I'm tearing my hair out. The Smartface Webview does not work with local files. Doing this for Smartface, IOS iphone 6.
I followed the instructions online for creating a webview by calling a simple hello world html file. However, when calling an actual url (like www.google.com), it works just fine. Help!
Code Snippet:
webviewMain = new SMF.UI.WebView({
top: "0%",
left: "0%",
URL: "hello.html"
There was a known issue about user created html's in webview. It is already fixed for the new version of Smartface(4.5.0). It will be released in two or three days at most.
I am making a Flutter app, and I am using webview here.
It all goes fine but when it comes to image, it just fails.
Other text contents are all fine.
I tried several things but all failed.
You can replicate the test by this url
It appears fine from the browser but images never appaer only in flutter webview
This is my flutter code for the webview
I found the answer by myself. It was because the image source was referred as "http:". I just put the following tag and it solved like a charm
I am working on a new Leaflet map with 1.7.1.
I noticed on my mobile device browsers (on Safari and Chrome) that the popups are flickering (not displaying/not showing up). I went on the Leaflet website with my mobile trying one of their example e.g. on their very home-page and I am facing the same problem. Is this my mobile or this problem is already known?
After more research ... I found out that this is an actual bug.
By commenting the following lines of code in the JS file will resolve the problem.
// simulate click if the touch didn't move too much
// if (this._isTapValid()) {
// this._simulateEvent('click', first);
// }
I am trying to load a http URL in WKWebView, the page loads perfectly fine on enabling NSAllowsArbitraryLoads and NSAllowsArbitraryLoadsInWebContent in info.plist file. But during navigating the Application, html pages are not loaded completely and my custom spinner doesn't disappear.
I have tried to NSExceptionDomains but no luck.
Everything works fine when I tried to load url with https://myurl
Please suggest
I found answer to my above question
history.back() was not working on HTML back button in iOS 11. Adding history.go(-1) worked for me.
I'm developing an hybrid app on MobileFirst 7.1, with Ionic libraries.
In a .js file I globally define
var busyIndicator = new WL.BusyIndicator ("content", {text: "DUMMY TEXT"});
but when I call for it to show, i.e.
I always get the same message, ignoring the text I put in the text field:
Image link here
I'm testing this on Android devices (Huawei P7 Ascend, Samsung Galaxy J5, both with Android 5.1). On the Android Mobile Simulator the message displays just fine.
p.s. "content" matches my html id, I tried putting null instead of "content" but to no avail.
A workaround
define in some common .js file
function showMyIndicator() {
busyIndicator.__options.text="Custom loading text";
and call showMyIndicator() each time you would call busyIndicator.show().
busyIndicator.hide() can be called normally (although you might want to define some 'hideMyIndicator()' function for homogeneity).
What is happening?
It appears that, as soon as I load (jQuery $.load() ) some new content in order to change page, the text fileld of the busyIndicator object defaults to "[(')ههههههه Loading]", which is defined in every native project inside messages.json.
That file is full of those weird signs, no idea about why.
There's something corrupted in my project which causes those .json files to be generated with wrong characters, a freshly generated project didn't show the same issues so creating a new one and move the resources in there might do the trick.
why i having a problem in the iPhone but android work good
problem usually occurs between the pages in IOS
for example :
when go to other page usually go and back in the same time without click the back button .
You should use the fix recommended by Ionic team:
Place downloaded file into www/js folder.
Add script tag in index.html: <script src="js/ngIOS9UIWebViewPatch.js"></script>
Add new dependency in app.js: angular.module('myApp', ['ngRoute', 'ngIOS9UIWebViewPatch'])
More info about that bug: http://blog.ionic.io/preparing-for-ios-9/