how to sprout around a turtle in netlogo? - netlogo

I have been looking to spread around turtles and I don't get it.
The idea is that I have an insect population (a type of turtle) and this insect population check around if there's a nesting patch available. If there's one and there's no other insect population I would like this patch to generate a new insect population. So far I have come with this idea :
ask insect-populations
ask patches in-radius 2
if lay? = 1
if not any? insect-populations [ask self [sprout-insect-populations 1]]
Thanks in advance for any tip

ask insect-populations
ask patches in-radius 2 with [lay? = 1 and not any? insect-populations-here]
[sprout-insect-populations 1]
should be what you want if I understand your intent correctly.
The trick is in the [with]. It takes a true/false block. So any agent for which the boolean statement inside the square brackets is included in the set.


Is there a way to create a modification of Breed-On that includes specific characteristics?

I want my forager turtles to follow a path laid down by leader turtles, and this path consists of a turtle breed called trail-markers. The forager turtles also lay down trail-markers (to reinforce the trail), so I would like them to check for leader trail-markers on some patch/patches. I know Netlogo includes breeds-on to check for the presence of members of a breed, but I need the foragers to check for blue leader trail-markers. Is there a way to do this?
Here is what I had in mind:
if count (trail-markers with [color = blue]) on patch-ahead 1 > 0 [fd 1]
But I got, error:nothing named on has been defined, which makes sense, since the Netlogo primitive is breeds-on, so I modified it to:
if any? (trail-markers with [color = blue])-on patch-ahead 1 [fd 1]
However, I simply received: error:nothing named -on has been defined instead.
See the code below. I think you just want to use trail-markers-on, but you can simplify by using any? a bit. And you might want to have the custom reporter so you can just check for blue-markers-on if you find that simpler.
breed [ trail-markers trail-marker ]
to example
; I think this is what you want
if count ((trail-markers-on patch-ahead 1) with [color = blue]) > 0 [ forward 1 ]
; this is slightly simpler, using `any?` instead of `count ... > 0`
if any? (trail-markers-on patch-ahead 1) with [color = blue] [ forward 1 ]
; you could also write a custom reporter if you'll need to get this info a lot
if any? blue-markers-on patch-ahead 1 [ forward 1 ]
to-report blue-markers-on [p]
report (trail-markers-on p) with [ color = blue ]

Linking turtles to another turtle with highest value in NetLogo. Limit the number of links

I am a beginner with NetLogo and I am trying to ask some turtles (students from different social classes) to link to other turtles (schools). What I would like is for the working class students to look for the school with the highest achievement which is at the same not expensive and has not reached the max number of links allowed. If the desired school has reached the max number of links allowed I want the student to look for the next school with the highest achievement which has not reached the max number of links allowed and so on.
This is the code. I get the following message "ANY? expected input to be an agentset but got the turtle (school 1) instead."
breed [schools school]
breed [upperclass upperclass-student]
breed [workingclass workingclass-student]
upperclass-own [achievement enrolled? target]
workingclass-own [achievement enrolled? target]
schools-own [schoolachievement expensive? ]
to setup
set-default-shape schools "house"
set-default-shape upperclass "person"
set-default-shape workingclass "person"
ask patches [ set pcolor 8 ]
create-schools num-of-schools [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor set schoolachievement random-normal 5 1
set expensive? one-of [ true false ] ]
create-upperclass num-of-upperclass [ set color white setxy random-xcor random-ycor set achievement
random-normal 5 1 ] ;Students from upper class have higher achievement
create-workingclass num-of-workingclass [ set color red setxy random-xcor random-ycor set achievement
random-normal 4 1 ]
to go
ask workingclass [
choose-school ]
to choose-school
if breed = workingclass [
set target one-of schools with-max [ schoolachievement ] with [ expensive? = false ] ]
if any? target with [ count link-neighbors < max-link-count ] [
create-link-with target ]
set enrolled? TRUE
Your problem is the difference between an agent and an agentset, which is a somewhat subtle problem. The with-max returns an agentset - a set of agents (in this case turtles). That agentset can have 0 members, 1 member, 2+ members but is a set even if it is empty. However, the one-of selects one agent from the agentset and returns it as an agent, not an agentset. That is, NetLogo knows anything that is returned by one-of must be exactly one agent. At this point, primitives that are for agentsets (like any?) will throw an error unless they can also be used on individual agents.
So, back to your code. I like the readability of checking whether there are viable schools and then selecting one, which is what I think you meant to do. That would be:
to choose-school
if breed = workingclass
[ set targets schools with-max [ schoolachievement ] with [ expensive? = false ]
set candidates targets with [ count link-neighbors < max-link-count ]
if any? candidates
[ create-link-with one-of candidates
set enrolled? TRUE
Note that I also changed to targets instead of target, which is one way to keep track of whether something is an agent or an agentset.
The other way you could do this and keep it as an agent is:
to choose-school
if breed = workingclass [
set target one-of schools with-max [ schoolachievement ] with [ expensive? = false ] ]
if target != nobody and [count link-neighbors] of target < max-link-count [
create-link-with target ]
set enrolled? TRUE
So you can use nobody instead of any? but you can't also use with in that line because the with is really a filter on a set.
I also think you have a bracketing issue - I assume you want set enrolled? TRUE inside the brackets. I left it in the second fix, but changed in the first error (as well as changing bracket position convention to make the code block structure more visible)

