I'm trying to use the progress indicator bar from clj-progress.
The example code runs fine in lein repl console:
(use 'clj-progress.core)
(defn progress []
(init 50)
(reduce + (map #(do (tick) (Thread/sleep 200) %)
(range 50)))
The output like this (dynamic in progress):
[==================================================] 100% 50/50
When I tried in emacs under cider, the output like this:
[==> ] 4% 2/50
[===> ] 6% 3/50
[====> ] 8% 4/50
[=====> ] 10% 5/50
[======> ] 12% 6/50
[=======> ] 14% 7/50
[========> ] 16% 8/50
[=========> ] 18% 9/50
[==========> ] 20% 10/50
[===========> ] 22% 11/50
[============> ] 24% 12/50
[=============> ] 26% 13/50
[==============> ] 28% 14/50
[===============> ] 30% 15/50
[================> ] 32% 16/50
[=================> ] 34% 17/50
[==================> ] 36% 18/50
[===================> ] 38% 19/50
[====================> ] 40% 20/50
[=====================> ] 42% 21/50
[======================> ] 44% 22/50
[=======================> ] 46% 23/50
[========================> ] 48% 24/50
[=========================> ] 50% 25/50
[==========================> ] 52% 26/50
[===========================> ] 54% 27/50
[============================> ] 56% 28/50
[=============================> ] 58% 29/50
[==============================> ] 60% 30/50
[===============================> ] 62% 31/50
[================================> ] 64% 32/50
[=================================> ] 66% 33/50
[==================================> ] 68% 34/50
[===================================> ] 70% 35/50
[====================================> ] 72% 36/50
[=====================================> ] 74% 37/50
[======================================> ] 76% 38/50
[=======================================> ] 78% 39/50
[========================================> ] 80% 40/50
[=========================================> ] 82% 41/50
[==========================================> ] 84% 42/50
[===========================================> ] 86% 43/50
[============================================> ] 88% 44/50
[=============================================> ] 90% 45/50
[==============================================> ] 92% 46/50
[===============================================> ] 94% 47/50
[================================================> ] 96% 48/50
[=================================================>] 98% 49/50
[==================================================] 100% 50/50
[==================================================] 100% 50/50
Although it's not a big deal, I would like to know what caused this and whether there's any settings in cider to correct this?
Likely this library issues a sequence of console outputs and in CIDER you see all of them (or this might be some buffering artefact). You can file a ticket, but I doubt this is something worth fixing.
I've got the following code, but when trying to run it I get a message saying "expected a literal value", and it highlights calidad...
I'm guessing it is because there is a problem with how i am writting the brackets?
to check-if-dead
if habitat = "escarabajo" [
ask escarabajos [
if count escarabajos-here > capacidad-de-carga-bosques [die] ; beetles that reach patches that already have a # above the carrying capacity die
if patch-here = [calidad "baja"] [
if random 100 > probabilidad-de-supervivencia-calidad-baja [die]
if patch-here = [calidad "alta" ] [
if random 100 > probabilidad-de-supervivencia-calidad-alta [die]
There is patches of high quality and patches with low quality in my universe, and I want the turtles to die with a certain probability (determined by a slider), depending on which patch they land...
You probably want if [calidad] of patch-here = "baja":
to check-if-dead
if habitat = "escarabajo" [
ask escarabajos [
if count escarabajos-here > capacidad-de-carga-bosques [die] ; beetles that reach patches that already have a # above the carrying capacity die
if [calidad] of patch-here = "baja" [
if random 100 > probabilidad-de-supervivencia-calidad-baja [die]
if [calidad] of patch-here = "alta" [
if random 100 > probabilidad-de-supervivencia-calidad-alta [die]
But note that turtles always live on a patch, so you are allowed to just reference the patches-own variable directly as a short-cut for this situation (same way you can use pcolor in a turtle context, too):
to check-if-dead
if habitat = "escarabajo" [
ask escarabajos [
if count escarabajos-here > capacidad-de-carga-bosques [die] ; beetles that reach patches that already have a # above the carrying capacity die
if calidad = "baja" [
if random 100 > probabilidad-de-supervivencia-calidad-baja [die]
if calidad = "alta" [
if random 100 > probabilidad-de-supervivencia-calidad-alta [die]
Im very new to Netlogo and trying to learn the basic. Therefore, I'm trying to extend an example code Netlogo provided. Im trying to make the pollution rate dependent upon the number of people from the Urban Site Pollution example.
