Array[Byte], List[Int]]]()){ (el, res) =>
(el._1.getBytes, el._2) :: res
In the first example I convert the type, and then call toList. I assume the runtime is something like O(n*2) and the space required is n*2. In the second example, I convert the type and generate the list in one go. I assume the runtime is O(n) and the space required is n.
My question is, are these essentially identical or does the second conversion cut down on memory/time/etc? Additionally, where can I find information on storage and runtime costs of various scala conversions?
Thanks in advance.

My favorite way to do this kind of things is like this: { case (k,v) => (k.getBytes, v) }(collection.breakOut): List[(Array[Byte], List[Int])]
With this syntax, you are passing to map the builder it needs to reconstruct the resulting collection. (Actually, not a builder, but a builder factory. Read more about Scala's CanBuildFroms if you are interested.) collection.breakOut can exactly be used when you want to change from one collection type to another while doing a map, flatMap, etc. — the only bad part is that you have to use the full type annotation for it to be effective (here, I used a type ascription after the expression). Then, there's no intermediary collection being built, and the list is constructed while mapping.

Mapping over a view in the first example could cut down on the space requirement for a large map:
val output ={ case(k,v) => (k.getBytes, v) } toList


Convert Map of mutable Set of strings to Map of immutable set of strings in Scala

I have a "dirtyMap" which is immutable.Map[String, collection.mutable.Set[String]]. I want to convert dirtyMap to immutable Map[String, Set[String]]. Could you please let me know how to do this. I tried couple of ways that didn't produce positive result
Method 1: Using map function => {
val key = e._1
val value =[Set]
e._1 -> e._2
I'm getting syntax error
Method 2: Using foreach
dirtyMap.toSeq.foreach(e => {
val key = e._1
val value =[Set]
e._1 -> e._2
cannot apply toMap to output of foreach
Disclaimer: I am a Scala noob if you couldn't tell.
UPDATE: Method 1 works when I remove parenthesis from toMap() function. However, following is an elegant solution
dirtyMap.mapValues(v => v.toSet)
Thank you Gabriele for providing answer with a great explanation. Thanks Duelist and Debojit for your answer as well
You can simply do:
mapValues will apply the function to only the values of the Map, and .toSet converts a mutable Set to an immutable one.
(I'm assuming dirtyMap is a collection.immutable.Map. In case it's a mutable one, just add toMap in the end)
If you're not familiar with the underscore syntax for lambdas, it's a shorthand for:
dirtyMap.mapValues(v => v.toSet)
Now, your first example doesn't compile because of the (). toMap takes no explicit arguments, but it takes an implicit argument. If you want the implicit argument to be inferred automatically, just remove the ().
The second example doesn't work because foreach returns Unit. This means that foreach executes side effects, but it doesn't return a value. If you want to chain transformations on a value, never use foreach, use map instead.
You can use{case (k,v) => (k,v.toSet)})
You can use flatMap for it:
dirtyMap.flatMap(entry => Map[String, Set[String]](entry._1 -> entry._2.toSet)).toMap
Firstly you map each entry to immutable.Map(entry) with updated entry, where value is immutable.Set now. Your map looks like this: mutable.Map.
And then flatten is called, so you get mutable.Map with each entry with immutable.Set. And then toMap converts this map to to immutable.
This variant is complicated a bit, you simply can use as Debojit Paul mentioned.
Another variant is foldLeft:
dirtyMap.foldLeft(Map[String, Set[String]]())(
(map, entry) => map + (entry._1 -> entry._2.toSet)
You specify accumulator, which is immutable.Map and you add each entry to this map with converted Set.
As for me, I think using foldLeft is more effective way.

Scala: flatten mixed set of sets (or lists or arrays)

I have a Set which incorporates a combination of strings, and subSets of strings, like so:
val s = Set(brand1-_test, Set(brand-one, brand_one, brandone), brands-two, brandthree1, Set(brand-three2, brand_three2, brandthree2))
How do I flatten this so that I have one flat set of strings? s.flatten doesn't work with the following error:
error: No implicit view available from Object => scala.collection.GenTraversableOnce[B]
Neither does flatMap. What am I missing here? The Set could just as easily incorporate a subLists or subArrays (they are the result of a previous function), if that makes a difference.
s.flatMap { case x:Iterable[_] => x; case y => Seq(y) }
Try putting it in a REPL:
scala> val s = Set("s1", Set("s2", "s3"))
s: scala.collection.immutable.Set[Object] = Set(s1, Set(s2, s3))
since you are providing two types (Set and String) then scala infers a type which covers both (Object in this case, but probably Any or AnyRef in most cases) which is not a collection and therefore cannot be flattened.