Copy the link breed variable in the patch below

I have a network of nodes and links. This figure
is a capture of the world. The graph represents streets of a city. I have imported a shapefile with the gis extension. The gray lines are links, black dots are nodes and red dots represent people. The people move heading to the next node. In a street corner, the red dot chooses next street by examining the variable popularity owned by the link.
The links breed has a variable, popularity, whose value I would like to copy in the patches that are below.
If I try, for example, something like this to access patches under links will produce an error
ask links [show [(list pxcor pycor)] of patch-here]
Another approach can be to access links variable popularity from patches, but I do not know how to do it.
The reason why I want this is because I want to write in a file a matrix of popularity values and its position in the matrix should correspond with the position of the link in the world. Thus, the patches below the links would give me the matrix form. I have a procedure that for each patch writes the value of the patch in a file. However, I do not know how to pass the popularityvalue from the link to the patch below it.
Is there any way to copy a link owned variable to its patch?
If someone has a better way of doing this (or can simplify my code), feel free. Here is a complete working example. Copy it into an empty NetLogo model and run it to see it work.
The setup procedure just creates some nodes and links with appropriate test values and then calls the transfer-link-values procedure, which does what I think you want. The setup procedure then puts the values into the patch labels to display them and see the results.
The way the transfer-link-values procedure works is to create a turtle at one end of the link, and that turtle moves toward the other end of the link transferring the value as it goes. When it gets to the other end, the turtle dies.
patches-own [patch-popularity]
links-own [link-popularity]
to setup
create-turtles 10 [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor]
while [ any? turtles with [not any? my-links] ]
[ let to-pair turtles with [not any? my-links]
let thisNode one-of to-pair
ask thisNode
[ create-link-with one-of other to-pair
[ set link-popularity 5 + random 5 ]
ask patches [ if patch-popularity != 0 [set plabel patch-popularity ] ]
to transfer-link-values
ask links
[ let start-node one-of both-ends
let this-link self
let end-node nobody
ask start-node [ set end-node [other-end] of this-link ]
let transfer-value link-popularity
ask start-node
[ hatch 1
[ face end-node
if transfer-value > patch-popularity
[ ask patch-here [ set patch-popularity transfer-value ] ]
while [ not member? end-node turtles-here ]
[ forward 1
if transfer-value > patch-popularity
[ ask patch-here [ set patch-popularity transfer-value ] ]
if transfer-value > patch-popularity
[ ask patch-here [ set patch-popularity transfer-value ] ]

to check all 8-neighboring patches with turtles on it? NetLogo

I need to check if all the neighboring patches have turtles on them. The code I tried gave the error of "expected reporter" with set primitive.
My code is
if all? other (people-on neighbors) with [fear?] [set unable-move? true ]
people is the breed, fear is an attribute variable (people-own variable) and unable-move? is a global variable.
At some point I want to stop the person(turtle) if all the 8-patches including the center patch have a person(turtle) on it and are in fear.
The all? primitive requires you to give:
an agentset for which you want to test a condition (in your case, neighbors).
a reporter for testing that condition on each agent (in your case, the neighboring patches): any? people-here with [ fear? ].
All together:
if all? neighbors [ any? people-here with [ fear? ] ] [
set unable-move? true
That's all there is to it!
This should work as well:
if (not any? neighbors with [count people-here with [fear?] = 0])
[ set unable-move? true ]
something like :
if sum [count people-here with [fear?]] of neighbors >= 8 [
set unable-move? true
I hope it works!

NetLogo: create a dynamic number of breeds

how can i create a dynamic number of breeds at runtime?
I want my user to be able to choose the amount of breeds.
I thought about something like
to setup_breeds
let j 1
while[j <= n_groups][
where n_groups is the number of breeds whick is taken from a slider.
But unfortunatly i cannot use breed inside a method...
Any ideas?
You need to explicitly declare each breed with the breed keyword, so the short answer is: no, you can't have a dynamic number of breeds.
But do you really need actual NetLogo breeds? The main purpose of having different breeds is to have different variables for each breed. If that is not case, perhaps you can get away with having a group-id turtle variable. To create a certain number of turtles for each of n_groups, you could just do something like:
turtles-own [ group-id ]
to setup
let n_groups 10
let n-turtles-per-group 5
foreach n-values n_groups [ ? ] [
create-turtles 10 [ set group-id ? ]
ask turtles [ set label group-id ]
; do something with only turtles of, e.g., group 2:
ask turtles with [ group-id = 2 ] [
fd 5
If you think you really need breeds, edit your question to tell us why, and we'll see if we can find a solution for you.
Side note:
I used foreach n-values n_groups [ ? ] to loop through your n groups. That's the equivalent of:
let i 0
while [ i < n_groups ] [
set i i + 1
...but arguably more "NetLogo-ish".