Is there also a way to introduce reinforced learning (Q-learning) to improve the simulation?
Do I need to create a new function that updates pollution when population increased?
Below is the example code:
breed [ people person ]
breed [ trees tree ]
turtles-own [ health ]
patches-own [
to setup
set-default-shape people "person"
set-default-shape trees "tree"
ask patches [
set pollution 0
set is-power-plant? false
ask patches [ pollute ]
create-people initial-population [
set color black
setxy random-pxcor random-pycor
set health 5
to go
if not any? people [ stop ]
ask people [
diffuse pollution 0.8
ask patches [ pollute ]
ask trees [
to create-power-plants
ask n-of power-plants patches [
set is-power-plant? true
to pollute ;; patch procedure
if is-power-plant? [
set pcolor red
set pollution polluting-rate
set pcolor scale-color red (pollution - .1) 5 0
to cleanup ;; tree procedure
set pcolor green + 3
set pollution max (list 0 (pollution - 1))
ask neighbors [
set pollution max (list 0 (pollution - .5))
set health health - 0.1
to wander ;; person procedure
rt random-float 50
lt random-float 50
fd 1
set health health - 0.1
to reproduce ;; person procedure
if health > 4 and random-float 1 < birth-rate [
hatch-people 1 [
set health 5
to maybe-plant ;; person procedure
if random-float 1 < planting-rate [
hatch-trees 1 [
set health 5
set color green
to eat-pollution ;; person procedure
if pollution > 0.5 [
set health (health - (pollution / 10))
to maybe-die ;; die if you run out of health
if health <= 0 [ die ]
; Copyright 2007 Uri Wilensky.
; See Info tab for full copyright and license.
I want to set my code so that each forager (a breed of turtle) will have a 10% chance of dying for each tick it is vulnerable. I am building off of a code called Ants in the Netlogo models library.
When I use use [if random 100 > 98 [ die ]] (or anything below 98) nearly all of my turtles will die at the beginning and survive more after a hundred or so ticks have passed. However if I use [if random 100 > 98 [ die ]] no turtles will die. It's very weird.
to go ;; forever button
ask foragers
[ if who >= ticks [ stop ]
ifelse color = red
[ look-for-food ]
[ return-to-nest ]
fd 1 ]
to check-death
ask foragers [
if vulnerable?
[if random 100 > 99
[ die ]]]
I expected [if random 100 > 98 [ die ]] to make it so that a vulnerable turtle would only have a 2% chance of dying per tick rather than an immediate wipeout.
The issue here is due to nested ask statements. You have an ask foragers [ ... statement that contains check-death, which contains another ask foragers statement. So, every single forager will be asking all foragers (including itself) to check-death. So, if you have 10 foragers, each forager will be running check-death 10 times per tick.
You should just be able to remove the ask foragers block from within your check-death procedure to solve your issue- have a look at this toy model example:
turtles-own [ vulnerable? ]
to setup
crt 100 [ set vulnerable? one-of [ true false ] ]
to go
ask turtles [
rt random 61 - 30
fd 1
if not any? turtles with [ vulnerable? ] [
print count turtles
to check-death
if vulnerable? and random-float 1 > 0.90 [
That will randomly assign vulnerable? to the turtles, then have vulnerable turtles die if a randomly generated float value is greater than 0.90 (for the 10% chance mentioned in your question). Once there are no more turtles left, the model will stop.
I would like to add a monitor on my interface which shows the amount of firms-at-home (in %) of all firms in the setup-world.
I'm trying to set up firms (turtles) in an industry (world) which either produce at home (firms-at-home) or have offshored their production (offshore-firms). I have given them a firms-own called offshored? which is answered with either true or false.
I tried this code:
breed [ firms firm ]
firms-own [
offshored? ;; true or false
reshored? ;; true or false
to-report offshored-firms
report 100 * [ if firms with offshored? true ] / n-of firms ]
to-report firms-at-home
report 100 * [ if firms with offshored? false ] / n-of firms ]
Then I would put firms-at-home in the reporter window of my monitor.
