If I define a range in ADA as being from 1 .. 1000, is there a defined behavior by the ADA spec if I increment past 1000?
For example:
type Index is range 1..1000;
idx : Index := 1;
procedure Increment is
idx := idx + 1;
What should I expect to happen once I call Increment with idx = 1000?
Wraps around (idx = 1)
Out of Range exception
Undefined behavior
Something else?
Your program will fail with a CONSTRAINT_ERROR. However, this is not because you eventually try to set idx to 1001. Rather is its initial value of 0 not within your predefined range either. Thankfully, the compiler will already warn you at compile time about this fact.
If you had set idx to a permitted value and then incremented it beyond its upper limit in a way the compiler cannot statically detect, again CONSTRAINT_ERROR will be raised (but there won't be any hint at compile time).
This error is technically an exception which you can handle like any other exception in that language.
Note: I intentionally linked to the ancient Ada '83 specs above to show that this behavior has been part of the language since the beginning of time.
Is there a native function that behaves like Haskell's range?
I found out that 2..1 returns a list [2, 1] in PureScript, unlike Haskell's [2..1] returning an empty list []. After Googling around, I found the behavior is written in the Differences from Haskell documentation, but it doesn't give a rationale behind.
In my opinion, this behavior is somewhat inconvenient/unintuitive since 0 .. (len - 1) doesn't give an empty list when len is zero, and this could possibly lead to cryptic bugs.
Is there a way to obtain the expected array (i.e. range of length len incrementing from 0) without handling the length == 0 case every time?
Also, why did PureScript decide to make range behave like that?
P.S. How I ran into this question: I wanted to write a getLocalStorageKeys function, which gets all keys from the local storage. My implementation gets the number of keys using the length function, creates a range from 0 to numKeys - 1, and then traverses it with the key function. However, the range didn't behave as I expected.
How about just make it yourself?
indicies :: Int -> Array Int
indicies n = if n <= 0 then [] else 0..(n-1)
As far as "why", I can only speculate, and my speculation is that the idea was to avoid this kind of iffy logic for creating "reverse" ranges - which is something that does come up for me in Haskell once in a while.
I'm looking for benefits of "automatic" in Systemverilog.
I have been seeing the "automatic" factorial example. But I can't get though them. Does anyone know why we use "automatic"?
Traditionally, Verilog has been used for modelling hardware at RTL and at Gate level abstractions. Since both RTL and Gate level abstraction are static/fixed (non-dynamic), Verilog supported only static variables. So for example, any reg or wire in Verilog would be instantiated/mapped at the beginning of simulation and would remain mapped in the simulation memory till the end of simulation. As a result, you can take dump of any wire/reg as a waveform, and the reg/wire would have a value from the beginning till the end, since it is always mapped. In a programmers perspective, such variables are termed static. In C/C++ world, to declare such a variable, you will have to use storage class specifier static. In Verilog every variable is implicitly static.
Note that until the advent of SystemVerilog, Verilog supported only static variables. Even though Verilog also supported some constructs for modelling at behavioural abstraction, the support was limited by absence of automatic storage class.
automatic (called auto in software world) storage class variables are mapped on the stack. When a function is called, all the local (non-static) variables declared in the function are mapped to individual locations in the stack. Since such variables exist only on the stack, they cease to exist as soon as the execution of the function is complete and the stack correspondingly shrinks.
Amongst other advantages, one possibility that this storage class enables is recursive functions. In Verilog world, a function can not be re-entrant. Recursive (or re-entrant) functions do not serve any useful purpose in a world where automatic storage class is not available. To understand this, you can imagine a re-entrant function as a function which dynamically makes multiple recursive instantiations of itself. Each instance gets its automatic variables mapped on the stack. As we progress into the recursion, the stack grows and each function gets to make its computations using its own set of variables. When the function calls return the computed values are collated and a final result made available. With only static variables, each function call will store the variable values at the same common locations thus erasing any benefit of having multiple calls (instantiations).
Coming to the factorial algorithm, it is relatively easy to conceptualize factorial as a recursive algorithm. In maths we write factorial(n) = n(factial(n-1))*. So you need to calculate factorial(n-1) in order to know factorial(n). Note that recursion can not be completed without a terminating case, which in case of factorial is n=1.
function automatic int factorial;
input int n;
if (n > 1)
factorial = factorial (n - 1) * n;
factorial = 1;
Without automatic storage class, since all variables in a function would be mapped to a fixed location, when we call factorial(n-1) from inside factorial(n), the recursive call would overwrite any variable inside the caller context. In the factorial function as defined in the above code snippet, if we do not specify the storage class as automatic, both n and the result factorial would be overwritten by the recursive call to factorial(n-1). As a result the variable n would consecutively be overwritten as n-1, n-2, n-3 and so on till we reach the terminating condition of n = 1. The terminating recursive call to factorial would have a value of 1 assigned to n and when the recursion unwinds, factorial(n-1) * n would evaluate to 1 in each stage.
With automatic storage class, each recursive function call would have its own place in the memory (actually on the stack) to store variable n. As a result consecutive calls to factorial will not overwrite variable n of the caller. As a result when the recursion unwinds, we shall have the right value for factorial(n) as n*(n-1)(n-2) .. *1.
Note that it is possible to define factorial using iteration as well. And that can be done without use of automatic storage class. But in many cases, recursion makes it possible for the user to code algorithms in a more intuitive fashion.
I propose 1 example as below(using fork...join_none):
Ex.1 (non-using automatic) : value output will be "3 3 3 3". because i take the latest value after exit for loop, i is stored in static memory location. This may be a bug in your code.
initial begin
for( int i =0; i<=3 ; i++)
$write ("%d ", i);
Ex.2 (using automatic) : value output will be "0 1 2 3". Because in each loop, value of i is copied to k, and fork..join_none spawn a thread with each value of k ( each loop will locate 1 memory space for k : k0, k1, k2, k3):
initial begin
for( int i =0; i<=3 ; i++)
automatic int k = i;
$write ("%d ", k);
Another example is the use of fork join inside for loop -
Without the use of automatic, the fork join inside the for loop will not work correctly.
for (int i=0; i<`SOME_VALUE ; i++) begin
automatic int id=i;
task/function using the id above ;
This is an example from the book 'Matlab for Neuroscientists'. I don't understand the order in which, or why, g gets assigned a new value after each recursion. Nor do I understand why "factorial2" is included in the final line of code.
here is a link to the text
Basically, I am asking for someone to re-word the authors explanation (circled in red) of how the function works, as if they were explaining the concept and processes to a 5-year old. I'm brand new to programming. I thought I understood how this worked from reading another book, but now this authors explanation is causing nothing but confusion. Many thanks to anyone who can help!!
A recursive method works by breaking a larger problem into smaller problems each time the method is called. This allows you to break what would be a difficult problem; a factorial summation, into a series of smaller problems.
Each recursive function has 2 parts:
1) The base case: The lowest value that we care about evaluating. Usually this goes to zero or one.
if (num == 1)
out = 1;
2) The general case: The general case is what we are going to call until we reach the base case. We call the function again, but this time with 1 less than the previous function started with. This allows us to work our way towards the base case.
out = num + factorial(num-1);
This statement means that we are going to firstly call the function with 1 less than what this function with; we started with three, the next call starts with two, the call after that starts with 1 (Which triggers our base case!)
Once our base case is reached, the methods "recurse-out". This means they bounce backwards, back into the function that called it, bringing all the data from the functions below it!It is at this point that our summation actually occurs.
Once the original function is reached, we have our final summation.
For example, let's say you want the summation of the first 3 integers.
The first recursive call is passed the number 3.
function [out] = factorial(num)
%//Base case
if (num == 1)
out = 1;
%//General case
out = num + factorial(num-1);
Walking through the function calls:
factorial(3); //Initial function call
factorial(1) + factorial(2) + factorial(3) = returned value
This gives us a result of 6!
I would like to get the number of iterations that the recursive mlfnonneg requires. Currently, I use profiler for this but it would be more useful to get the number as a return value from the function. Is there any easy way to get it?
I measure the running time of a function like this
h=#() mlfnonneg(lb,ub,mlfBinCor,method);
and now the function mlfnonneg should return the number of iterations. I have considered adding a ticker that the function always returns but I don't know how to get the return value after using timeit. How to get the running time and the running count of the recursive algorithm elegantly?
You can always add an optional return value to a function which you can use as a counter. Something like this:
[... count] = f(...)
% Do stuff here
if <some condition>
% Recurse
[... count] = f(...);
count = count + 1;
% Terminal condition
count = 1;
You should just call your function one more time to get the count. This should not be a significant problem, since timeit actually performs multiple calls to your function to get an average metric.
I don't know if this is an option for you - but you could create a global variable IT_COUNT that you declare both at the top level, and inside your function.
Before calling timeit() you set the variable to zero; inside the routine you increment it for every loop. When the function returns you print out the result - and there is your answer.
It does depend on you being able to modify the code to mlfnonneg to include the counter. I don't see an easy way around that, but maybe others have a better idea.
update inspired by Luis Mendo's (now deleted) answer that basically says the same thing, a bit more information.
In your mlfnonneg routine, add the following two lines (in a place where they are executed "once per iteration"):
global IT_COUNT;
if numel(IT_COUNT)==0, IT_COUNT = 1; else IT_COUNT = IT_COUNT + 1; end
This ensures that if you forget to create the variable at the top level, the code will not crash (you will thank me in the future, when you re-use this code and don't remember that you need a global variable...)
At the top level, add
global IT_COUNT
Then run your timeit() routine; finally use
fprintf(1, "The number of iterations was %d\n", IT_COUNT);
to get the answer you were looking for.
I am tutoring someone in basic search and sorts. In insertion sort I iterate negatively when I have a value that is greater than the one previous to it in numerical terms. Now of course this approach can cause issues because there is a check which calls for array[-1] which does not exist.
As underlined in bold below, adding the and x > 0 boolean prevents the index issue.
My question is how is this the case? Wouldn't the call for array[-1] still be made to ensure the validity of both booleans?
the_list = [10,2,4,3,5,7,8,9,6]
for x in range(1,len(the_list)):
value = the_list[x]
while value < the_list[x-1] **and x > 0**:
the_list[x] = the_list[x-1]
the_list[x] = value
print the_list
I'm not sure I completely understand the question, and I don't know what programming language this is, but most modern programming languages use so-called short-circuit Boolean evaluation by default so that the logical expression isn't evaluated further once the outcome is known.
You can use that to guard against range overflow, like this:
while x > 0 and value < the_list[x-1]
but the check of x's range here must come before the use.
AND operation returns true if and only if both arguments are true, so if one of arguments is false there's no point of checking others as the final value is already known at that point. As for your example, usually evaluation goes from left to right but it is not a principle and it looks the language you used is not following that rule (othewise it still should crash on array lookup). But ut may be, this particular implementation optimizes this somehow (which IMHO is not good idea) and evaluates "simpler" things first (like checking if x > 0) before it look up the array. check the specs why this exact order works for you as in most popular languages you would still crash if test x > 0 wouldn't be evaluated before lookup