How to restore User account In Zimbra Admin console - email

I didn't mean to do delete user but how to restore user in admin console please help.

You can do this easily if you already have backup of mailbox,then just login to Zimbra admin console and right click on account for which you want to restore the data.After that go to import/export form here you can import user's mailbox.


Forgot mongodb admin database credentials. Reset everything

I forgot the credentials of my admin user.
Hence i am not able to connect to cluster mongo shell.
Now i want to delete all users and and credentials or even if reset of mongodb is possible then it will be a lot help.
I tried following commands but got "authentication required error".
db.createUser(), db.dropDatabase().
I expect to create new admin user with credentials.
you can do it by logging in to your Atlas Cluster here: Then, on the left sidebar, you click on 'Database Access'. There you can manage the users and you can even delete them and create new ones.

MongoDB won't install on Windows 10 (local user)

New to MongoDB and databases in general but while installing MongoDB, the docs say we should use the period for the three inputs while installing (Domain,Name and Password). I did that and got this error, i used the period in all 3 inputs as the Docs said but still can't procced, what did i do wrong?
To install MongoDB as a local user you can use details as below:
Account Domain: . ( dot is the default value )
Account Name: Your Window's local username
Account Password: Your Window's login password
Your account should be local admin account or change that account to local account.
To get your local account name, you can open
Control Panel\User Accounts\User Accounts
location in your windows explorer.
This link can be helpful Installing MongoDB as Local User
As per official docs, Account Name and the Account Password is from your existing local user account.
For an existing local user account, specify a period (i.e. .) for
the Account Domain and the Account Name and the Account Password for
the user.
Install mongoDB as windows service as shown in below.
If error is still you need to right click on the MSI file which you downloaded and then select troubleshoot option.
After troubleshoot, it will prompt for the option to install and then it works for me
You don't have to do much in Account domain just put dot(.) And in account name you have to put your PC or local machine name and in password field put your local machine password.
Ensure Account Domain be set to the corporate domain in case you have one.
Username will be your id
i.e. in here Control Panel\User Accounts\User Accounts if you see <username>
you should set domain name in Account Domain
Username in Account Name and your password in Account Password

Tableau server installation issue

After installation tableau server i'm not redirected to Create Admin User page, instead i'm redirected to page for Sign In, with Sign in failed error.
I'm trying to Sign in with my active directory user but still i'm getting sign in failed error.
i set username like this:
would you please someone tell me what is wrong?
The problem was i didn't have unrestricted admin privilege access on server.

CKAN systemadmin user and password

I installed for the first time on my OS X CKAN (And is possible ive made some mistake). Now i want to play with the UI backend but when I go in "login" section it ask me for User/password
I'm using my postgres user and user's password for access it but it give me error.
If I list the db I can see my user there but when I login it say "user doesn't exist"
So which one is the CKAN Systemadmin access?
Reading in the docs it just say, you shoudl have create this user during installation process
you can run this paster command to create a sysadmin user:
paster --plugin=ckan sysadmin add <username> --config=/etc/ckan/development.ini
For more, see

How to reset the ATG Dynamo Admin password?

How can I reset the ATG Dynamo Admin password?
I need steps to reset/change the password, from the default of admin/admin.
According to Oracle's documentation, you can add Admin.Reset to your ear file which when deployed, will reset the admin password to the admin account.
ATG Documentation
Delete entry for "admin" from DAS_ACCOUNT table and restart the server. Then open dyn admin with admin/admin. It will take you to passward reset page.
You can do this ACC. In ACC click on People and Organizations->Control center users and select the name whose password you want to change.
It is answered in This forum. Basically, there are different ways to reset password, you can do it either by firing some queries or by methods mentioned here.
I had similar issue. In WebLogic app server I was getting denied ATG Dyn Admin of admin/admin. I took a shot in the dark and tried my WebLogic admin console login, and this time it worked, but Dyn Admin tried to take me to a password reset page. At that time I got the error:
Make sure that you have the bin directory for your JDK in your PATH variable before starting Dynamo and that you have enough swap space.
I created below props file in ATG_HOME/localconfig, and added the one liner below:
This solved my problem. I was able to load password change JHTML fine. Not sure yet why ATG Dyn Admin was redirecting me to password change page, and why it accepted my WebLogic console credentials. I wonder if it's a WebLogic specific thing.
you can change your password through /dyn/admin console there is a link password management from where you can reset the default password from admin/admin
Open your SQL developer in Core schema there is table name DAS_ACCOUNT where account name and password has been set so for password there is a long key
i have a key with me
place it in there now your