Get posts from page that hasn't setup a custom alias? - facebook

I'm visiting a number of Facebook pages and collecting information about their posts. When the Facebook page has created a custom username / alias, I can simply query their page like so, using their ID:
$url = '' . $accessToken;
However, if they didn't bother to setup a custom username / alias, then it won't work, even if I specify:
The default alias that FB gave them when they created the page (looks something like My-Page-Name-104958162837).
The numerical ID of their page.
What gives?

Works fine for me that way, if use a User Token:
Just try it in the API Explorer, after authorization:
It only does not work with an App Token if the Page is restricted by age or location. In that case, you have to use a User Token of a User who is allowed to see the Page, of course.


Facebook Matching API - Page Scoped ID (PSID) empty for other users

I have a bunch of users registred on my website thanks to Laravel Socialite and Facebook Login. When a user creates a account their app_scoped_id is save under provider_user_id.
I need to get the page_scoped_id of a user on my page instead of app_scoped_id.
To do so I am using the Facebook Matching ID whose documentation could be find here
The code
$fb = new Facebook(...);
$response = $fb->get($user->socialAccount->provider_user_id . '/ids_for_pages?fields=id&page=' . env('FB_PAGE_ID'), env('FACEBOOK_PAGE_TOKEN'));
$pageScopedId = $response->getDecodedBody()['data'][0]['id'];
It works perfectly for myself, but when I'm trying to get other users' page scoped id, it returns an empty array.
The Facebook Matching API is able to match page scoped id and app-scoped id if and only if they both exist.
In my case, page scoped id has not been associated with users (since they have not interacted with the messenger yet).

Ionic with Backand social login: profile picture

I'm developing an application with ionic and Backand and I'm using the sign in with social accounts with the Backand service.
The social login process is OK, but I want to get the ID from Facebook and Google plus in order to get the profile picture.
I was talking with the support of Backand and I know that in Security and Auth there is an action "beforesocialSignUp" and I have not commented the line to get the data:
'use strict';
function backandCallback(userInput, dbRow, parameters, userProfile) {
// get facebook id and put in fuid field that you need to add to your user object
userInput.fuid =;
// get gender from facebook and put in gender field that you need to add to your user object
// userInput.gender = parameters.socialProfile.additionalValues.gender;
And I have created the fuid field in my user object, but, when I make a login with Facebook or Google+ It doesn't save nothing. The login is OK but I can't get the ID data.
Any idea?
I had exactly the same problem.
The solution was to set the where condition of the BeforeSocialSignUp function from false to true.
This is nowhere in the documentation explained.
It took me 3 day ro figure this out :-(
Now the login works as expected and the fuid field gets assigned.
My next step is to get the profile picture from the FB Account, but therefore I have to make an API request to facebook with a user access token which I dont know how to get from backand.

Facebook Graph API - Access token for page likes, name and url

I'm trying to update some old PHP code which is supposed to get the name, likes and a link to the given Facebook page. This is the current old code:
$fbsite1 = json_decode(file_get_contents(''));
$fbsite2 = json_decode(file_get_contents(''));
$fbsite3 = json_decode(file_get_contents(''));
for($j=1; $j<=3; $j++){
$data[] = array(
'name' => ${'fbsite'.$j}->name,
'likes' => ${'fbsite'.$j}->likes,
'link' => ${'fbsite'.$j}->link
The problem is that this method requires an access token, which I'm not quite sure how to get. I've looked at the Facebook API reference, but there seems to be a few different access tokens (different permission etc.). Which one do I need to accomplish this? How do I get it?
If the pages are public, then you only need an app access token.
So create an app in the FB dev section (if you have not done so already), and then include your app access token in those request URLs:…
FYI, you should consider requesting all that data in one go, instead of making multiple API requests. You can do that using this syntax (for up to 50 ids in one request),,page2,page3&access_token=…
And you will have to explicitly ask for the name, link and likes fields now (otherwise you will get name and id only):,page2,page3&fields=name,likes,link&access_token=…

testing facebook real time updates / user comments

I'm trying to integrate realtime updates for user pages. I have a callback running on a given HOST url. Having this the subscription creation is:
G = facebook.GraphAPI()
app_token = config['FACEBOOK_APP_ID'] + '|' + config['FACEBOOK_SECRET']
path = config['FACEBOOK_APP_ID'] + '/subscriptions'
post_args = {'access_token' : app_token, 'callback_url' : HOST, 'fields' : 'feed', 'object' : 'page', 'verify_token' : 'token'}
G.request(path, post_args=post_args)
This seems to work just fine and a subscription is created. After this, for a given user I get oauth credentials with perms = ["publish_stream", "offline_access", "manage_pages", "publish_actions", "read_stream"]
Using this access token, I do a subscribe by adding the app to the page tabs:
G = facebook.GraphAPI(access_token)
path = "/%s/tabs" % page['id']
G.request(path, post_args={'app_id' : config['FACEBOOK_APP_ID']}
Now things work.... sort of. First thing is I'm not sure exactly how facebook testing should work in practice. Basically I created a bunch of test users using the app settings on developers page. Then using one of these users, I create two separate pages Page1, Page2 and I registered the app as a tab on these pages. Posts issued from the test users, or from the real user I created the app with are picked up. But I try to find one of the pages from some other real user (so not a test one and not the one I created the app with) and I cant. Even if I copy paste the entire URL, I just get a redirect to the first page. Are those pages only visible inside my own test app/users context ? Should I create a page from my real account and test with that? I'm just curious on how would I go around testing this in a real setup. Would I get ALL comments / posts on that page regardless of the user who does the posting or just posts from the Page / Admins of the page ?
Another separate problem I'm having is creating a comment from some user. So I'm using the exact same access token I've got above, and having a post from someone come it, I want to issue a reply in the form of a comment on that post. I have the facebook post id, so I just:
graph = facebook.GraphAPI(access_token)
graph.put_comment(facebook_post_id, message)
Say I issue this command using the access token I got from TestUser1 on a post that came on his own page Page1 . I would expect that the comment be posted on behalf of TestUser1 but instead it gets posted on behalf of Page1 . Is this expected as a side effect of the token I'm using? I've read here that there are user access tokens and page access tokens; but I've tried the exact same thing with a token without the 'manage_pages' perms and still get the same thing.
Cheers, Bogdan

Can we get a facebook access token by providing email and password in the code?

I would like to get the photo urls from the from this album:
If you access it without providing an access token, then you will get empty data:
"data": [
But if you first generate an access token here:
And then you append it to the url like this, you can get the data:
However, this access token cannot be used forever, it will expire.
I would like to dynamically take the photo urls from and display the images on a webpage, the person who views this webpage does not need to have a facebook account.
So every time the webpage is viewed, I am thinking about if it's possible to simply use my facebook account to login (by hardcoding the email and password) and then obtain a new access token so that I can get the photo urls.
Is this possible? Or is there a better solution to my problem? (I cannot ask the album owner to change his album to public)
it's not possible, you cannot authenticate in FB using hardcoded (or stored) login/password - as per Facebook policy:
I. Features and Functionality
3 - You must not include functionality that proxies, requests or
collects Facebook usernames or passwords.
what you can do instead:
Get (and then extend) token for yourself (see scenario 4 in this document: That extended token should be good for 60 days - and then you might be able to extend it again.
Try to get those photos using APPLICATION token - and if it works, then the token is good forever: