I am in the situation, where I want my share link to be converted into a mini player to let users play the music directly just like what bandcamp does.
I have been pulling my hairs in putting the same feature for my client's website. But no luck till now.
I just want to know whether it is possible for us or not. I mean this feature is probably only for bandcamp or soundclound sites ?
My link is converting the object into video tag and the bandcamp link is getting converted into iframe.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
I have a self hosted wordpress site. I have few posts with embedded mp3 files. I am using yahoo web player currently. It puts a little play icon in front of all the mp3 files. Now, if the user clicks on one of the play icon, it loads the playlist with all the mp3 files in that page/post.
Is it possible to let the user pick the songs that they want to add to the playlist?
I am thinking of placing a little '+' icon for all the mp3 files and hoping that Yahoo has the necessary provision in the API.
Does anyone know a place where i can get the details on the API? Google search was not of much help in this.
Thank you.
There is some level of customization available, but might not be enough for the changes you're looking for.
Here is the official documentation: http://webplayer.yahoo.com/docs/
I am displaying the camera data (video) on the preview layer.Now I want to record the video and store it in a local file and access it to play on the screen.
I had seen some websites that it is possible with AVAssertWriter and AVAssertReader. Its very difficult for me to understand. Can any one advice me in a clearcut manner or with any sample code.
Anyone's help will be much appreciated.
Thanks to all,
I'm a newbie in HTML5 programming & not sure what i face currently is a bug or expected feature!
While playing a video (For Eg, in youtube.com or sublimevideo.net link) in a web browser the control bar appears & also it plays in the same page. But While playing the same in an iphone, it plays in iphone's default player but not in the same page. Is this the normal behaviour of iPhone? If yes, can anyone please send me a link which provides more insight on this?
Thanks in advance for clarifying & letting me know!!
On the iPhone (and on iPod touch), when a video plays, it plays in full screen, no matter what. Therefore, it's safe to say that this is normal behaviour.
If you read the first paragraph of this webpage, it should pretty much echo out what I just stated.
Hope it helps! :)
I am having a problem with sharing/liking links with Open Graph Protocol data for audio/mp3 files. They look OK on Facebook news feed/timeline, but when you click play button, it won't play. It says: undefined (see screenshot).
So I tried playing some older posts of links with OG meta data about audio/mp3 files, and they don't play either.
I did some firebug inspection and the audio player is Flash based. I think the problem is in the flashvars part of the embed code. There is a flashvar for src but its value appears to be a SHA256 checksum instead of the URL of the mp3 file.
I got the same problem and I do not really understand what is the cause of this!!
I have tried the meta tags setting as provided here.
Give them a try also(if you have not yet) and see if they work for you.
Facebook has apparently removed the player. Their help file suggests making a music video. Very irritating.
seems to be a current bug:
It seems like Facebook have finally fixed it - at least, the audio players on my page have started working again. Hopefully that means you should see it fixed relatively soon, depending on how this is rolled out.
I'm working on an app for a client and the client wants absolutely everything to be shareable (using sharekit). One of the views that the client wants is a photo gallery that can be easily updated and viewed. I've looked around at folks who have done this and I particularly like the way the Obama 2012 app does it using flickr. This brings me to the question, I'm trying to use the flickr api to display a photo gallery that will allow sharekit to share the url to the image but am hitting a brick wall. I've searched for a few days now and haven't found a tutorial that shows a working example in the way I need it, if anyone has done something similar or knows a good tutorial that would be greatly appreciated.
Download the list of images using the Flickr API, and asynchronously add them to a UIScrollView inside a UINavigationController with its back button as "back". Then add a UIToolBar which has the items 'Next' and 'Previous' (use images). That will give you the look of a photo gallery.
Also, I came across this which is basically what I told you to do, but open source: http://www.cocoacontrols.com/platforms/ios/controls/fgallery
I wrote a tutorial on building a media gallery using a UICollectionView. It populates from the user's photo library, but is definitely more extensible than using a 3rd party.
iPhone Programming Tutorial: Creating An Image Gallery Like Over – Part 1
Hope that helps. Cheers!