Jmeter SOAP/ XML-RPC request default URL - soap

I am trying to test web service for my project. The Web service accepts a SOAP request and gives appropriate response.
In JMeter I have chosen SOAP/ XML-RPC request. It works completely fine for me and gives me correct response. However, I have more than 100s of web services in my scope of testing and I have to test them in different environments. It is very cumbersome work to change the URL value from the SOAP/ XML-RPC sample to point it to different env. Do we have something like HTTP Request Default for SOAP/XML-RPC requests?
I have also tried a bean shell sampler where I am setting the value of a variable and then retrieve it in the SOAP sampler URL parameter. However it did not work for me. Below is the code.
Bean Shell sampler code:
SOAP/ XML-RPS Sampler URL value:
Any suggestions? I read in JMeter docs that this can be done via http sampler, however, I want to avoid using the same if possible.

You should avoid using SOAP/XML-RPC in favor of pure Http Sampler.
Use the "Templates..." (menu) > Building a SOAP Webservice Test Plan:
This way you can use HTTP Request Default if you want.
But note from what you describe, using a CSV Data Set Config would allow you to variabilize the URL.

Use JMeter Properties to set base url like:
in file (under /bin folder of your JMeter installation) add one line per property:
alternatively you can pass the property via -J command line key as:
jmeter -JbaseURL=http://localhost:9191/ws/soap -n -t /path/to/your/testplan.jmx -l /path/to/results.jtl
Refer the defined property in your test plan using __P() function
You can even provide the default value, i.e. if the property is not set via file or command-line argument - default value will be used:
See Apache JMeter Properties Customization Guide for more information on JMeter properties and ways of setting, overriding and using them.


How to Use Command Line Parameters in JMeter

I'm using Jmeter for testing APIs and I want to parametrize the project's path from the terminal and then I want to use this parameter in JMeter.
The parameter that I've sent via Command Line :
./jmeter -n -t your_script.jmx
The parameter that I've used in User Defined Variables :
But when I run my automation in JMeter, my test scripts are not going to URL that's been defined. When I check the request body, I see POST https://1 as URL.
Please see the attached photos.
Let's start clean:
In the User Defined Variables configure the variable with the name of url and the value of ${__P(url,)}
In the HTTP Request sampler (or even better HTTP Request Defaults) put ${url} into "Server Name or IP" field:
Run your test in command-line non-GUI mode like:
jmeter -n -t your_script.jmx -f -l result.jtl
mind this -f argument which tells JMeter to overwrite the existing results file (it might be the case you're looking into "old" results where the url property value was starting with 1)
That's it, you should see the HTTP Request sampler making a call to in the .jtl results file. And if you change this url parameter - you will see the impact in the .jtl results file:
Put ${__P(url)} inside Server Name field in HTTP Request.
Domain name or IP address of the web server, e.g. [Do not include the http:// prefix.] Note: If the "Host" header is defined in a Header Manager, then this will be used as the virtual host name.
Don't use User Defined Variables

Call nifi processor as a rest api

I want to call a Nifi custom processor as a REST Api and pass the parameters at run-time through pyspark. And retrieve the results in the response object.
Can anyone please help me in suggesting different approaches for the same.
use the following sequence of processors:
extract patameters
your other processors...
prepare response
The steps are:
Configure HandleHttpRequest processor.
Enable the required HTTP methods (GET, POST, DELETE, etc.).
Set the listening port.
Attached the Context Map to a service (the listener).
5. Enable the service and the processor.
If you run Nifi from a Docker container, as I do, you should get the container's IP:
docker inspect <container-name> --format='{{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}}'
Now, you can run Postman, and the HandleHttpRequest processor will fetch it. For example:
I created a simple template to exemplify this scenario. The HTTP request's body is saved into a directory:

SOAP/HTTP using different folder mappings in ColdFusion

I'm experiencing some strange behaviour with a ColdFusion 11 server, which (among other things) publishes some web services accessed via both SOAP and HTTP. The server itself is Windows 2012, running IIS. Actual folder config is as follows:
IIS has two websites configured, 'BOB' and 'BOB_Services'. Both have been configured with the CF Server Config tool so that CF handles .cfc, .cfm files. They share a common CFIDE config.
BOB's root is I:/inetpub/BOB
BOB_Services's root is I:/inetpub/BOB_Services
There is a folder mapping configured in CF Admin from '/' to 'I:/inetpub/BOB'. Don't ask me why, no one seems to know.
Normally there is a services.cfc file in BOB_Services ONLY. Yesterday we accidentally copied that same file into the BOB root folder, and all of our SOAP services using BOB_Services\services.cfc started throwing errors. Yet I can query the same webservice via HTTP (eg. using http://bob/services.cfc?method=function1&param1=0 ....etc) and get a valid result.
This is a reference answer in case anyone else comes across this strange behaviour.
It appears that when BOB_Services/services.cfc is called using HTTP GET, the folder mapping
'/' -> 'I:/inetpub/BOB'
is ignored and the actual file used to process the request is I:/inetpub/BOB_Services/services.cfc.
When a function in BOB_Services/services.cfc is called using a SOAP client, the folder mapping is invoked and the file used to process the request is I:/inetpub/BOB/services.cfc, IF IT EXISTS. If it does not exist, the file I:/inetpub/BOB_Services/services.cfc is used as expected.
This behaviour appears to be entirely repeatable - I can make a SOAP request, get one result, change the mapping, make another request and get the other result.

XDS.b testing with SoapUI

I have to implement a simple client to a XDS.b server (SubmitObjectRequest and RetrieveDocumentSetRequest operations), but I'm struggling to get even a simple example of use to work.
I've tried using Mirth Connect's Channel for XDS.b also, but with no use. I even tried to copy its SOAP envelope to use with SoapUI. Didn't work.
I'm using HIEOS deployed on Glassfish as my XDS.b server.
I'm lost and confused. Could anyone give me a guidance on how to make this work?
If the HIEOS is deployed correctly within the Glassfish the service endpoint provides a wsdl definition where the interface is specified. Check the Glassfish for the wsdl of the service.
The list of provided endpoints you can see here:
So to retrieve the wsdl you should use for example:
which applies for the ProvideAndRegisterDocumentSet-b transaction of the XDS Repository actor.
You can use the WSDL definition to create a WS request using SOAP UI at first.
SOAP UI creates a request based upon the wsdl definition which can be used to
test a against your XDS repo.
When you know how a SOAP request must be constructed you can try it using Mirth or
create your own client using Apache CXF for example.
Or you use AXIS2 to create a client from the WSDL. Of course does Visual Studio and C# also offer mechanisms to create a WS client directly from a WSDL definition.

Sending events to the dev version of a ruleset via HTTP

I've been writing an endpoint that sends events to a KRL ruleset via HTTP GET (based on the documentation here), in this format:{domain}/{eventname}/{appid}
That works great when the version of the app I want to test is the same one that's deployed. I don't always want to deploy before testing it, though. Using the stated format for calling the dev version doesn't work. It still calls the deployed version of my ruleset:{domain}/{eventname}/{appid}:kynetx_app_version=dev
What am I doing wrong?
is a query parameter so it needs to come after a '?' or a '&'
Changing your query to the following should get it to work{domain}/{eventname}/{appid}/?{appid}:kynetx_app_version=dev