Inverting a key to values mapping

Lets say I have a set of a class Action like this: actions: Set[Action], and each Action class has a val consequences : Set[Consequence], where Consequence is a case class.
I wish to get a map from Consequence to Set[Action] to determine which actions cause a specific Consequence. Obviously since an Action can have multiple Consequences it can appear in multiple sets in the map.
I have been trying to get my head around this (I am new to Scala), wondering if I can do it with something like map() and groupBy(), but a bit lost. I don't wish to revert to imperative programming, especially if there is some Scala mapping function that can help.
What is the best way to achieve this?
Not exactly elegant because groupBy doesn't handle the case of operating already on a Tuple2, so you end up doing a lot of tupling and untupling:
case class Conseq()
case class Action(conseqs: Set[Conseq])
def gimme(actions: Seq[Action]): Map[Conseq, Set[Action]] =
actions.flatMap(a => -> a))
The first line "zips" each action with all of its consequences, yielding a Seq[(Conseq, Action)], grouping this by the first product element gives Map[Conseq, Seq[(Conseq, Action)]. So the last step needs to transform the map's values from Seq[(Conseq, Action)] to a Set[Action]. This can be done with mapValues. Without the explicit builder factory, it would produce a Seq[Action], so one would have to write .mapValues( Passing in collection.breakOut in the second parameter list to map makes it possible to save one step and make map directly produce the Set collection type.
Another possibility is to use nested folds:
def gimme2(actions: Seq[Action]) = (Map.empty[Conseq, Set[Action]] /: actions) {
(m, a) => (m /: a.conseqs) {
(m1, c) => m1.updated(c, m1.getOrElse(c, Set.empty) + a)
This is perhaps more readable. We start with an empty result map, traverse the actions, and in the inner fold traverse each action's consequences which get merged into the result map.

trouble understanding with Map and map in scala

I tried to make some sort of convenient class (below) to hold folder and get file by using filename (string). This work as expect but one thing I don't understand is map part Map(folder.listFiles map {file => file.getName -> file}:_*).
I place :_* there to prevent some kind of type incompatible but I don't know what does it really do. Also, what is _* and could I replace is with anything more specific ?
class FolderAsMap (val folderName:String){
val folder = new File(folderName)
private val filesAsMap: Map[String, File] = Map(folder.listFiles map
{file => file.getName -> file}:_*)
def get(fileName:String): Option[File] = {
: _* is correct. Alternatively, you can use toMap:
folder.listFiles map {file => file.getName -> file}.toMap
Map(...) is method apply in object Map: def apply [A, B] (elems: (A, B)*): Map[A, B]. It has a repeated parameter. It is expected to be called with multiple parameters. The : _* is used to signal you are passing all the parameters as just one Seq argument.
It avoids ambiguities. In java, (where equivalent varargs are arrays instead of Seqs) there is a possible ambiguity, if a method f(Object... args) and you call it with f(someArray), it could mean that args has just one item, with is someArray (so f receives an array of just one element, which its someArray), or args is someArray and f receives someArray directly). Java choose the second version. In scala, with a richer type system and Seq rather than Array the ambiguity may arise much more often, and the rule is that you always have to write : _* when passing all arguments as one, even when no ambiguity is possible, as in here, rather than a complex rule to tell when there is an actual ambiguity.
The _* makes the compiler pass each element of folder.listFiles map { file => file.getName -> file} as an own argument to Map instead of all of it as one argument.
In this case the map function creates a Array (because folder.listFiles returns that type). So if you write:
val files = folder.listFiles map { file => file.getName -> file }
...the returned type will be Array[(String, File)]. To convert this to a Map you will need to pass files one by one to the maps constructor using the _* (or use the method toMap like #didierd wrote):
val filesAsMap = Map(files : _*)

Scala: What is the most efficient way convert a Map[K,V] to an IntMap[V]?

Let"s say I have a class Point with a toInt method, and I have an immutable Map[Point,V], for some type V. What is the most efficient way in Scala to convert it to an IntMap[V]? Here is my current implementation:
def pointMap2IntMap[T](points: Map[Point,T]): IntMap[T] = {
var result: IntMap[T] = IntMap.empty[T]
for(t <- points) {
result += (t._1.toInt, t._2)
[EDIT] I meant primarily faster, but I would also be interested in shorter versions, even if they are not obviously faster.
IntMap has a built-in factory method (apply) for this:
IntMap( => (p._1.toInt, p._2)).toSeq: _*)
If speed is an issue, you may use:
points.foldLeft(IntMap.empty[T])((m, p) => m.updated(p._1.toInt, p._2))
A one liner that uses breakOut to obtain an IntMap. It does a map to a new collection, using a custom builder factory CanBuildFrom which the breakOut call resolves:
Map[Int, String](1 -> "").map(kv => kv)(breakOut[Map[Int, String], (Int, String), immutable.IntMap[String]])
In terms of performance, it's hard to tell, but it creates a new IntMap, goes through all the bindings and adds them to the IntMap. A handwritten iterator while loop (preceded with a pattern match to check if the source map is an IntMap) would possibly result in somewhat better performance.