I'm not dividing the number of offshored-firms or firms-at-home by the total number of firms because I just cannot figure out how.
Thanks for your input!
For a project, I'm developping a simulation in NetLogo dealing with rabies diseases in dogs and humans. I have some turtles-humans with dogs that can be vaccinated or not. At the beginning I create a dog with rabie and, in according to the fase (1 or 2) of the disease, it can spread the disease to other dogs with a probability. At the end the dog can die either for paralysis (if a probability is higher than 75%) or for other complications. Here's the code:
In the end you can see that a dog not dying for paralysis will die after some days (between 4 or 6). In other words when the days_infected are equal to end-life.
To check if everything is ok at the beginning I tried to set that NONE of the dog is vaccinated so everyone is supposed to get the disease. In fact when the dog is in phase 2 it will bite anyone. The problem is that if I delete the last line of the code, everything works and some dogs die of paralysis and the other remain alive. If I enable also the last line to let the other dogs die too, nothing works...no dog is infected. why?
This is not a problem with your code: this is a problem with the dynamics of your model. What's happening is that your initial sick dog dies before actually infecting another dog. This is why removing the if (days_infected = end-life) [die] "fixes" the problem.
When I tried your model with a huge population (e.g., 5000 people) so that encounters are more frequent, the infection does spread. You could also increase the probability of infection, or increase the duration of the "furious" phase, I guess.
Another unrelated suggestion, if I may: you should have distinct persons and dogs breeds. Trying to cram everything inside regular turtles makes your code much more complicated than it should be. The way I would approach this would be to create a link from the person to her dog, and then use tie so that the dog is automatically moved when you move the person.
OK, here is a version of your code slightly modified to use breeds:
globals [
breed [ persons person ]
persons-own [
breed [ dogs dog ]
dogs-own [
to setup
to initialize-globals
set dead_humans 0
set dead_dogs 0
set total_dogs_infected 0
to setup-turtles
set-default-shape persons "person"
set-default-shape dogs "wolf"
create-persons people [
setxy random-xcor random-ycor
set size 1.5
set sick? false
ifelse random 100 < 43 [
set color green
hatch-dogs 1 [
set color brown
set heading 115 fd 1
create-link-from myself [ tie ]
set days_infected 0
set vaccinated? (random 100 > %_not_vaccinated)
if not vaccinated? [ set color orange ]
set color blue ;umano sano senza cane
set total_dogs count dogs
ask one-of dogs [ get_sick ]
to get_sick
set sick? true
set color white
set rabies_phase 1
set end-incubator 14 + random 57
set end-furious (end-incubator + random 5)
set end-life (end-furious + 4 + random 2)
set total_dogs_infected total_dogs_infected + 1
to go
to move
ask persons [
rt random 180
lt random 180
fd 1
to infect
ask dogs with [ sick? ] [
if (rabies_phase = 1 and (random 100) <= 2) or rabies_phase = 2 [
ask other dogs-here with [ not sick? and not vaccinated? ] [ get_sick ]
to get-older-sick-dog
ask dogs with [ sick? ] [
set days_infected days_infected + 1
;the incubator phase ends after at least 14 days + random(57) and then we have phase 2 (furious)
if (days_infected = end-incubator) [ set rabies_phase 2 ]
;when the main furious phase finishes we have 75% of probability that a secondary furious phase continues for other 4 - 6 days until death ;or we have a probability of 25% that the disease end in paralysis with a fast death
if (days_infected = end-furious and (random 100 > 75)) [
set dead_dogs dead_dogs + 1
if (days_infected = end-life) [
; These last reporters are not used,
; they just illustrate how to get the
; dog from the owner or vice-versa:
to-report my-dog ; person reporter
report one-of out-link-neighbors
to-report has-dog? ; person reporter
report any? out-link-neighbors
to-report my-owner ; dog reporter
report one-of in-link-neighbors
Not only does it simplify some expressions (e.g., ask dogs with [ sick? ] instead of ask turtles with [ has_dog? and sick_dog? ]), it opens up all sorts of possibilities: a dog could run away from its owner, the owner could die without the dog dying, an owner could have two dogs, etc.